No-bake cakes are great for summer. Super refreshing, and you do not have to fire up the oven, which may heat up your kitchen. For me, that’s a win-win situation ;) Since strawberries are in season in the summer, it’s only logical to use them in as many (no-bake) cakes as possible, right? This No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake is a great example of this combination. Super easy to prepare and extremely delicious! One of my favorite cakes of all time.
I love no-bake cheesecakes. I love baked cheesecakes as well, but if you can achieve a similar delicious result I definitely prefer the cheesecake version that does not have to go into an oven. You save some energy and the preparation is normally really easy. You don’t have to worry about getting the cheesecake out of the oven at the right time, in order for it to be baked through, but still soft and creamy. With no-bake cheesecakes, that’s kind of guaranteed. The only drawback, perhaps – the cheesecakes you »make« in the fridge need to be refrigerated all the time. A baked cheesecake can easily be left out on the counter for hours and still look great – the no-bake version will suffer in a situation like that. That point definitely goes to the baked cake ;P
Anyway. My tiny little Strawberry Cheesecake here was made with quite a good amount of fresh strawberries. They are inside the filling, all around the cake, and, of course, on top for the decorations. If you buy from local farmers where the prices for strawberries are not cheap… you really have to enjoy this cake ;P You can share this cake with others, but I recommend only sharing it with good friends and close family members (you actually like). Not every Tom., Dick, and Harry has earned the right to get a piece of this cake. Right?! ;P
In an ideal world, you would be able to use strawberries from your own garden. Those are more or less »for free« ;P Well, not really. You have to take care of these little rascals constantly, so they grow properly at all… that also means money ;) Not to mention the garden, which you have to be able to afford first in order to be able to grow veggies and berries. Our strawberry plants on the terrace only produce a few strawberries to snack on. Never enough for a whole cake.
Well. If you got enough strawberries – this cake is really easy to prepare. The base is done in no time. Just crush the cookies, mix them with the other ingredients, and press them into the baking tin. The easiest way to get an excellent base for a cake. I’ve chosen biscotti here, but you can use regular shortbread cookies or similar to make the base.
As mentioned before – this cake got some additional strawberries all around the sides. It’s an easy technique to make a cake look different. You press the strawberry slices onto the sides of the mold and when you fill up with the cream cheese mixture they will stay in place and be visible as soon as you remove the cake from the mold. I recommend using smaller and a bit thinner strawberry slices because they will stick easily to the sides of the mold. Bigger slices tend to come off sometimes. Adhesion vs. gravity I guess ;P
That’s probably the most »difficult« part of preparing this cake tbh. The filling is as easy as the base. If you know how to work with gelatin you won’t have any problems here. Even inexperienced bakers with less or no experience in gelatin handling will manage to do the filling I think. It’s really not that complicated. As long as you are not warming the gelatin too much all is fine. Well, and as for the decorations – do whatever you want to do. Use some whipped cream or not, add strawberries on top or not. The cake will be delicious with or without decorations ;)
Anyway. I got much more recipes with strawberries here on the blog – they basically dominate everything sweet in the summer. Click/tap on the picture below for more recipes. I created a small collection with my favorite strawberry bakes and desserts.
For the base:
7 oz. (200g) cantuccini/biscotti
2 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1.4 oz. (40g) butter, melted
some sliced strawberries
For the filling:
6 gelatin leaves
21 oz. (600g) cream cheese, at room temperature
10.6 oz. (300g) strawberries, puréed
2-3 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
7 oz. (200g) heavy cream, whipped
For the decoration:
5.3 oz. (150g) heavy cream
1-2 tsp. confectioner’s sugar
6 fresh strawberries, halved
Für den Boden:
200g Cantuccini
2 EL Xylit (oder Zucker)
40g Butter, geschmolzen
einige Erdbeeren in Scheiben geschnitten
Für die Füllung:
6 Blätter Gelatine
600g Frischkäse, Zimmertemperatur
300g Erdbeeren, püriert
2-3 EL Xylit (oder Zucker)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
200g Schlagsahne, aufgeschlagen
Für die Dekoration:
150g Schlagsahne
1-2 TL Puderzucker
6 frische Erdbeeren, halbiert
1. Add the cantuccini/biscotti to a food processor and mix until you get fine crumbs. Add the sugar and melted butter and mix to combine. Line an 8-inch springform tin with baking parchment, add the wet crumbs, and press down to create an even layer. Cut some strawberries into thin slices and press them onto the sides of the springform tin. If the strawberry slices are not too thick they should hold well. Leave as few gaps as possible and distribute the strawberries evenly (see photo). Place in the fridge until ready to use.
2. Add the gelatin leaves to a small bowl with cold water and let them soak in the water for about 5-7 minutes. Wash and dry the strawberries, remove the leaves, and purée them to get a thick strawberry sauce. Add the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the puréed strawberries and stir in. Set the bowl aside.
3. Gently squeeze the gelatin leaves to remove some soaked-up water, place them in a small saucepan and gently heat up until completely melted. Remove from heat and add about 2-3 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture and mix well. Return this mixture to the large bowl and stir in. Next, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form, then gently fold it into the mixture. Pour the cream carefully into the prepared springform tin – try not to let any strawberries slide off the edge and move them back into place if it happens. Smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours or overnight.
4. Carefully remove the cake from the mold. It works best to open the mold only slightly so the bottom detaches from the sides and then pull the sides up – this should keep the strawberries in place and help them come off the sides of the springform tin easily. Place the cheesecake on a serving plate. To decorate the cake whip the heavy cream with the confectioner’s sugar until stiff peaks form, transfer to a piping bag with a star tip, and pipe small dollops onto the cake. Place the halved strawberries on the cream with the cut sides facing up. Your delicious Strawberry Cheesecake is now ready!
Tip: If you cut slices with a regular knife you will eventually push down the strawberry slices on the sides – to avoid that you should pre-cut those strawberry slices with a sharp serrated knife* ;)
1. Die Cantuccini für den Boden in einem Mixer zu feinen Bröseln zermahlen. Zucker und geschmolzene Butter dazugeben und alles gut vermischen. Eine 20cm Springform mit Backpapier auslegen und dann die feuchten Brösel hineingeben und zu einer glatten Schicht zusammendrücken. Einige gewaschene Erdbeeren in dünne Scheiben schneiden und dann in der Backform an den Rand drücken – wenn die Erdbeerscheiben nicht zu dick sind, sollten sie eigentlich gut halten. Möglichst wenig große Lücken frei lassen und die Erdbeeren gleichmäßig verteilen (s. Foto). Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
2. Die Gelatineblätter in eine Schüssel mit kaltem Wasser legen und für 5-7 Minuten quellen lassen. Die Erdbeeren waschen, trocknen, von den Blättern befreien und dann zu einer dickflüssigen Erdbeersoße pürieren. Frischkäse, Zucker und Vanille Extrakt in eine große Schüssel geben und gut verrühren. Die pürierten Erdbeeren dazugeben und unterrühren. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Gelatine leicht ausdrücken, in einen kleinen Topf geben und vorsichtig erwärmen, bis sie komplett geschmolzen ist. Vom Herd ziehen und 2-3 Esslöffel der Frischkäsemasse dazugeben und gut verrühren. Diese Mischung in die große Schüssel zurückgeben und gut unterrühren. Als Nächstes die Sahne steif schlagen und vorsichtig unter die Masse ziehen. Die Masse vorsichtig in die vorbereitete Form füllen – darauf achten, dass keine Erdbeeren vom Rand herunterrutschen und ggf. wieder an Ort und Stelle rücken. Die Masse glatt streichen und dann für mindestens 4-5 Stunden oder über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Den Kuchen vorsichtig aus der Form lösen – die Form ab besten nur minimal öffnen, vom Boden lösen und dann nach oben ziehen, damit die Erdbeeren nirgends hängen bleiben. Den Käsekuchen auf eine Servierplatte setzen. Für die Dekoration die Schlagsahne mit dem Puderzucker steif schlagen, in einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen und dann 12 Tupfen am oben Rand entlang aufspritzen. Halbierte Erdbeeren mit der Schnittseite nach oben an die Sahne anlegen – fertig ist der Strawberry Cheesecake.
Tipp: Damit die Erdbeeren am Rand beim Anschneiden nicht weggedrückt werden von eurem Kuchenmesser, einfach die Erdbeeren mit einem scharfen Sägemesser* an den Schnittstellen schon einmal vorschneiden ;)
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintNo-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 00:00
- Total Time: 05:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Cheesecake
- Cuisine: International
- Diet: Vegetarian
The perfect cheesecake for all strawberry lovers! No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake – not too sweet and easy to prepare. A super nice treat on a hot summer day!
For the base:
7 oz. (200g) cantuccini/biscotti
2 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1.4 oz. (40g) butter, melted
some sliced strawberries
For the filling:
6 gelatin leaves
21 oz. (600g) cream cheese, at room temperature
10.6 oz. (300g) strawberries, puréed
2–3 tbsp. xylitol (or sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
7 oz. (200g) heavy cream, whipped
For the decoration:
5.3 oz. (150g) heavy cream
1–2 tsp. confectioner’s sugar
6 fresh strawberries, halved
1. Add the cantuccini/biscotti to a food processor and mix until you get fine crumbs. Add the sugar and melted butter and mix to combine. Line an 8-inch springform tin with baking parchment, add the wet crumbs, and press down to create an even layer. Cut some strawberries into thin slices and press them onto the sides of the springform tin. If the strawberry slices are not too thick they should hold well. Leave as few gaps as possible and distribute the strawberries evenly (see photo). Place in the fridge until ready to use.
2. Add the gelatin leaves to a small bowl with cold water and let them soak in the water for about 5-7 minutes. Wash and dry the strawberries, remove the leaves, and purée them to get a thick strawberry sauce. Add the cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the puréed strawberries and stir in. Set the bowl aside.
3. Gently squeeze the gelatin leaves to remove some soaked-up water, place them in a small saucepan and gently heat up until completely melted. Remove from heat and add about 2-3 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture and mix well. Return this mixture to the large bowl and stir in. Next, whip the heavy cream until stiff peaks form, then gently fold it into the mixture. Pour the cream carefully into the prepared springform tin – try not to let any strawberries slide off the edge and move them back into place if it happens. Smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours or overnight.
4. Carefully remove the cake from the mold. It works best to open the mold only slightly so the bottom detaches from the sides and then pull the sides up – this should keep the strawberries in place and help them come off the sides of the springform tin easily. Place the cheesecake on a serving plate. To decorate the cake whip the heavy cream with the confectioner’s sugar until stiff peaks form, transfer to a piping bag with a star tip, and pipe small dollops onto the cake. Place the halved strawberries on the cream with the cut sides facing up. Your delicious Strawberry Cheesecake is now ready!
If you cut slices with a regular knife you will eventually push down the strawberry slices on the sides – to avoid that you should pre-cut those strawberry slices with a sharp serrated knife*;)
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