I know I know – it is Sunday AND Easter – all you want to see now is probably some cake! ;) Unfortunately you have to go somewhere else for cake today… I have only something cheesy savory – and a little report about a nice blogger event at Kochhaus :)
As a blogger you get invited to events and workshops from time to time – which I really like! Free food (most of the time) ;) But sometimes the events are… well let’s say not really fitting for me. When I am reading those invitations I am more like “WTF?! What am I supposed to do on a fashion event? Take pictures of the buffet? Nobody reading my blog would be interested in that!” Maybe if Lady Gaga appears in a new meat dress – that would be something I could write about :P
Well – this time everything was matching very well! I mean – Kochhaus – that says it all…
For those who do not know Kochhaus – it’s a chain of shops here in Germany – they call themselves “the recipe book you can walk in” – something like that – but it is actually a good description. The shops look like fancy “Tante Emma” Stores with tables in every corner where you can find a picture of a dish and the matching recipe and ingredients. That is btw the idea behind Kochhaus – show people what they can cook and have everything at hand in the exact amounts they need for the recipe – pretty handy, right?
I wonder if this would work if I’d open a “Bakehouse”? Maybe I should give it a try and build my own franchise empire – muharrharr ;))
Anyways – I wanted to tell you a bit about the event – not me taking over the world (that is still a secret – so psssst!). So I was invited to go to Kochhaus – the one in my neighborhood. The people invited were a nice mixture of bloggers from Berlin and all over Germany. Food blogger, DIY blogger, mommy blogger, lifestyle blogger – well and me. The only male. As usual. :P Not complaining! ;))
The event started with one of the founders talking about the history of Kochhaus and what they all offer today – the recipes, ingredients, but also workshops and even an abo-service to bring you everything home (no need to leave your comfy sofa). Marie von Scones & Berries, who was inviting us all and organized the event had a really nice agenda planned for us. It started with a 4 course menue – done by the participants and one of the Kochhaus cooks – we made for example smoked zander, strammer max and a spicy chocolate espuma – all very yummy! The second round was all about creating our own recipe – one you could also find at Kochhaus for example.
The only thing that was mandatory for the recipe – use one type of berries which where given to you beforehand. My “team”: Sarah from Alles und Anderes, Laura from Try Try Try and Jenny from RheinHerztElbe (and myself) were chosen to use strawberries in a dish. So come up with a recipe. Now. :P Not that easy. As a baker my first idea was to make a cheesecake with strawberry topping – unfortunately one of our competitors decided to go for a dessert like that with their chosen berry (raspberries). No cheesecake. Bummer. Well we decided to make a flambéed goat cheese with strawberry salsa – the recipe you can find below ;)
The result was really delicious – that’s why you can find it here now :P To be honest – I am not the biggest goat cheese fan, but the combination with the salsa is genius! BUT for me it only works with a mild goat cheese. Can’t get over it, if it tastes too much like goat :P Maybe you feel different about that. Anyways – a really nice event and nice people I’ve met. Would go there again – anytime *hinthinthint* ;))
Well – Happy Easter! I am going to bake my Easter sweet braided loaves now!
For the strawberry salsa:
1 oz. (30g) dried apricots (soft)
0.75 oz. (20g) dried cranberries
2-3 kumquats
1 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. white wine vinegar
2/3 cup (150ml) water
1 mild chili pepper
2-3 strawberries
For the balsamico sauce:
1/4 cup (60ml) Balsamico
1 tbsp. honey
1 spring of rosemary
For the goat cheese:
4 slices (about 4.2 oz.) goat cheese
4 slices of bread
olive oil
3.5 oz. (100g) wild herbs salad
Für die Erdbeersalsa:
30g getrocknete Aprikosen (soft)
20g getrocknete Cranberries
2-3 Kumquats
1 EL Honig
2 EL Weißweinessig
150ml Wasser
1 milde Chilischote (oder Chiliflocken)
2-3 Erdbeeren
Für die Balsamicoreduktion:
60ml Balsamico
1 EL Honig
1 Zweig Rosmarin
Für den den Ziegenkäse:
4 Scheiben (ca. 120g) Ziegenkkäse
4 Scheiben Brot
100g Wildkräutersalat
2. For the salsa cut the apricots, cranberries, kumquats and strawberries into small dices. Add all fruits – except the strawberries – to a small saucepan, add honey, vinegar and water and heat up. Cut the chili pepper into small pieces and add to the saucepan. Let all simmer for about 4-5 minutes until most of the liquid is gone. Take from the heat and let cool down.
3. Add the balsamico, honey and rosemary to a small saucepan and heat up. Let simmer until reduced to a thick sauce. Remove the rosemary and set aside to cool down.
4. Add the diced strawberries to the salsa, mix and season with pepper. Brush the bread slices with some olive oil and roast in a hot pan. Add the goat cheese on top and flambé with a kitchen gas burner. Place some salad on each of the 4 plates, add the bread with the cheese on top, add some of the salsa and drizzle with the balsamico sauce. Serve with white wine.
2. Für die Salsa die Aprikosen, Cranberries, Kumquats und Erdbeeren in kleine Würfel schneiden. Bis auf die Erdbeeren alle Früchte zusammen mit dem Honig, Essig und Wasser in einen kleinen Topf geben und erhitzen. Die Chilischote ebenfalls klein würfeln und zu den Früchten geben – alles zusammen aufkochen und leicht köcheln lassen, bis ein Großteil der Flüssigkeit verkocht ist – etwa 4-5 Minuten. Die Salsa vom Herd nehmen und abkühlen lassen.
3. Balsamico, Honig und den Zweig Rosmarin in einen kleinen Topf geben und erhitzen, bis die Mischung zu einer dickflüssigen Soße reduziert ist. Rosmarin herausnehmen und zur Seite stellen.
4. Die Erdbeeren zur Salsa zugeben und vermischen, mit Pfeffer abschmecken. Die Brotscheiben mit etwas Olivenöl einpinseln und in einer heißen Pfanne leicht anrösten. Den Ziegenkäse darauflegen und mit dem Küchenbrenner flambieren. Den Salat auf 4 Tellern anrichten, das Brot mit dem Ziegenkäse daraufsetzen, Salsa dazugeben und mit der Balsamicoreduktion beträufeln. Dazu schmeckt ein leichter Weißwein.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Flambéed Goat Cheese with Strawberry Salsa and Wild Herbs Salad
- Prep Time: 20
- Cook Time: 10
- Total Time: 35
For the strawberry salsa
- 1 oz. (30g) dried apricots (soft)
- 0.75 oz. (20g) dried cranberries
- 2–3 kumquats
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 2 tbsp. white wine vinegar
- 2/3 cup (150ml) water
- 1 mild chili pepper
- 2–3 strawberries
- pepper
For the balsamico sauce
- 1/4 cup (60ml) Balsamico
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 1 spring of rosemary
For the goat cheese
- 4 slices (about 4.2 oz.) goat cheese
- 4 slices of bread
- olive oil
- 3.5 oz. (100g) wild herbs salad
- Take the goat cheese out of the fridge and let come to room temperature. Wash the salad and strawberries and let drain. Wash the kumquats with hot water and dry.
- For the salsa cut the apricots, cranberries, kumquats and strawberries into small dices. Add all fruits – except the strawberries – to a small saucepan, add honey, vinegar and water and heat up. Cut the chili pepper into small pieces and add to the saucepan. Let all simmer for about 4-5 minutes until most of the liquid is gone. Take from the heat and let cool down.
- Add the balsamico, honey and rosemary to a small saucepan and heat up. Let simmer until reduced to a thick sauce. Remove the rosemary and set aside to cool down.
- Add the diced strawberries to the salsa, mix and season with pepper. Brush the bread slices with some olive oil and roast in a hot pan. Add the goat cheese on top and flambé with a kitchen gas burner. Place some salad on each of the 4 plates, add the bread with the cheese on top, add some of the salsa and drizzle with the balsamico sauce. Serve with white wine.
- Enjoy cooking!
- Serving Size: 4