This Caramel Sauce is very easy to make – you just have to be careful not to burn your fingers :P
Just kidding – well not completely, but it is still no big deal. Take a sauce pan that is big enough (…or even bigger) (yes – maybe a little bit bigger than bigger) and you are on the safe side. The moment you add the heavy cream to the liquid sugar is the moment you have to be careful. If you do this in a large sauce pan, the chances you get burned are almost zero. Still be careful not to burn the caramel or you will end up with a burned taste in the sauce and we don’t want that ;)
The recipe is very basic – polished with some whiskey and fleur de sel – a great combination. I made this sauce for apple galettes, but you can also use it to mix into brownies, filling for cupcakes, on ice cream… so much you can do ;)

1 cup (230g) sugar
3 tbsp. water
3/4 cup (175g) heavy cream
3 tbsp. whiskey
1/4 tsp. fleur de sel
230g Zucker
3 EL Wasser
175g Sahne
3 EL Whiskey
1/4 TL Fleur de Sel

Do not stir the sugar at the beginning. The sugar will start to boil and bubble a lot, but that is fine. The edges will start to get darker at some point. You can start swirl the pan occasionally.

As soon as the sugar gets a deep amber color, remove from the heat and add the heavy cream. Be carefully – the sugar will bubble a lot! Whisk in the whiskey and fleur de sel.

Fill in a clean jar/glass/container – you will get a cup of caramel sauce. Let cool down completely – uncovered. When cool, close the jar and keep in the fridge.

1. In a sauce pan combine sugar and water. Heat the mixture over medium-high heat without mixing. Once the edges start to brown, occasionally swirl the pan. Continue to cook the sugar mixture until it is a deep amber colour. About 5 to 10 minutes.
2. Remove from the heat and add the heavy cream while whisking constantly. The mixture will bubble a lot, so be careful! Whisk in the whisky and the salt. Transfer to a container with a lid but let cool completely uncovered. Keep covered in the fridge – lasts up to 2 weeks. Heat slightly in the microwave for serving.
1. Zucker und Wasser in einen Kochtopf geben. Bei mittlerer bis hoher Hitze zum Kochen bringen, ohne zu rühren. Sobald die Ränder anfangen dunkler zu werden, den Topf ab und an schwenken. Den Zucker so lange kochen, bis er eine dunkle Bernsteinfarbe bekommt (ca. 5-10 Minuten).
2. Den Topf vom Herd nehmen und die Sahne unter ständigem Rühren zugeben. Vorsicht: der Zucker wird stark aufschäumen. Wenn die Sahne untergerührt ist, den Whiskey und das Salz zugeben und verrühren. Die Karamell Sauce in ein Marmeladenglas oder ähnliches einfüllen mit Deckel – zum Abkühlen den Deckel aber noch weg lassen. Verschlossen hält die Karamell Sauce bis zu zwei Wochen im Kühlschrank. Vor dem Servieren (in der Mikrowelle) kurz erwärmen.

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