Summer and strawberries belong together, like the beach and sunburn. I don’t like sunburn, but I love strawberries. They are a great snack on a hot summer day but also work great for any type of dessert – something like these little Strawberry Mascarpone Tartlets, for example. Fresh, creamy and super delicious! All you want for summer ;)

This year, we are very lucky to have a little strawberry stall right outside of our building. In Berlin, you can find those little stalls all over the city as soon as strawberry season starts, and now we finally have one so close I can almost smell those red little berries ;P Those stalls are open all week long during the season – unlike farmer’s markets or supermarkets. It’s just perfect!
The regional strawberry season starts here in May and ideally lasts until August. You can also get strawberries in the supermarket outside the season, but those are strawberries from Spain and other countries that have a longer season thanks to the warmer climate. Those berries from outside of Germany are also delicious, but I honestly prefer the berries from local farms because they don’t have to travel far – fresh from the field right into my mouth ;P

My blogger friend Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte loves strawberries just as much as I do – that’s why we decided to make them the stars of this month’s »Bake Together – The Baking Surprise«. I wonder what Andrea made with those red little fellas. I bet it’s going to be delicious.
Andrea and I are baking together once a month (unfortunately quite far apart) and surprise each other with the results. We’ve been doing this almost every month since April 2016 and the results are sometimes really surprising (you get the name of the whole shablam now, right?). Our first »Bake Together« was also about strawberries – you can find the recipe for that here.

Tartlets and other small deserts are always a good idea if you are having guests over. A large cake might look great, but a small army of tiny tarts looks so much better on a buffet, in my opinion. At one point you will cut into a large cake, over and over, and it can look messy – small individual tarts always look great because nobody can make a mess. You grab one and you leave. The rest looks as good as it has from the beginning ;P
Decorating those little tarts is quite easy. Bake the shells, fill them with a cream you like the most, and then pile on fruit or berries – that’s all. No baking genius needed for that. I decided to make a simple mascarpone cream for my tartlets here – the perfect cream for strawberries (in my opinion). You could also make some vanilla custard and/or use whipped cream, but we really like the mascarpone here a lot!
If you like strawberries as much as we do, you might want to check out other recipes here on the blog. We have quite a few delicious dessert recipes with strawberries here. For example, a delicious Strawberry Cake Swiss Roll or my favorite cheesecake ever – a No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake! So good!
(6 mini tarts)
For the dough:
10 oz. (280g) spelt flour
2.8 oz. (80g) confectioners’ sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/2 cup (120g) cold butter
1 medium egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
For the filling & decoration:
1.8 oz. (50g) white chocolate, melted (optional)
5.3 oz. (150g) cold heavy cream
2 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
9 oz. (250g) mascarpone
1 tsp. vanilla extract (or vanilla paste)
14-21 oz. (400-600g) fresh strawberries
some chopped pistachios
(6 Tartelettes)
Für den Teig:
280g Dinkelmehl (Type 630)
80g Puderzucker
1 Prise Salz
120g Butter (kalt)
1 Ei (M)
1/2 TL Vanille Extrakt
Für die Füllung & Dekoration:
50g weiße Schokolade, geschmolzen (optional)
150g Sahne (kalt)
2 EL Puderzucker
250g Mascarpone
1 TL Vanille Extrakt (oder Paste)
400-600g frische Erdbeeren
einige gehackte Pistazien

1. Mix the spelt flour for the dough with the confectioners’ sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add the cold butter in small pieces and cut into pea-sized pieces using a knife or pastry blender*. Lightly whisk the egg, add together with the vanilla extract to the bowl, and mix/knead until you get a nice smooth dough. Work quickly so the dough and butter do not get warm. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour (or overnight).
2. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment or a baking mat. Take the dough out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter for about 10 minutes, then roll it out between two sheets of baking parchment to a thickness of about 0.12-0.16 inches (3-4 mm). Cut out six circles using tartlet rings* and place them with the rings on the prepared baking sheet. Collect leftover dough, roll it out again, and cut it into strips with the size of about 0.6×12 inches (1,5x30cm). If your tartlet rings are higher than 0.8 inches (2cm), the strips may need to be slightly wider than the 0.6 inches. Place those dough strips inside the rings on top of the dough circles that are already in there, press them lightly to the sides of the rings, and cut off overlapping dough, if necessary. Prick the bottoms several times with a fork and place the tartlets with the baking sheet in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 320°F (160°C). Take the tartlets out of the fridge and bake them for about 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the tartlets from the oven and let them cool down completely on the baking sheet, then carefully remove them from the rings. You can prepare the tartlets a day in advance.
4. In case your tartlets need to last longer on a buffet or something like that, it’s advisable to coat the inside of the tartlets with melted chocolate before you continue with the decorations. Let the chocolate harden in the fridge for about 10 minutes or so. This helps to avoid soggy bottoms ;P
5. Whisk the cold heavy cream and confectioners’ sugar in a tall bowl until stiff peaks form. Mix the mascarpone with the vanilla extract (or vanilla paste) in a second bowl until well combined, then gradually add the whipped cream and fold in. Fill or pipe the mascarpone cream into the tartlets (with a spoon or piping bag). Wash and dry the strawberries, remove the green leaves, and place them on the cream. I halved the strawberries to get as many as possible onto the cream. The amount of strawberries you actually need here can vary greatly, depending on how you add them on top of the cream. Sprinkle the finished tartlets with some chopped pistachios and serve as soon as possible. The fresher they are, the better ;)
1. Das Dinkelmehl für den Teig mit Puderzucker und Salz in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und mit einem Messer oder Teigmischer* in etwa erbsengroße Stücke zerteilen. Das Ei leicht verquirlen und zusammen mit dem Vanille Extrakt zur Schüssel dazugeben und dann alles recht zügig zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten. Den Teig in Klarsichtfolie einschlagen und für mindestens 1 Stunde (oder über Nacht) in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier oder einer Backmatte auslegen. Den Teig aus dem Kühlschrank holen und etwa 10 Minuten auf Temperatur kommen lassen, dann zwischen zwei Bögen Backpapier etwa 3-4 mm dick ausrollen. Mit Tartelette Ringen* sechs Kreise ausstechen und dann zusammen mit den Ringen auf das vorbereitete Blech setzen. Teigreste sammeln, erneut zwischen den Backpapierbögen ausrollen und dann etwa 1,5×30 cm lange Streifen zurechtschneiden. Sollten die Ringe höher als 2 cm sein, müssen die Streifen ggf. etwas breiter sein. Die Teigstreifen in die Ringe auf die Teigkreise setzen, am Rand leicht festdrücken und ggf. zurechtschneiden. Die Böden mit einer Gabel mehrmals einstechen und dann Tartelette Ringe samt Backblech für mindestens 30 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den Ofen auf 160°C (320°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Tartelettes aus dem Kühlschrank holen und für etwa 18-22 Minuten goldgelb backen. Die Tartelettes aus dem Ofen holen und auf dem Blech auskühlen lassen, dann vorsichtig aus den Ringen lösen. Man kann die kleinen Törtchenformen schon einen Tag vorab zubereiten.
4. Müssen die Tartelettes später etwas länger auf der Kuchentafel stehen, empfiehlt es sich, sie vor dem Dekorieren innen mit geschmolzener Schokolade auszustreichen und dann für 10 Minuten in den Kühlschrank zu stellen, damit die Schokolade fest wird. Die Schokoschicht verhindert, dass die Creme den Teig aufweicht.
5. Die kalte Sahne mit dem Puderzucker steif schlagen. Den Mascarpone mit Vanille Extrakt (oder Paste) verrühren, dann die aufgeschlagene Sahne vorsichtig unterheben. Die Creme in die Tartelettes füllen (mit einem Löffel oder Spritzbeutel). Erdbeeren waschen, trocknen, die grünen Teile entfernen und dann nach Belieben auf die Creme setzen – ich hab die Erdbeeren halbiert, damit so viele Erdbeeren wie möglich auf die Creme passen. Die Menge an Erdbeeren, die man hier benötigt, kann je nach Belegen stark variieren. Die Tartelettes mit gehackten Pistazien bestreuen und nach Möglichkeit bald servieren. Diese kleinen Tartelettes sind frisch am besten!

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Strawberry Mascarpone Tartlets
- Prep Time: 01:00
- Cook Time: 00:22
- Total Time: 04:00
- Yield: 6 1x
- Category: Tarts
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
These little tarts are easy to prepare and delicious: Strawberry Mascarpone Tartlets. The perfect sweet treat for all strawberry lovers in summer!
For the dough:
10 oz. (280g) spelt flour
2.8 oz. (80g) confectioners’ sugar
1 pinch of salt
1/2 cup (120g) cold butter
1 medium egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
For the filling & decoration:
1.8 oz. (50g) white chocolate, melted (optional)
5.3 oz. (150g) cold heavy cream
2 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
9 oz. (250g) mascarpone
1 tsp. vanilla extract (or vanilla paste)
14–21 oz. (400-600g) fresh strawberries
some chopped pistachios
1. Mix the spelt flour for the dough with the confectioners’ sugar and salt in a large bowl. Add the cold butter in small pieces and cut into pea-sized pieces using a knife or pastry blender*. Lightly whisk the egg, add together with the vanilla extract to the bowl, and mix/knead until you get a nice smooth dough. Work quickly so the dough and butter do not get warm. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour (or overnight).
2. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment or a baking mat. Take the dough out of the fridge and let it sit on the counter for about 10 minutes, then roll it out between two sheets of baking parchment to a thickness of about 0.12-0.16 inches (3-4 mm). Cut out six circles using tartlet rings* and place them with the rings on the prepared baking sheet. Collect leftover dough, roll it out again, and cut it into strips with the size of about 0.6×12 inches (1,5x30cm). If your tartlet rings are higher than 0.8 inches (2cm), the strips may need to be slightly wider than the 0.6 inches. Place those dough strips inside the rings on top of the dough circles that are already in there, press them lightly to the sides of the rings, and cut off overlapping dough, if necessary. Prick the bottoms several times with a fork and place the tartlets with the baking sheet in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 320°F (160°C). Take the tartlets out of the fridge and bake them for about 18-22 minutes or until golden brown. Remove the tartlets from the oven and let them cool down completely on the baking sheet, then carefully remove them from the rings. You can prepare the tartlets a day in advance.
4. In case your tartlets need to last longer on a buffet or something like that, it’s advisable to coat the inside of the tartlets with melted chocolate before you continue with the decorations. Let the chocolate harden in the fridge for about 10 minutes or so. This helps to avoid soggy bottoms ;P
5. Whisk the cold heavy cream and confectioners’ sugar in a tall bowl until stiff peaks form. Mix the mascarpone with the vanilla extract (or vanilla paste) in a second bowl until well combined, then gradually add the whipped cream and fold in. Fill or pipe the mascarpone cream into the tartlets (with a spoon or piping bag). Wash and dry the strawberries, remove the green leaves, and place them on the cream. I halved the strawberries to get as many as possible onto the cream. The amount of strawberries you actually need here can vary greatly, depending on how you add them on top of the cream. Sprinkle the finished tartlets with some chopped pistachios and serve as soon as possible. The fresher they are, the better ;)
Get your bake on!
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