Some of you might wonder, why do I post a recipe on a Saturday? There are Cookies on Friday and then something again on Monday, but Saturday…? Well – everything is different today for some very special reason…. ;) Starting today there will be a new monthly event here on the blog called »Bake Together – The Baking Surprise«! Done by/with »Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte« and »Bake to the roots«. Yay!
So what could this mean? ;) Maybe I should tell you a little story first – don’t worry, I will not start with Adam and Eve. It is more like – once upon a time there was…. just kidding ;)

In life you meet sometimes people you get on well – right from the beginning. This is what happened with a lovely blogger from Frankfurt (better said close by) – Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte. We met for the first time on a food blogger camp in Berlin and a second time at an event in Hamburg – somehow it made click and we got well instantly :) Why I am telling you this? Well – on top of us getting along well with each other, it seems we somehow have another connection ;) In the last couple of weeks and months it happened several times that we both posted recipes that were pretty similar (at the same time) – for example here a gugelhupf made with polenta and there a mini gugelhupf with polenta – here a cinnamon roll cake and there cinnamon rolls etc. This could all be a coincidence – or a mysterious cosmic connection – who knows! :D

It was quite obvious to create an event that is based on this connection – since we have similar ideas, why not make something nice with it?! Well… :) Finding a name was a bit difficult. The working title was »Zwei Dumme – ein Gedanke« which means »two silly a thought« – a catchy title but not the best for banners. Same for »The Beauty and the Beast baking« – even though I liked that one somehow :P
So now the result is »Bake Together« – but only virtually since we are living far from each other. Once a month there will be a topic picked by one of us and Andrea and I will come up with a recipe – without knowing what the other person is doing – that is the part with »The Baking Surprise« if you wondered :) Our topic today: Strawberry Cheesecake!

The first thing that came to my mind was NY cheesecake – but I was complaining a bit about that kind of cheesecake some time ago (this Japanese Cotton Cheesecake is soooo much better), so I had to come up with something else. A Strawberry Ombre Cheesecake. That thing on the pictures ;)
Making the cake is a bit time-consuming, cause you have to make the layers separately and cool them separately – but still easy to prepare. Special gimmick – the salted pretzel base! An awesome yummy addition to the sweetness of the strawberry filling! I’d say everybody can make it – for example for Mother’s Day. In case mommy likes strawberries. If not, use other fruits – as long as you can purée them and they work with gelatin – use it (no kiwi, pineapples, etc.). Be creative! :)
Now you know what I’ve done, but what did Andrea do? I have no clue! I guess we all have to hop over to Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte and take a look for ourselves! :) Let me know in the comments what you think about this little event – maybe you have some ideas for upcoming topics we should do?
Have a nice Saturday!
For the base:
2.8 oz. (80g) salted pretzels
1/3 cup (75g) butter, melted
1 tbsp. sugar
For the filling:
9 gelatin leaves
1/2 cup (120g) heavy cream
21 oz. (600g) curd cheese (quark)
10.5 oz (300g) mascarpone
1 1/3 cups (180g) confectioner’s sugar
2 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tbsp. lemon juice
9 oz. (250g) fresh strawberries, prueéd
For the decoration:
fresh strawberries
Für den Boden:
80g Salzbrezeln
75g Butter, geschmolzen
1 EL Zucker
Für die Füllung:
9 Blätter Gelatine
120g Sahne
600g Magerquark
300g Mascarpone
180g Puderzucker
2 TL Vanille Extrakt
1 EL Zitronensaft
250g frische Erdbeeren, püriert
Für die Dekoration:
Frische Erdbeeren

1. Line a tall (min. 3.5 inch/9cm) 7-inch (18cm) springform tin with baking parchment and set aside. Crush the salted pretzels either with a mixer or in a freezer bag with a rolling pin until you get fine crumbs. Mix with the melted butter and sugar until well combined. Pour into the springform and press to the bottom (works best with a glass with a flat bottom). Place in the fridge.
2. For the filling add three leaves of gelatin in a bowl with cold water and let soak for about 5-7 minutes. Whip the heavy cream in a tall bowl until stiff peaks form. Place in the fridge until you need it again. In a large bowl mix the curd cheese with mascarpone, confectioner’s sugar, vanilla extract, and lemon juice until well combined. Take about 1/3 (10.6 oz.) of the mixture, add it to a smaller bowl and place the big bowl in the fridge. Purée the strawberries and add about 1/2 (up to 2/3) of the mixture to the bowl with the filling for the first layer. Mix until well combined. Drain the gelatin leaves a bit and add to a small saucepan, gently heat up until the gelatin dissolves. Add one tablespoon of the curd cheese mixture to the saucepan and mix with the gelatin. Transfer that mixture to the bowl and mix well. Add about 1/3 (1.4 oz.) of the whipped cream and fold in. Pour that mixture into the springform tin and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 90 minutes to set (the other bowls with the remaining filling/purée/whipped cream should be in the fridge too).
3. For the second cheesecake layer add half (11.3 oz.) of the remaining curd cheese mixture to a bowl and mix with the remaining strawberry purée. Let the next three gelatin leaves soak again, heat up in the saucepan and mix again with a tablespoon of the curd cheese mixture and then everything together. Add half (1.4 oz.) of the whipped cream and fold in. Pour this mixture on the first cheesecake layer, smooth out the top, and place everything in the fridge again for about 90 minutes.
4. For the last layer let the gelatin leaves soak again, heat it up in the saucepan, mix with some of the filling, then with the rest of the mixture and fold in the remaining whipped cream. Pour onto the second cheesecake layer, smooth out, and let set and cool for at least 4 hours – better overnight.
5. To get the cake out of the springform tin, run a hot knife around the cake to loosen it and remove it from the tin. Place on a serving plate and decorate with strawberries.
1. Eine hohe (mind. 9cm/3.5 inch) Springform mit einem Durchmesser von 18cm (7 inch) mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Die Salzbrezeln mit einem Mixer kleinhacken oder in einen Gefrierbeutel geben und dann mit einem Nudelholz bearbeiten, bis feine Brösel entstehen. Ruhig alle angestaute Wut rauslassen ;) Die Brösel mit der geschmolzenen Butter und dem Zucker vermischen und dann in die Springform schütten und mit einem Flachen Gegenstand (z.B. ein Glas) andrücken. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
2. Für die Füllung drei Blätter der Gelatine in kaltem Wasser 5-7 Minuten quellen lassen. Die Sahne in einem hohen Gefäß aufschlagen, bis sie steif ist. In den Kühlschrank stellen. Den Quark mit Mascarpone, Puderzucker, Vanille Extrakt und Zitronensaft in einer großen Schüssel verrühren. Etwa 1/3 (300g) der Masse in eine kleinere Schüssel geben und den Rest in den Kühlschrank stellen. Die Erdbeeren pürieren und etwa 1/2 bis 2/3 davon zur Schüssel mit der Quarkmasse geben – hier müsst ihr schauen, wie intensiv die Färbung sein soll und entsprechend Erdbeerpüree zugeben. Gut verrühren. Die gequollene Gelatine leicht ausdrücken und in einen kleinen Topf geben, sanft erhitzen, bis sie sich aufgelöst hat. Einen Esslöffel der Quarkmasse zur Gelatine geben und verrühren, dann diese Mischung wieder zurück in die Schüssel mit der Quarkmasse geben und gut verrühren. Etwa 1/3 (40g) der geschlagenen Sahne unterheben. Diese Masse jetzt auf den Brezelboden in der Springform schütten und glattstreichen bzw. vorsichtig glattrütteln – es sollte eine glatte Oberfläche mit sauberer Kante entstehen. Für mind. 90 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen (die Übrigen Schüsseln mit Quark und Sahne übrigens auch, bis es damit weitergeht).
3. Für die zweite Schicht nun etwa die Hälfte (320g) der Quarkmasse in eine Schüssel geben und mit dem restlichen Erdbeerpüree vermischen. Die Gelatine wieder einweichen (5-7 Minuten), dann in einem Topf vorsichtig erzitzen, etwas Quarkmasse zugeben, verrühren und dann wieder zurück zur Quarkmasse und ebenfalls gut verrühren. Die hälfte (40g) der steifgeschlagenen Sahne zugeben und unterheben. Diese Masse jetzt vorsichtig auf die erste Käsekuchenschicht in der Springform schütten, glattstreichen/rütteln und wieder alles in den Kühlschrank für mindestens 90 Minuten.
4. In der letzten Runde die Gelatine wieder quellen lassen, vorsichtig im Topf erhitzen, einen Eßlöffel der Quarmischung zugeben und verrühren. Alles zur restlichen Masse geben und gut verrühren. Die geschlagene Sahne komplett unterrühren und dann als letzte Schicht alles in die Springform schütten und glattstreichen/rütteln. Das ganze jetzt mindestens 4 Stunden kühlen, besser über Nacht.
5. Zum Servieren die Torte mit einem heißen Messer aus der Form lösen, auf eine Servierplatte setzen und mit Erdbeeren dekorieren.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Strawberry Ombre Cheesecake with Salted Pretzel Base
- Prep Time: 40
- Total Time: 420
For the base
- 2.8 oz. (80g) salted pretzels
- 1/3 cup (75g) butter, melted
- 1 tbsp. sugar
For the filling
- 9 gelatin leaves
- 1/2 cup (120g) heavy cream
- 21 oz. (600g) curd cheese (quark)
- 10.5 oz (300g) mascarpone
- 1 1/3 cups (180g) confectioner’s sugar
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 9 oz. (250g) fresh strawberries, prueéd
For the decoration
- fresh strawberries
- Line a tall (min. 3.5 inch/9cm) 7 inch (18cm) springform tin with baking parchment and set aside. Crush the salted pretzels either with a mixer or in a freezer bag with a rolling pin until you get fine crumbs. Mix with the melted butter and sugar until well combined. Pour into the springform and press to the bottom (works best with a glass with a flat bottom). Place in the fridge.
- For the filling add tree leaves of gelatin in a bowl with cold water and let soak for about 5-7 minutes. Whip the heavy cream in a tall bowl until stiff peaks form. Place in the fridge until you need it again. In a large bowl mix the curd cheese with mascarpone, confectioner’s sugar, vanilla extract and lemon juice until well combined. Take about 1/3 (10.6 oz.) of the mixture, add it to a smaller bowl and place the big bowl in the fridge. Purée the strawberries and add about 1/2 (up to 2/3) of the mixture to the bowl with the filling for the first layer. Mix until well combined. Drain the gelatin leaves a bit and add to a small saucepan, gently heat up until the gelatin dissolves. Add one tablespoon of the curd cheese mixture to the saucepan and mix with the gelatin. Transfer that mixture to the bowl and mix well. Add about 1/3 (1.4 oz.) of the whipped cream and fold in. Pour that mixture into the sprinform tin and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 90 minutes to set (the other bowls with the remaining filling/purée/whipped cream should be in the fridge too).
- For the second cheesecake layer add half (11.3 oz.) of the remaining curd cheese mixure to a bowl and mix with the remaining strawberry purée. Let the next three gelatin leaves soak again, heat up in the saucepan and mix again with a tablespoon of the curd cheese mixture and then everything together. Add half (1.4 oz.) of the whipped cream and fold in. Pour this mixture on the first cheesecake layer, smooth out the top and place everything in the fridge again for about 90 minutes.
- For the last layer let the gelatin leaves soak again, heat it up in the saucepan, mix with some of the filling, then with the rest of the mixture and fold in the remaining whipped cream. Pour onto the second cheesecake layer, smooth out and let set and cool for at least 4 hours – better over night.
- To get the cake out of the springform tin, run with a hot knife around the cake to loosen it and remove from the tin. Place on a serving plate and decorate with strawberries.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 8
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Hello! Super recipe but I wonder how much in gramms one leave of gelatine?
Hi Olga,
that is a good question! :) Here in Germany a leave of gelatin has about 1.7g (a package of 6 weights 10g).
I hope that helps!
Thank you, Marc!
Hi. This is a very nice looking cake! How would you asses the sweetness of this cheesecake? Similar to the ones at the German bakeries? I am used to following American recipes (which is super sweet) and I always cut sugar in half. Thanks.
I wouldn’t say it is too sweet… but you can definitely reduce the amount of sugar if you don’t like it sweet.
Definitely not as sweet as some American cakes ;)