Cake is a must-have for an afternoon coffee party. No doubt about it. Without something sweet, the coffee date would only be half as good. In the UK, coffee is usually replaced by tea and cake is often swapped for small finger sandwiches and scones – something like these Easy Lemon Buttermilk Scones. Even though I prefer coffee to tea, I really like simple scones (with my coffee)… so good! ;)
It takes time to prepare a proper cake. Exactly the time you often don’t have at hand. Scones are much easier and quicker to do. You just throw all ingredients into a bowl, mix and knead shortly, shape the scones, and bake ’em. These scones here don’t even have to be shaped, actually. Just throw the dough into a baking tin…
Many recipes for scones tell you to use large round cutters to get the scones into shape. Here you simply place the dough on a baking sheet or in a baking tin (like the one you can see in the pictures), cut the dough into triangles (pretty much like a pizza) and bake it. It couldn’t be easier. ;) When using a baking sheet, you can pull the triangles apart to create individual scones – when baked in a baking tin (as I did) the scones stick together, and you can break off or cut off the pieces for your guests. Easy-peasy.
These scones here have a great texture. They are dense and moist – I know many don’t like the word, but I will use it forever when fitting! ;) I like that they are dense and compact… not tough, though. If you want light and crumbly scones, you better try one of my other recipes. Here you eat one and you’re done. Happy and done. ;P
The glaze adds more lemon flavor to the scones – something I always like on cakes and scones. It also adds quite a bit of sweetness. Obviously, it’s a sugar glaze. If you take a closer look at the recipe, you will notice there is no sugar added to the dough. Only the lemonade adds a little sweetness. Theoretically, you could reduce the amount of sugar here to zero if you use a sugar-free lemonade and if you skip the glaze on top. I always think it’s good to have this kind of option when baking. ;)
However, the scones only taste perfect when the glaze is added. Sorry. ;P If you make the glaze a little thinner and brush the scones with it directly after baking, the sweetness will penetrate deeper into the scones. You might know this technique from other cake recipes where a cake is pierced with a wooden skewer immediately after baking and then drizzled with sugar syrup. The syrup gets deep int the cake and adds moisture and sweetness to the cake. Here it is again – moist! ;P
Anyway. Glazing the scones is totally up to you. With or without glaze, scones are always a good idea when looking for a quick and easy bake.
Well. In case you are looking for more scones recipes, you don’t have to go anywhere else… we got more! ;) These Easy Cherry Marzipan Scones are simply awesome in summer. With fresh cherries from the garden, simply the best! If you want to bake your scones all year round, you should try these Apple Pie Scones. The ingredients for these scones are available all year round and apples and cinnamon are simply a great combination!
(8 scones)
For the scones:
3 2/3 cups (480g) spelt flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 organic lemon, zest finely grated
1 cup (240ml) lemonade*
1/2 cup (120ml) buttermilk
1/2 cup (120ml) heavy cream, plus some more for brushing
1 tsp. lemon paste* (optional)
For the lemon glaze:
3.5 oz. (100g) confectioners’ sugar
1 tbsp. lemon juice, plus more if needed
For the lemon curd yogurt (optional):
5.3 oz. (150g) Greek yogurt
2 tbsp. lemon curd
(8 Scones)
Für die Scones:
480g Dinkelmehl (Type 630)
4 TL Backpulver
1 TL Salz
1/2 Bio-Zitrone, Abrieb
240ml Limonade*
120ml Buttermilch
120ml Sahne, plus etwas mehr zum Bestreichen
1 TL Zitronenpaste* (optional)
Für die Glasur:
100g Puderzucker
1 EL Zitronensaft, ggf. etwas mehr
Für den Lemon Curd Joghurt (optional):
150g griechischer Joghurt
2 EL Lemon Curd
1. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet or round baking pan* with baking parchment and set aside.
2. Add the spelt flour, baking powder, salt, and lemon zest to a large bowl and mix to combine. In a separate bowl mix lemonade, buttermilk, heavy cream, and lemon paste (optional) until well combined. Add the liquid ingredients to the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix/knead with a spoon or rubber spatula until a dough forms. Make sure there are no dry spots visible, but do not overmix.
3. Shape the dough into a round loaf and place it on the baking sheet or in the baking pan. Use a large sharp knife and cut the loaf into 8 wedges. Brush the scones with some additional heavy cream and bake for about 30-35 minutes – or until a wooden skewer inserted into the scones comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down on a wire rack.
4. For the lemon glaze, mix the confectioners’ sugar with some lemon juice. Add more lemon juice until you get a thick and not too runny consistency. Brush the scones with the glaze and let dry.
5. For the lemon curd yogurt, mix the yogurt with the lemon curd until well combined. Serve along with the scones (optional).
1. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Ein Backblech oder eine runde Backform* mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen.
2. Dinkelmehl, Backpulver, Salz und Zitronenschale in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. In einer separaten Schüssel Limonade, Buttermilch, Sahne und Zitronenpaste (optional) verrühren. Diese Mischung in die Schüssel mit den trockenen Zutaten geben und mit einem Löffel oder Teigmischer vermengen, bis der Teig anfängt zusammenzuhalten. Es sollten keine trockenen Stellen mehr zu sehen sein – allerdings sollte man den Teig auch nicht zu stark bearbeiten.
3. Den Teig zu einem runden Laib formen und auf das Backblech oder in die Backform setzen. Den Teig mit einem großen, scharfen Messer in 8 Spalten schneiden. Die Scones mit etwas zusätzlicher Sahne bestreichen und dann etwa 30-35 Minuten backen. Mit einem Holzspieß testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und die Scones erst herausholen, wenn dieser sauber herauskommt. Die Scones aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einem Kuchengitter abkühlen lassen.
4. Den Puderzucker für die Glasur nach und nach mit Zitronensaft verrühren, bis die Konsistenz passt – nicht zu dickflüssig, aber auch nicht zu flüssig, damit sie nicht davon rennt. Die Scones mit der Glasur bestreichen und trocknen lassen.
5. Für den Lemon Curd Joghurt den Joghurt mit dem Lemon Curd verrühren. Zusammen mit den Scones servieren (optional).
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintEasy Peasy Lemon Buttermilk Scones
- Prep Time: 00:15
- Cook Time: 00:35
- Total Time: 01:00
- Yield: 8 1x
- Category: Scones
- Cuisine: United Kindgdom
- Diet: Vegetarian
Scones are always a great option for breakfast or tea time – these Lemon Buttermilk Scones are super easy to prepare and very delicious!
For the scones:
3 2/3 cups (480g) spelt flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/2 organic lemon, zest finely grated
1 cup (240ml) lemonade*
1/2 cup (120ml) buttermilk
1/2 cup (120ml) heavy cream, plus some more for brushing
1 tsp. lemon paste* (optional)
For the lemon glaze:
3.5 oz. (100g) confectioners’ sugar
1 tbsp. lemon juice, plus more if needed
For the lemon curd yogurt (optional):
5.3 oz. (150g) Greek yogurt
2 tbsp. lemon curd
1. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet or round baking pan* with baking parchment and set aside.
2. Add the spelt flour, baking powder, salt, and lemon zest to a large bowl and mix to combine. In a separate bowl mix lemonade, buttermilk, heavy cream, and lemon paste (optional) until well combined. Add the liquid ingredients to the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix/knead with a spoon or rubber spatula until a dough forms. Make sure there are no dry spots visible, but do not overmix.
3. Shape the dough into a round loaf and place it on the baking sheet or in the baking pan. Use a large sharp knife and cut the loaf into 8 wedges. Brush the scones with some additional heavy cream and bake for about 30-35 minutes – or until a wooden skewer inserted into the scones comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down on a wire rack.
4. For the lemon glaze, mix the confectioners’ sugar with some lemon juice. Add more lemon juice until you get a thick and not too runny consistency. Brush the scones with the glaze and let dry.
5. For the lemon curd yogurt, mix the yogurt with the lemon curd until well combined. Serve along with the scones (optional).
Let’s get baking!
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