We like to keep things simple during the week when it comes to preparing dinner. Nobody wants to spend a lot of time in the kitchen after a long day of work, right?! A simple dish like this Sausage Stroganoff with Potato Noodles (Schupfnudeln) will be on the table in half an hour at the most. A reasonable time to prepare dinner after a busy day, I think. More time would be unbearable! ;)
To get a dish like this on the table so quickly, you have to make a few sacrifices, of course. Although these aren’t really sacrifices. You don’t have to give a way your firstborn child. We are just not doing everything from scratch. That’s all. We use some ready-made products wherever it helps to save time… but don’t grab one of those spice mixes from the supermarket. Those are a big no-go! I am talking about pre-cooked pasta, for example. Using that already helps a lot! ;)
Even though I usually like to make pretty much everything myself, when it comes to pasta like these potato noodles (Schupfnudeln) here, I usually use a ready-made product from the supermarket. You could make this type of pasta easily at home, of course. It’s not really complicated, but it is time-consuming. You first have to boil the potatoes, then shape them, boil them again briefly and then fry them. With the ready-made product, you only have to do the last step of frying. If you want your dinner on the table quickly, you have to use these little helpers. ;P
Using sausages instead of minced meat for the meatballs is also a little time saver here. Most cooks would probably use minced meat for a dish like this. You mix it with a few spices, egg, breadcrumbs, etc. and then shape it into meatballs. Easy but time-consuming. If you use sausage meat, you don’t have to do all of that. Sausages for grilling are normally already seasoned (check the package to see how they are seasoned) – all you got to do here is shaping the minced meat into meat balls by squeezing out small portions of the sausage meat out of the casings. Those meatballs may not always look super pretty, but it’s quick. Less than a minute for all those meatballs. ;P
You could also use pre-sliced onions and mushrooms, both are available frozen, which would save even more time. I haven’t done that here, but it’s another option to make it quicker. For all those hungry ones in a real hurry. The only way to get dinner ready even faster, is by throwing something ready-made into the microwave and heat it up. That’s only for real emergencies. ;P
Anyway. I really like cooking with pre-made pasta like Schupfnudeln or Gnocchi. Makes life so much easier. That’s the reason I got a few recipes for that type of pasta here on the blog! Stuff that’s quick and easy to prepare. As mentioned above already – you can make something like Schupfnudeln from scratch, of course. Check my recipe for Schupfnudeln with Sauerkraut to see how they are made with only a few ingredients. Everyone else just gets a package from the supermarket, I guess. ;P
In case you like Gnocchi and stuff like that as much as we do, you might want to take a look at these two recipes. My Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Spinach & Chorizo are extremely tasty. If you prefer something with chicken, I can recommend trying my Gnocchi Chicken Alfredo. Easy to do and really delicious!
(4 servings)
some oil for frying
14 oz. (400g) pork sausages
12.3 oz (350g) mushrooms, sliced
1 red onion, finely sliced
1-2 garlic cloves, finely diced
1 tbsp. mustard (medium hot)
1/3 cup (80ml) dry white wine
6.7 fl. oz. (200ml) veggie broth
7 oz. (200g) Crème fraîche
1/2 tbsp. flour + water (optional)
21 oz. (600g) pre-cooked Schupfnudeln (potato noodles)
salt, pepper
some spring onion rings for decorations
(4 Portionen)
etwas Öl zum Anbraten
400g Bratwürste (Schwein)
350g Champignons, in Scheiben
1 rote Zwiebel, in feinen Spalten
1-2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 EL Senf (mittelscharf)
80ml trockener Weißwein
200ml Gemüsebrühe
200g Crème Fraîche (oder Schmand)
1/2 EL Mehl + etwas Wasser (optional)
600g Schupfnudeln (Kühltheke)
Salz, Pfeffer
einige Frühlingszwiebelringe für die Dekoration
1. Start by preparing the veggies. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Peel the onion and garlic. Half the onion and cut into fine slices. Dice/chop the garlic finely. Remove the sausage meat from the casings and rip it into pieces.
2. Heat up a large frying pan with some oil. Add the sausage meat chunks and fry them in the hot oil for 5-7 minutes until nicely browned all around. Take the meat out of the frying pan and set it aside.
3. Add some more oil, if necessary, then add the mushrooms, onion, and garlic. Cook/fry until the mushrooms and onions are lightly browned – about 6-8 minutes. Next, add the mustard and stir in. Deglaze everything with the white wine and let it cook down until almost gone. Add the veggie broth and Crème fraîche and stir in. Season well with salt and pepper. Add the meat back in and let the sauce simmer over low heat until nicely thickened. To speed up the process you can mix flour and water, add it to the sauce and thicken it with that.
4. While the sauce is cooking, heat up a second frying pan with some oil and fry the potato noodles until browned here and there.
5. When the sauce has thickened nicely, add the browned potato noodles and mix. Divide everything between serving bowls and sprinkle with some spring onion rings.
1. Die Champignons säubern und in Scheiben schneiden. Die Zwiebel schälen, halbieren und in feine Spalten schneiden. Den Knoblauch schälen und fein hacken. Das Wurstbrät aus den Därmen drücken und in kleine Stücke reißen.
2. Eine große Bratpfanne mit etwas Öl erhitzen. Die Wurstbrätstücke im heißen Öl für etwa 5-7 Minuten anbraten, bis sie rundum schön gebräunt sind. Aus der Pfanne nehmen und zur Seite stellen.
3. Falls notwendig, noch etwas Öl nachlegen und dann Pilze, Zwiebel und Knoblauch in die Pfanne geben. Alles für etwa 6-8 Minuten anbraten, bis die Pilze und die Zwiebel Farbe bekommen haben. Den Senf dazugeben und unterrühren. Alles mit dem Weißwein ablöschen. Den Wein einkochen lassen, dann Gemüsebrühe und Crème fraîche dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Soße nach Belieben mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Das Fleisch zurück in die Pfanne geben und die Soße dann bei geringer Hitzezufuhr einige Minuten köcheln lassen, bis sie schön angedickt hat. Man kann den Vorgang etwas beschleunigen, indem man etwas Mehl mit Wasser verrührt und in die Soße einrührt.
4. Während die Soße kocht, eine zweite Pfanne mit etwas Öl erhitzen und die Schupfnudeln darin anbraten. Die Nudeln dürfen hier und da Farbe bekommen haben.
5. Wenn die Soße fertig ist, die gebräunten Schupfnudeln dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Auf Schüsseln aufteilen und nach Belieben mit den Frühlingszwiebelringen dekorieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintSausage Stroganoff with Potato Noodles (Schupfnudeln)
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:20
- Total Time: 00:30
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: International
A quick and easy weeknight dinner that’s also very delicious – Sausage Stroganoff with Potato Noodles aka. Schupfnudeln. You want to make it over and over…
some oil for frying
14 oz. (400g) pork sausages
12.3 oz (350g) mushrooms, sliced
1 red onion, finely sliced
1–2 garlic cloves, finely diced
1 tbsp. mustard (medium hot)
1/3 cup (80ml) dry white wine
6.7 fl. oz. (200ml) veggie broth
7 oz. (200g) Crème fraîche
1/2 tbsp. flour + water (optional)
21 oz. (600g) pre-cooked Schupfnudeln (potato noodles)
salt, pepper
some spring onion rings for decorations
1. Start by preparing the veggies. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Peel the onion and garlic. Half the onion and cut into fine slices. Dice/chop the garlic finely. Remove the sausage meat from the casings and rip it into pieces.
2. Heat up a large frying pan with some oil. Add the sausage meat chunks and fry them in the hot oil for 5-7 minutes until nicely browned all around. Take the meat out of the frying pan and set it aside.
3. Add some more oil, if necessary, then add the mushrooms, onion, and garlic. Cook/fry until the mushrooms and onions are lightly browned – about 6-8 minutes. Next, add the mustard and stir in. Deglaze everything with the white wine and let it cook down until almost gone. Add the veggie broth and Crème fraîche and stir in. Season well with salt and pepper. Add the meat back in and let the sauce simmer over low heat until nicely thickened. To speed up the process you can mix flour and water, add it to the sauce and thicken it with that.
4. While the sauce is cooking, heat up a second frying pan with some oil and fry the potato noodles until browned here and there.
5. When the sauce has thickened nicely, add the browned potato noodles and mix. Divide everything between serving bowls and sprinkle with some spring onion rings.
Have fun in the kitchen!
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