The strawberry season is over – if you make your own strawberry jam, you can have those delicious berries all year long.
Making jam is easier than most people think. Fresh fruits in small pieces, jam sugar, some lemon juice and some mason jars and you are almost done ;) The only thing you have to be careful with is the amount of fruits/liquid you’re using – here you have to be precise whatever the jam sugar instruction says. If you use too much liquid, the jam will not get thick enough and the result will be more like a sauce ;) So if you want to add some other ingredients like rum, vodka or aperol (which all make great additions in terms of flavor) – keep in mind you have to replace some fruits/liquid with it and not add it on top of the amount. And don’t forget to check the thickness on a plate before filling it into the jars.
(5 glasses)
35 oz. (1kg) fresh strawberries
1 vanilla bean
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 pkg. (500g) jam sugar (Extra Gelier Zucker) for 35 oz. fruits
(5 Gläser)
1kg frische Erdbeeren
1 Vanilleschote
2 EL Zitronensaft
500g Extra Gelier Zucker
Use only fresh fruits. If you like, you can mix different kind of fruits – strawberries with raspberries or rhubarb.
Wash out the mason jars with hot water and put them on a kitchen cloth. They should be really clean.
Strawberries should be cut into small pieces. They will lose some liquid when cooking, but if you cut them into bigger pieces, you will have bigger pieces in the jam.
Wash and drain the strawberries, cut into small pieces. Add the fruits, lemon juice and jam sugar to a pot. Slit open the vanilla pod and scrape out the seeds. Add both to the strawberries and mix well. Bring to a boil and let it boil for 3 minutes while stirring continuously. Remove the vanilla bean. Fill the jam into prepared glasses (rinse out with hot water first), close the glasses, turn upside down immediately and let stand for at least 5 minutes on a kitchen cloth.
Erdbeeren waschen, trocknen und kleinschneiden. Früchte zusammen mit dem Gelier Zucker und dem Zitronensaft in einen großen Topf geben. Vanilleschote aufschneiden und Mark herauskratzen. Beides zu den Erdbeeren geben und unter ständigem Rühren zum Kochen bringen. Für 3 Minuten Kochen lassen. Vanilleschote entfernen und in die vorbereiteten Gläser füllen (zuerst mit heißem Wasser ausspülen). Gläser verschliessen, umdrehen und für 5 Minuten auf einem Küchentuch stehen lassen.
Fill the jam into the jars ( mason jars should be filled almost full, so there is not much space for air), close them and turn them upside down for at least 5 minutes.
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