It is time for some quiche. Do you agree with me? Thought so…. ;)
Quiche – a classic french dish you have to love (if you like onions)… normally made with a shortcrust pastry, but this recipe asks for puff pastry dough – which makes the whole thing light and crispy but unfortunately not less fatty :P But who cares? It tastes great. Serve it as a starter or as the main dish with salad on the side. Add a nice cool beer or white wine… et voilà a nice evening can begin…
21 oz. (600g) onions
3.5 oz. (100g) bacon
2 tbsp. butter + some more
pepper, salt, nutmeg
flour for dusting
2–3 tbsp. breadcrumbs
3/4 cup (175ml) milk
1/2 cup (100g) heavy cream
4 eggs
* you can use puff pastry dough from the supermarket (better use the fresh one than the frozen one), but you can also make it yourself – it’s not very difficult, just a bit time consuming – you can find a recipe here.
600g Zwiebeln
100g Speck
2 EL Butter plus etwas mehr
Pfeffer, Salz, Muskatnuss
Mehl zum Bestäuben
2–3 EL Semmelbrösel
175ml Milch
100g Sahne
4 Eier
* man statt frischem Blätterteig auch fertigen aus dem Supermarkt verwenden (in dem Fall besser den aus dem Kühlregal statt dem gefrorenen), aber man kann den Blätterteig auch selbst zubereiten – es ist nicht besonders schwierig, nur etwas zeitaufwendig – hier gibt es ein Rezept dafür
1. If you are using frozen puff pastry dough, let it defrost. Peel the onions and cut into halves and slice them. Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry in a medium sized pan with 2 tbsp butter. Add the onions and let cook for about 10 minutes until soft and glassy. Season with salt and pepper and set aside to cool.
2. Grease a 14×5 inches (35x12cm) tart form with a loose bottom. If you don’t have a rectangular shaped form, you can use a round 9 inch (23cm) form instead. Roll out the dough slightly bigger than the form, place in the form and press it to the sides of the form and cut off overlapping dough. Sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs.
3. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). In am medium bowl mix the milk, heavy cream and eggs. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Spread the onion-bacon mix on the dough and cover with the egg-milk mix. Bake in the oven on the lowest shelf for 30-35 minutes. Serve hot.
2. Eine 35x12cm Tarteform mit losem Boden einfetten. Falls keine rechteckige Form zur Hand ist, kann man auch eine runde Form mit einem Durchmesser von ca 23cm verwenden. Den Teig etwas grösser als die Form ausrollen, auf die Form legen, rund herum andrücken und überschüssigen Teig abschneiden. Semmelbrösel auf dem Boden verteilen.
3. Den Ofen auf 190°C (375°F) vorheizen. In einer mittleren Schüssel die Milch mit Sahne und Eiern verquirlen. Mit Salz, Pfeffer und Muskatnuss würzen. Die Zwiebeln mit Speck auf dem Boden der Tarte verteilen und mit dem Milch- Ei-Mix übergiessen. Im Ofen auf dem untersten Einschub für 30-35 Minuten backen. Heiß servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintOnion Bacon Quiche
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 35
- Total Time: 65
- 7 oz. (200g) fresh puff pastry dough*
- 21 oz. (600g) onions
- 3.5 oz. (100g) bacon
- 2 tbsp. butter + some more
- pepper, salt, nutmeg
- flour for dusting
- 2–3 tbsp. breadcrumbs
- 3/4 cup (175ml) milk
- 1/2 cup (100g) heavy cream
- 4 eggs
- If you are using frozen puff pastry dough, let it defrost. Peel the onions and cut into halves and slice them. Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry in a medium sized pan with 2 tbsp butter. Add the onions and let cook for about 10 minutes until soft and glassy. Season with salt and pepper and set aside to cool.
- Grease a 14×5 inches (35x12cm) tart form with a loose bottom. If you don’t have a rectangular shaped form, you can use a round 9 inch (23cm) form instead. Roll out the dough slightly bigger than the form, place in the form and press it to the sides of the form and cut off overlapping dough. Sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs.
- Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). In am medium bowl mix the milk, heavy cream and eggs. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Spread the onion-bacon mix on the dough and cover with the egg-milk mix. Bake in the oven on the lowest shelf for 30-35 minutes. Serve hot.
- * you can use puff pastry dough from the supermarket (better use the fresh one than the frozen one), but you can also make it yourself – it’s not very difficult, just a bit time consuming.
- Serving Size: 4