We are big fans of Asian cuisine. We just love the use of all of these fresh ingredients and spices. Especially stir-fried noodles with veggies are one of our favorites. Fresh from the wok it’s all so good! One dish we do quite often is Singapore Noodles with Pork. So quick and easy to prepare and also extremely delicious! We love it!

Singapore Noodles or Singapore-style Noodles come in many different variations. My version here is made with ground pork and veggies, but you could also use chicken, seafood, or even tofu instead if you like. The rice noodles I use in my recipe are a bit thicker than usual. We love to use them for stir-fry dishes. Normally you would use Vermicelli rice noodles* for a dish like that. But to be honest – I prefer using those for my Rice Noodle Salad ;P
Anyway. No matter if you use thin or thick noodles, no matter if you use minced pork, chicken or any other protein – important for this dish is the use of curry and the scrambled egg. Without that, the Singapore Noodles would simply be stir-fried noodles with something something ;P

Now if you think »Oh cool, if I ever end up in Singapore, I’ll definitely gonna try this dish there«… Well, that could be a bit difficult tbh ;P Even though they are called Singapore Noodles they have nothing to do with this city/country. The origins of this dish are in China. It’s actually a quite popular dish in Hong Kong – not so much in Singapore ;P I don’t understand it either…
Preparing the ingredients for this stir-fry dish is simple and quickly done. If you got someone to help (e.g., cutting the onions and garlic) you’re done in no time. Stir-frying everything in a wok is just as simple. Speaking of a wok – don’t worry if you don’t have one at home you can prepare the dish in a large frying pan as well. If you like to cook dishes like this one here more often I can only recommend getting a simple wok* – it’s definitely a good investment (not specifically the one I linked – I mean in general) ;)

When it comes to prepare the scrambled eggs in my wok it always looks like I am very »generous« with the oil, but it’s actually not that much. My wok as a very small flat base – if you add enough oil to cover that base it looks like the eggs are swimming in oil while they are being fried. If you use a regular frying pan with a larger base you definitely do not want the eggs to swim in oil – that would be way too much oil ;P
Besides that there is not much more to say about this recipe. Start with the egg, then add everything else and properly stir-fry all of it. Simple and easy.
(3-4 servings)
9 oz. (250g) thin rice noodles*
toasted sesame oil* for frying
2 medium eggs
1 large onion, sliced
2-3 garlic cloves, minced
1 small piece of ginger, minced
9 oz. (250g) ground pork
2 small red banana peppers, julienned
1/2 medium Napa cabbage, shredded
2 tbsp. soy sauce*
2 tsp. curry powder
2 tap. crispy chili oil* (or some chili flakes)
2 spring onions, sliced
salt, pepper (if necessary)
(3-4 Portionen)
250g Reisnudeln* (dünn)
geröstetes Sesamöl* zum Anbraten
2 Eier (M)
1 große Zwiebel, in Streifen
2-3 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 kleines Stück Ingwer, fein gehackt
250g Hackfleisch (Schwein)
2 rote Spitzpaprika, in dünnen Streifen
1/2 Chinakohl (mittelgroß), zerkleinert
2 EL Sojasauce*
2 TL Currypulver
2 TL Crispy Chili Oil* (oder Chiliflocken)
2 Frühlingszwiebeln, in Ringen
Salz, Pfeffer (falls notwendig)

1. Prepare the veggies first – peel the onion, cut it in half, and slice finely. Peel the garlic and mince finely. Peel the ginger and mince finely as well. Clean the banana peppers, remove the seeds, and cut them into very fine strips. Clean the cabbage and shred it. Cut the spring onions into fine rings. Add the eggs to a bowl and whisk a little, so the egg yolks break apart. Keep everything (including meat and spices) ready for cooking.
2. Cook the rice noodles according to the package instructions, but one minute shorter – they will cook a bit longer in the wok, and you don’t want them to get too soft. Rinse them with cold water, let drain, and set aside.
3. Heat up a large wok* (or a large frying pan*) with a good amount of sesame oil until very hot. Add the eggs and cook them to get scrambled eggs. Take out and set aside. Next, add the sliced onion, minced garlic, and ginger to the hot oil and cook until softer and slightly browned. Move everything to the sides and add the ground pork. Let cook for a while and do not move it, so it has a chance to brown a bit, then break into crumbles and mix with the rest. Add the peppers and the cabbage, mix in, and give that also a chance to cook for some time. Add the soy sauce, curry powder, and crispy chili oil and mix to combine. Finally, add the cooked rice noodles and most of the spring onions (keep some for decorations) and mix everything well. Season with salt and pepper to your liking.
4. Before serving, add the scrambled eggs and decorate with the remaining spring onion rings. We normally serve the Singapore noodles with crispy chili oil on the side, so everyone can add some more if they like ;)
1. Als Erstes das Gemüse vorbereiten. Die Zwiebel schälen, halbieren und in feine Scheiben schneiden. Den Knoblauch ebenfalls schälen und dann fein hacken. Den Ingwer schälen und sehr fein hacken. Die Spitzpaprika säubern, die Samen entfernen und in sehr feine Streifen (Julienne) schneiden. Frühlingszwiebeln in feine Ringe schneiden. Die Eier in einer kleiner Schüssel verrühren, damit sich das Eigelb etwas mit dem Eiweiß verbinden kann. Alles (inkl. Fleisch und Gewürze) zum Kochen bereithalten.
2. Die Reisnudeln nach Packungsanleitung kochen – sie sollten etwa eine Minute kürzer kochen, damit sie später im Wok nicht zu weich werden. Die Nudeln mit kaltem Wasser abspülen und abtropfen lassen. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Einen Wok* (oder große Pfanne*) mit einer guten Portion Sesamöl erhitzen – das Öl sollte recht heiß werden. Die Eier ins Öl geben, verrühren und anbraten, bis Rührei entsteht. Aus dem Wok/Pfanne herausnehmen und zur Seite stellen. Zwiebeln, Knoblauch und Ingwer ins verbliebene Fett geben und einige Minuten anbraten, bis die Zwiebeln weicher sind und ein wenig Farbe bekommen haben. Das Gemüse an die Ränder schieben und dann das Hackfleisch in die Mitte geben und ausbreiten. Das Fleisch einige Zeit nicht bewegen, damit es schön anbräunen kann, dann zerbröckeln und mit dem Rest vermengen. Paprika und Chinakohl dazugeben und untermischen – für einige Zeit mit anbraten. Sojasoße, Currypulver und Crispy Chili Öl dazugeben und verrühren, dann die Reisnudeln und einen Großteil der Frühlingszwiebeln (einen Teil für die Deko zurückbehalten) dazugeben und untermischen. Das Gericht mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen, falls notwendig.
4. Vor dem Servieren das Rührei untermengen und mit den verbliebenen Frühlingszwiebelringen garnieren. Normalerweise servieren wir die Singapore Noodles mit etwas zusätzlichem Crispy Chili Oil, damit jeder noch etwas nachlegen kann, wenn er/sie möchte ;)

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Stir-fry Singapore Noodles with Pork
- Prep Time: 00:15
- Cook Time: 00:15
- Total Time: 00:30
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: International
A great meal for a weeknight if you are not willing to cook much but still want something fresh: Stir-fry Singapore Noodles with Pork. So good!
9 oz. (250g) thin rice noodles*
toasted sesame oil* for frying
2 medium eggs
1 large onion, sliced
2–3 garlic cloves, minced
1 small piece of ginger, minced
9 oz. (250g) ground pork
2 small red banana peppers, julienned
1/2 medium Napa cabbage, shredded
2 tbsp. soy sauce*
2 tsp. curry powder
2 tap. crispy chili oil* (or some chili flakes)
2 spring onions, sliced
salt, pepper (if necessary)
1. Prepare the veggies first – peel the onion, cut it in half, and slice finely. Peel the garlic and mince finely. Peel the ginger and mince finely as well. Clean the banana peppers, remove the seeds, and cut them into very fine strips. Clean the cabbage and shred it. Cut the spring onions into fine rings. Add the eggs to a bowl and whisk a little, so the egg yolks break apart. Keep everything (including meat and spices) ready for cooking.
2. Cook the rice noodles according to the package instructions, but one minute shorter – they will cook a bit longer in the wok, and you don’t want them to get too soft. Rinse them with cold water, let drain, and set aside.
3. Heat up a large wok* (or a large frying pan*) with a good amount of sesame oil until very hot. Add the eggs and cook them to get scrambled eggs. Take out and set aside. Next, add the sliced onion, minced garlic, and ginger to the hot oil and cook until softer and slightly browned. Move everything to the sides and add the ground pork. Let cook for a while and do not move it, so it has a chance to brown a bit, then break into crumbles and mix with the rest. Add the peppers and the cabbage, mix in, and give that also a chance to cook for some time. Add the soy sauce, curry powder, and crispy chili oil and mix to combine. Finally, add the cooked rice noodles and most of the spring onions (keep some for decorations) and mix everything well. Season with salt and pepper to your liking.
4. Before serving, add the scrambled eggs and decorate with the remaining spring onion rings. We normally serve the Singapore noodles with crispy chili oil on the side, so everyone can add some more if they like ;)
Make something amazing in the kitchen!
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