Have you ever cooked a whole cauliflower in the oven? In one piece? It’s a super easy preparation method you really can’t go wrong with…. well, except, of course, if you leave it in the oven too long so it burns instead of being roasted ;) If you stick to the cooking times of the recipe and keep an eye on it every now and then you will not have any problems. Your Harissa Roasted Cauliflower with Hummus will turn out perfect. It’s actually one of our favorite dinner recipes because it’s so easy to make and, of course, very delicious ;)
I am pretty lazy when it comes to dinner preparation during the week – not only in summer when it’s hot in the kitchen. After a long day at the office or home office, you just don’t feel like cooking much, right? At least that’s what I think ;) In cases like that, I definitely go for more simple recipes to get something on the plates. Making a roasted cauliflower with a dip is the perfect dish because it’s so easy to do.
If you are roasting a cauliflower, like this one here, you definitely have to season it well so it does not taste boring. Cauliflower on its own is not the most exciting veggie tbh ;P With harissa paste you can season your cauliflower very easily. The spice paste made with chili, coriander seeds, cumin, etc. does a really good job here. Depending on the harissa paste you use it can be quite spicy so be careful ;) The paste is the base for the spice mixture you spread all over the cauliflower – this will season the cauliflower and also gives it a nice color.
My mom would have thrown an additional pound of grated cheese on the cauliflower to gratinate it – suuuuuper tasty, but I wanted to keep it a little “healthier” this time ;P Not everything has to be super greasy. If you prefer it that way… go for it! It works well. Unfortunately ;P
The dip I used for the cauliflower is one of my favorite hummus recipes. Beet hummus works really well here. Not only because of the vibrant color ;) In case you do not want to go the extra mile you can use storebought hummus of course. We use those as well and the ones that are available in our supermarket around the corner are really nice.
We serve the roasted cauliflower in one piece on top of the hummus. Everybody can cut off a piece, take some hummus and other stuff served on the side and enjoy it. Easy peasy and great to share with a bunch of people. You can eat the dish warm or cold but we actually prefer eating it still warm.
For the cauliflower head:
1 large cauliflower (some small leaves can stay on)
2 tbsp. lemon juice
3-4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp. harissa paste
1 tsp. oregano
salt, pepper
2-3 tbsp. olive oil
To serve:
some (beet) hummus for serving
some fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
some pomegranate seeds
some additional olive oil
Für den Blumenkohl:
1 großer Blumenkohl (einige kleine Blätter können dranbleiben)
2 EL Zitronensaft
3-4 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 EL Harissa-Paste
1 TL Oregano
Salz, Pfeffer
2-3 EL Olivenöl
Zum Servieren:
etwas (Rote Bete) Hummus zum Servieren
etwas glatte Petersilie, gehackt
einige Granatapfelkerne
etwas Olivenöl zum Beträufeln
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Clean the cauliflower and remove the outer leaves – some of the small ones can stay on if you like. Place on a piece of baking parchment and drizzle with the lemon juice.
2. Peel the garlic and mince finely. Add together with the harissa paste, oregano, some salt, and pepper to a small bowl. Add some olive oil and mix to combine. Brush the cauliflower with the mixture and place it together with the baking parchment in a dutch oven (or ovenproof pot) with a lid. Bake for about 60 minutes (lid on), then remove the lid and let it roast and get some additional color for another 30 minutes – the cauliflower should have a nice golden color. Take out of the oven and remove from the pot – be careful it’s very hot!
3. Spread some hummus (beet or regular) on a plate and place the whole cauliflower head on the hummus. Sprinkle with some chopped parsley and pomegranate seeds and drizzle with some additional olive oil. Season with some more salt and pepper to your liking. Serve immediately.
Note: The cauliflower is a great side dish but can also be the star of your meal. Serve with some salad (e.g. Kisir or chickpea salad) on the side, different spreads, falafel and/or bread.
1. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Den Blumenkohl putzen und die äußeren Blätter entfernen – einige der kleinen Blätter können ruhig dranbleiben. Den Blumenkohl auf ein Stück Backpapier legen und mit dem Zitronensaft beträufeln.
2. Den Knoblauch schälen und sehr fein hacken (oder durch Knoblauchpresse pressen). Zusammen mit der Harissa Paste, Oregano, etwas Salz und Pfeffer in eine kleine Schüssel geben, Olivenöl dazugeben und verrühren. Den Blumenkohl mit der Mischung bepinseln und zusammen mit dem Backpapier in einen (gusseisernen) ofenfesten Topf mit Deckel setzen. Den Blumenkohl für etwa 60 Minuten backen (mit Deckel), dann den Deckel entfernen und den Blumenkohl weitere 30 Minuten rösten lassen, damit er noch etwas Farbe bekommt. Der Blumenkohl sollte eine schöne goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und aus dem Topf nehmen. Vorsicht, sehr heiß!
3. Etwas Hummus (Rote Bete oder normaler Hummus) auf einem Teller verteilen und den ganzen Blumenkohlkopf auf den Hummus setzen. Mit gehackter Petersilie und Granatapfelkernen bestreuen und mit etwas Olivenöl beträufeln. Nach Belieben noch mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Sofort servieren.
Tipp: Der geröstete Blumenkohl ist eine prima Beilage, kann aber auch der Star des Abends sein. Als Hauptgericht dann einfach noch mit etwas Salat (z. B. Kisir oder Kichererbsensalat), verschiedenen Aufstrichen, Falafel und/oder Brot servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintHarissa Roasted Cauliflower with Hummus
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 01:30
- Total Time: 01:40
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Main Course
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegan
Do you want to eat more veggies? Try this Harissa Roasted Cauliflower with Red Beet Hummus – it’s super easy to prepare and extremely delicious!
For the cauliflower head:
1 large cauliflower (some small leaves can stay on)
2 tbsp. lemon juice
3–4 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp. harissa paste
1 tsp. oregano
salt, pepper
2–3 tbsp. olive oil
To serve:
some (beet) hummus for serving
some fresh flat-leaf parsley, chopped
some pomegranate seeds
some additional olive oil
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Clean the cauliflower and remove the outer leaves – some of the small ones can stay on if you like. Place on a piece of baking parchment and drizzle with the lemon juice.
2. Peel the garlic and mince finely. Add together with the harissa paste, oregano, some salt, and pepper to a small bowl. Add some olive oil and mix to combine. Brush the cauliflower with the mixture and place it together with the baking parchment in a dutch oven (or ovenproof pot) with a lid. Bake for about 60 minutes (lid on), then remove the lid and let it roast and get some additional color for another 30 minutes – the cauliflower should have a nice golden color. Take out of the oven and remove from the pot – be careful it’s very hot!
3. Spread some hummus (beet or regular) on a plate and place the whole cauliflower head on the hummus. Sprinkle with some chopped parsley and pomegranate seeds and drizzle with some additional olive oil. Season with some more salt and pepper to your liking. Serve immediately.
Enjoy roasting!
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