I love all kinds of curry – they are all so tasty! Only fresh ingredients, easy to make, and often a bit (or a lot) spicy. What’s not to love?! OK… too hot, and it can be a bit overwhelming, but this Kohlrabi Potato Curry is definitely not super spicy. It’s mild and delicious… and vegan as well. A great weeknight dinner in my opinion!

For the past several years we always have had several kohlrabi plants in our little terrace garden. They are very uncomplicated to grow and you get nice and big kohlrabi. This year we tested purple kohlrabi instead of the regular white ones. You can see them in a picture below. They look really nice but to be honest – no difference to white kohlrabi. As soon as you peel them they look exactly the same. I always thought they have at least a light purple tint or something like that… but no.
We love to cook curries all year round. We prepare them a bit more often in winter, but you could make this curry on a hot summer day as well. As long as you have all the ingredients… but that should be the case here. Kohlrabi is available all year round ;) If you want to use only veggies from your own garden this might not be possible. But there is always a supermarket or farmer’s marked close by, right?!

This curry is a great weeknight dinner dish. If someone helps chopping the veggies you’re done in no time – this is normally the most tedious work, right? Cooking the curry is super easy. You just have to sauté the veggies for some time, and then you can let the curry simmer until it’s done. No need to stay in the kitchen actually until everything’s ready ;P
Yellow curry paste is generally considered the mildest among the curry pastes. The green one is for the experts that like it hot. The red curry paste is for the brave ones and the yellow paste is for everybody else who likes the taste but not doesn’t necessarily want to break a sweat. If you prefer red curry paste you can use that one here as well, of course. Or you cook the curry as suggested and let everyone add more heat with chili oil or something else ;)
I’ve used our homegrown kohlrabi in a few recipes over the years. In case you like this slightly stinky veggie, you might want to try one of the other recipes I got. Just click on the picture or tap (if you’re on your phone), and you’ll be redirected to the corresponding recipe.
(4 servings)
some toasted sesame oil* for frying
1 red onion, finely diced
2-3 garlic cloves, finely diced
17.6 oz. (500g) kohlrabi (white or purple), diced
10.6 oz. (300g) new potatoes, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 large carrot, diced
1.8 oz. (50g) yellow curry paste*
1 tbsp. soy sauce
some chili flakes (optional)
17 fl. oz. (500ml) veggie broth
1 can (13.5 fl. oz./400ml) of coconut milk
1 can (14 oz./400g) of chickpeas, drained
salt, pepper
some chopped coriander (or flat leaf parsley)
(4 Portionen)
etwas geröstetes Sesamöl* zum Anbraten
1 rote Zwiebel, fein gewürfelt
2-3 Knoblauchzehen, fein gewürfelt
500g Kohlrabi (weiß oder lila), gewürfelt
300g Frühkartoffeln, gewürfelt
1 rote Paprika, gewürfelt
1 große Karotte, gewürfelt
50g gelbe Currypaste*
1 EL Sojasauce
einige Chiliflocken (optional)
500ml Gemüsebrühe
1 Dose (400ml) Kokosmilch
1 Dose (400g) Kichererbsen, abgetropft
Salz, Pfeffer
etwas gehackter Koriander (oder glatte Petersilie)

1. Peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Peel the kohlrabi, cut off the woody ends, and then cut them into cubes. Clean the potatoes (it is not really necessary to peel early potatoes) and then cut them into cubes. Clean the bell pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into small cubes. Next, clean and peel the carrot (if necessary) and cut into cubes as well. Keep all the ingredients close to the stove.
2. Heat up a Dutch oven or large pot with some sesame oil. Sauté the onion and garlic until soft and glossy. Add the kohlrabi and the potatoes and sauté as well briefly. Next, add the diced bell pepper and carrot and continue sautéing. Stir often. Add the yellow curry paste and the soy sauce and mix to combine. Let the curry paste roast for a minute or two to activate the flavors. If you like your curry a bit more spicy you can also add some chili flakes (optional). Deglaze with the veggie broth and coconut milk. Reduce the heat a bit and let the curry simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally so nothing burns.
3. Add the drained chickpeas to the pot and let simmer for another 10-15 minutes. The potatoes should be cooked through, but not falling apart. Season the curry with salt and pepper to your liking. Garnish with chopped cilantro (or parsley) and serve with some rice or plain bread.
1. Die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch schälen und fein würfeln. Den Kohlrabi schälen, die holzigen Enden abschneiden und dann in Würfel schneiden. Kartoffeln säubern (Frühkartoffeln muss man nicht unbedingt schälen) und dann in Würfel schneiden. Die Paprika säubern, die Innereien entfernen und dann in kleine Würfel schneiden. Die Karotte säubern und ggf. schälen und dann ebenfalls in Würfel schneiden. Alles Zutaten bereitstellen.
2. Einen großen (gusseisernen) Topf mit etwas Sesamöl erhitzen. Die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch im heißen Öl einige Minuten glasig andünsten. Kohlrabi und Kartoffeln in den Topf dazugeben und kurz mit anrösten. Gewürfelte Paprika und Karotte dazugeben und ebenfalls kurz unter ständigem Rühren anrösten lassen. Als Nächstes die Currypaste und die Sojasoße dazugeben, alles gut unterrühren und dann ebenfalls für 1-2 Minuten anrösten lassen, damit sich die Aromen entfalten können. Wer mag, kann auch noch ein paar Chiliflocken dazugeben (optional). Alles mit der Gemüsebrühe und der Kokosmilch ablöschen. Die Hitzezufuhr ein wenig verringern und das Curry dann etwa 10 Minuten köcheln lassen – immer wieder einmal umrühren, damit nichts anbrennt.
3. Die abgetropften Kichererbsen zum Curry dazugeben und alles für etwa 10-15 Minuten weiter köcheln lassen. Die Kartoffeln sollten durchgegart sein, aber nicht zerfallen. Das Curry noch einmal mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Mit etwas gehacktem Koriander (der Petersilie) dekorieren und dann nach Belieben mit Reis oder einfach nur mit Brot servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Vegan Kohlrabi Potato Curry
- Prep Time: 00:15
- Cook Time: 00:30
- Total Time: 00:45
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Curry
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegan
A delicious vegan curry with a lot of fans in our house: Vegan Kohlrabi Potato Curry. Easy to prepare and extremely tasty!
some toasted sesame oil* for frying
1 red onion, finely diced
2–3 garlic cloves, finely diced
17.6 oz. (500g) kohlrabi (white or purple), diced
10.6 oz. (300g) new potatoes, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
1 large carrot, diced
1.8 oz. (50g) yellow curry paste*
1 tbsp. soy sauce
some chili flakes (optional)
17 fl. oz. (500ml) veggie broth
1 can (13.5 fl. oz./400ml) of coconut milk
1 can (14 oz./400g) of chickpeas, drained
salt, pepper
some chopped coriander (or flat leaf parsley)
1. Peel and finely dice the onion and garlic. Peel the kohlrabi, cut off the woody ends, and then cut them into cubes. Clean the potatoes (it is not really necessary to peel early potatoes) and then cut them into cubes. Clean the bell pepper, remove the seeds, and cut into small cubes. Next, clean and peel the carrot (if necessary) and cut into cubes as well. Keep all the ingredients close to the stove.
2. Heat up a Dutch oven or large pot with some sesame oil. Sauté the onion and garlic until soft and glossy. Add the kohlrabi and the potatoes and sauté as well briefly. Next, add the diced bell pepper and carrot and continue sautéing. Stir often. Add the yellow curry paste and the soy sauce and mix to combine. Let the curry paste roast for a minute or two to activate the flavors. If you like your curry a bit more spicy you can also add some chili flakes (optional). Deglaze with the veggie broth and coconut milk. Reduce the heat a bit and let the curry simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir occasionally so nothing burns.
3. Add the drained chickpeas to the pot and let simmer for another 10-15 minutes. The potatoes should be cooked through, but not falling apart. Season the curry with salt and pepper to your liking. Garnish with chopped cilantro (or parsley) and serve with some rice or plain bread.
Let your creativity shine in the kitchen!
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