This tapa is something you should have at home all the time! :)

Marinated olives are something that you can find in my fridge almost all the time. I like olives a lot. I have them as a snack with beers or a side when bbq-ing. Most of the time I am using them in salads. What kind of olives you use is up to you – works with all kinds.
Kalamata olives are the brown ones from Greece – very tasty. I like to use them even thought they are not Spanish :P But of course you can also use “regular” black and green olives from Spain (like the ones I used for this recipe). Just make sure you buy real black olives – not the colored ones. Yes there are colored olives out there – the cheap ones. You don’t want to know how they get their color ;)
¡Buen provecho!

8 oz. (250g) greek kalamata olives (or black and green olives mixed)
2 cloves garlic
1/4 medium red onion
peel of 1/2 lemon
fresh thyme (or rosemary)
1/4 chili pepper (optional)
1 tbsp. white balsamic vinegar
2-3 tbsp. olive oil
1 bay leaf
250g Griechische Kalamata Oliven (oder schwarze und grüne Oliven gemischt)
2 Knoblauchzehen
1/4 mittelgroße rote Zwiebel
Schale einer halben Zitrone
Frischer Thymian (oder Rosmarin)
1/4 Chilischote (optional)
1 EL Weißer Balsamico Essig
2-3 EL Olivenöl
1 Lorbeerblatt

1. Do not peel the garlic cloves, just crush them a bit with your hands or the flat side of a knife. Slice the red onion and chili pepper (optional if you like it hot) thinly. Peel the lemon – try to get larger pieces.
2. Add all ingredients to a glass jar, close and shake a bit. Place in the fridge over night to marinate. Take out of the fridge 20 minutes before serving.
1. Die Knoblauchzehen nicht schälen – im Ganzen leicht zerdrücken – entweder mit dem Handballen oder der flachen Seite eines Messers. Die rote Zwiebel in feine Scheiben schneiden – ebenso die Chilischote, wenn man es etwas schärfer mag (optional). Von der Zitrone größere Stücke abschälen.
2. Alle Zutaten in einen Glasbehälter mit Deckel geben, verschliessen und etwas durchschütteln. Über Nacht in den Kühlschrank zum Marinieren stellen. Etwa 20 Minuten vor dem Servieren aus dem Külschrank nehmen.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Marinated Olives
- Prep Time: 5
- Total Time: 1440
- 8 oz. (250g) greek kalamata olives (or black and green olives mixed)
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1/4 medium red onion
- peel of 1/2 lemon
- fresh thyme (or rosemary)
- 1/4 chili pepper (optional)
- 1 tbsp. white balsamic vinegar
- 2–3 tbsp. olive oil
- 1 bay leaf
- Do not peel the garlic cloves, just crush them a bit with your hands or the flat side of a knife. Slice the red onion and chili pepper (optional if you like it hot) thinly. Peel the lemon – try to get larger pieces.
- Add all ingredients to a glass jar, close and shake a bit. Place in the fridge over night to marinate. Take out of the fridge 20 minutes before serving.
- ¡Buen provecho!
- Serving Size: 4