Once you started dipping, it’s hard to stop! Mutabbal aka. Baba Ganoush, as most people probably know this eggplant dip, is a traditional mezze dish of the Arabic cuisine. My version here is prepared using an Air Fryer, making this dish super easy. If you don’t have one of these appliances at home, you can still make the dip – a regular oven does the job just as good ;)
If you’re thinking, »Why is he calling that eggplant dip Mutabbal? Never heard of it!« Well… that’s because it’s the actual name of that eggplant dip and not Baba Ganoush ;) Baba Ganoush is actually something that is similar to a salad made with eggplants. If you take a look at pictures where Baba Ganoush is labelled as salad, you will see that the difference to the Mutabbal dip is not that big tbh. The color is slightly different, but the »salad« also looks quite »dippable«, means quite mushy, as if you could only eat it with a spoon ;P
Well, whether it’s called Mutabbal or Baba Ganoush – the majority of you out there will know the dip as Baba Ganoush, so I’ll probably stick with that name for now. But keep the real name Mutabbal in mind! It’s one of those »fun facts« you can tell your friends the text time you visit a restaurant that serves Baba Ganoush as a dip. Be the smarty-pants you always wanted to be ;P
We really like the eggplant dip here. It’s easy to prepare and a great addition when preparing a lighter dinner with smaller snack-size dishes. When you add some bread and veggie sticks it’s also a nice lunch option on its own. Apart from the eggplants, we always have everything else we need at home to make the dip quickly. A quick run to the supermarket down the street solves the missing eggplant problem, normally in within a few minutes… ;P
As for the preparation of the dip – be careful with the garlic. This is my one and only warning ;) With the amount of eggplants used in this recipe, one small clove of garlic is normally all you require. We like garlic a lot, but you have to be really careful with raw garlic in a dip like this. You don’t want to spoil all the fun, because the garlic is taking over. You also don’t want to annoy others with your garlic breath… right?! ;)
Mezze and/or tapas are always a great option when you’re not in the mood of preparing a full dinner for the family. I got quite a few tapas recipes here on the blog you could try, but I also got some mezze dishes you might like. My Homemade Feta Spread with Sun-dried Tomatoes is extremely delicious and can be used as a spread or dip – as well as my Beet Hummus. Both recipes/dishes/dips are super easy to prepare… you should give it a try! ;)
(4 servings)
2 medium-size eggplants (about 18 oz./500g)
3 tbsp. Tahini*
1-2 garlic cloves, in small pieces
1/2 organic lemon, zest & juice
1 tbsp. olive oil (plus more for drizzling)
1/4 tsp. ground cumin*
salt, pepper
some pomegranate
some chopped flat-leaf parsley
(4 Portionen)
2 Auberginen (etwa 500g)
3 EL Tahini*
1-2 Knoblauchzehen, in kleinen Stücken
1/2 Bio-Zitrone, Abrieb & Saft
1 EL Olivenöl (plus mehr zum Beträufeln)
1/4 TL Kreuzkümmel*
Salz, Pfeffer
einige Granatapfelsamen
etwas gehackte glatte Petersilie
1. Wash and dry the eggplants and remove the stalks. Cut the eggplants in half lengthways and prick the skin several times with a fork. Line the basket of your Air Fryer with some baking parchment and place the eggplant halves on top with the cut surfaces facing downwards. Preheat your Air Fryer to 356°F (180°C) depending on the appliance’s settings (mine does not require preheating) and fry/cook the eggplants for about 30-35 minutes – the skin of the aubergines should have darkened and become wrinkly. Remove and leave to cool for about 10 minutes.
2. Scrape out the light-colored flesh of the eggplants with a spoon and place it in a bowl. Add the Tahini, garlic, lemon zest and juice, oil, and, cumin and purée with an immersion blender* until smooth (you can also use a stand mixer). Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer the Baba Ganoush to a shallow bowl or plate and spread it out. Drizzle it with some extra olive oil, season with a little more salt and pepper to your liking, and garnish with some pomegranate seeds and chopped parsley.
Note: If you don’t have an Air Fryer, you can roast the eggplants in the oven instead. Do not cut the eggplants in half, just prick them several times with a fork, then place them on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Roast them in the oven at 430°F for around 40 minutes – flipping them once halfway through so they cook evenly.
1. Die Auberginen waschen, trocknen und die Strünke entfernen. Die Auberginen dann längs halbieren und die Haut mehrmals mit einer Gabel einstechen. Den Korb des AirFryers mit etwas Backpapier auslegen und die Auberginenhälften mit den Schnittflächen nach unten in den Korb setzen. Je nach Vorgabe des Geräts auf 180°C (356°F) vorheizen (bei meinem ist es nicht notwendig) und dann für etwa 30-35 Minuten garen – die Haut der Auberginen sollte noch dunkler und schrumpelig geworden sein. Herausnehmen und etwa 10 Minuten abkühlen lassen.
2. Das helle Fruchtfleisch der Auberginen mit einem Löffel aus der Schale kratzen und in eine Schüssel geben. Tahini, Knoblauch, Abrieb und Saft der Zitrone, Öl und Kreuzkümmel dazugeben und dann mit einem Pürierstab* zu einer glatten Masse pürieren (geht natürlich auch im Mixer). Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Das Baba Ganoush in eine flachere Schale füllen oder auf einem Teller verstreichen, mit etwas zusätzlichem Öl beträufeln, ggf. noch mit etwas Salz und Pfeffer würzen und dann mit Granatapfel und gehackter Petersilie dekorieren.
Hinweis: Wer keinen AirFryer hat, kann die Auberginen natürlich auch im Ofen rösten. Die Auberginen hier nicht halbieren, sondern nur mit der Gabel mehrmals einstechen, dann auf ein Blech mit Backpapier legen und im Backofen bei 220°C Ober-/Unterhitze für etwa 40 Minuten rösten lassen – zwischendurch einmal umdrehen, damit sie gleichmäßig garen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintEasy Air Fryer Baba Ganoush
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:30
- Total Time: 00:40
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Dips
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegan
Baba Ganoush is a delicious dip everybody loves here in our family – this version is made with an Air Fryer and super easy to do.
2 medium-size eggplants (about 18 oz./500g)
3 tbsp. Tahini*
1–2 garlic cloves, in small pieces
1/2 organic lemon, zest & juice
1 tbsp. olive oil (plus more for drizzling)
1/4 tsp. ground cumin*
salt, pepper
some pomegranate
some chopped flat-leaf parsley
1. Wash and dry the eggplants and remove the stalks. Cut the eggplants in half lengthways and prick the skin several times with a fork. Line the basket of your Air Fryer with some baking parchment and place the eggplant halves on top with the cut surfaces facing downwards. Preheat your Air Fryer to 356°F (180°C) depending on the appliance’s settings (mine does not require preheating) and fry/cook the eggplants for about 30-35 minutes – the skin of the aubergines should have darkened and become wrinkly. Remove and leave to cool for about 10 minutes.
2. Scrape out the light-colored flesh of the eggplants with a spoon and place it in a bowl. Add the Tahini, garlic, lemon zest and juice, oil, and, cumin and purée with an immersion blender* until smooth (you can also use a stand mixer). Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer the Baba Ganoush to a shallow bowl or plate and spread it out. Drizzle it with some extra olive oil, season with a little more salt and pepper to your liking, and garnish with some pomegranate seeds and chopped parsley.
Note: If you don’t have an Air Fryer, you can roast the eggplants in the oven instead. Do not cut the eggplants in half, just prick them several times with a fork, then place them on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. Roast them in the oven at 430°F for around 40 minutes – flipping them once halfway through so they cook evenly.
Make something amazing in the kitchen!
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