Apple cakes and apple pies are traditionally found wherever apples are grown. That makes sense, right? In Germany, you can find many different types of apple cakes like »Gedeckter Apfelkuchen« or a »Sunken Apple Cake«. In France you can also find a huge variety of cakes with apples – for example, this Apple Cake with Crème fraîche – well, and the Dutch like to bake a Dutch Apple Pies… or is it only the Americans that call this cake here Dutch Apple Pie, and think they are baking a pie from the Netherlands?! ;)

Well… I think in this case here, it’s maybe the second option… they think they do, but they’re probably not… ;P As I mentioned already – cakes with apples are common in many regions of the world… but what about apple pies? I would say they are something that more or less only exists in English-speaking countries like the UK and the US. Both of these countries are well known for their apple pies. The Americans even sing about their beloved »American (Apple) Pie« ;P Of course, many bakes that have come to fame in the US are somehow rooted in Europe… same for the Dutch Apple Pie, I suppose. However, I hope it’s not something like the »German Pancake« that is loved in the US, but nobody ever heard of it in Germany. Well – who knows… I am not an expert in apple pie history (or pancake history) – I just love to make those pies and eat them ;P
Anyway. To quote a famous slogan from an ad for cough drops: »Who invented it?« (I mean the Dutch Apple Pie)?! Well, I don’t really know and I actually don’t care. We can only be happy and say »thank you!« to the person(s) who did it. Known or unknown ;) Thank you, for a super delicious pie/cake with a juicy apple filling and crunchy crumbles on top. That’s what this is all about. No matter if it’s »Dutch« or »American« or maybe even »British«…. let’s just give all countries two thumbs up for such a delicious treat ;)

To be completely honest – my grandma most definitely baked a very similar apple cake when she was still with us. Without even knowing if it’s supposed to be a cake from the Netherlands, the USA, or Great Britain. We actually have those cakes here everywhere as well ;P Shortcrust base, thick apple layer, and streusels on top. The type of dough used for the crust and the slightly different shape of our apple cakes are probably the only difference to this »Dutch Apple Pie« here.
For my »Dutch Apple Pie«, I used a classic pie dough – made with some vinegar, so the crust gets nice and flaky when baked. That’s what you want in a pie like this. No soggy bottoms allowed ;P

Well. If you made it this far, you should finally be rewarded with the recipe now ;) But if you’re a real fan of apple pie and apple cakes I might have a little more in store for you. Two of my all-time favorite bakes with apples! Take a look for yourself…
In case anyone is wondering about the chia seeds in the recipe – they are not used here because they are one of these »super-duper food« thingies people use to fight diseases or whatever. They are simply in the filling to bind some of the liquid that gets out of the apples during the baking. You could also use some simple breadcrumbs, but I just don’t like those as much. And the little black dots inside the filling from the chia seeds do not really bother…. looks more like vanilla, right? ;P
For the pie crust:
1 1/4 cups (160g) all-purpose flour
1 pinch of salt
1/2 cup (120g) cold butter
1/4 cup (60ml) cold water
1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
For the crumb topping:
1 cup (130g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (50g) muscovado sugar
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
1/3 cup (75g) cold butter
For the filling:
4-5 Braeburn apples (about 30 oz.)
1/2 organic lemon, zest & juice
3 tbsp. muscovado sugar (plus some more)
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. chia seeds* (optional)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Für den Teig:
160g Mehl (Type 405)
1 Prise Salz
120g Butter, kalt
60ml Wasser, kalt
1/2 TL Apfelessig
Für die Streusel:
130g Mehl (Type 405)
50g Mascobado Zucker
1/2 TL Zimt
1 Prise Salz
75g Butter, kalt
Für die Füllung:
4-5 Braeburn Äpfel (ca. 850g)
1/2 Bio-Zitrone, Abrieb & Saft
3 EL Mascobado Zucker (plus etwas mehr)
2 EL Mehl (Type 405)
1 EL Chiasamen* (optional)
1 TL Zimt
1/2 TL Kardamom
1/4 TL gemahlener Ingwer
2 EL Milch
1 TL Vanille Extrakt

1. Add the flour and salt to a bowl, add the cold butter in small pieces, and rub everything between your fingers to combine. Add the vinegar to the cold water and then add to the bowl – knead quickly. The dough can be a bit patchy, but that is ok. You just don’t want it to get warm, so the butter does not melt. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
2. Add the flour, sugar, cinnamon, and salt for the crumbs to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the cold butter in small pieces and rub everything between your fingers to get different-sized crumbs. Place in the fridge until needed.
3. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Grease a 9.5 inches (24cm) pie dish* lightly and set aside. Peel, core, and slice the apples finely. Add to a bowl and add the lemon juice, so they won’t brown. Add the lemon zest, sugar, flour, chia seeds (optional), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, milk, and vanilla extract, and mix everything until well combined – you want the sugar, flour, and spices evenly distributed. Set aside.
4. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until slightly larger than the pie dish. Transfer and press to the bottom and sides. Prick the bottom several times with a fork. Add the apples and distribute them evenly – you want them quite compacted. Sprinkle the prepared crumbs on top, as well as some additional sugar (optional). Bake the pie for 15 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 375°F (190°C) and continue baking for another 45-50 minutes. The crumbs should have a nice color, and you want to see the filling bubble up here and there. If the crumbs get too dark towards the end, cover the pie with some aluminum foil and continue baking. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely for at least 2-3 hours, so the filling can settle and won’t fall apart when you cut the pie into slices.
1. Mehl und Salz in einer Schüssel vermischen, die kalte Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und alles zwischen den Fingern verreiben. Kaltes Wasser und Essig vermischen und zur Schüssel dazugeben. Alles zügig zu einem mehr oder weniger glatten Teig verkneten – es dürfen hier und da noch trockene Stellen zu sehen sein. In Klarsichtfolie einschlagen und dann für mindestens 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Für die Streusel das Mehl mit Zucker, Zimt und Salz vermischen. Die kalte Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und wieder alles zwischen den Fingern verreiben, bis unterschiedlich große Streusel entstehen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine 24cm Pieform* leicht einfetten und zur Seite stellen. Die Äpfel schälen, entkernen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden. In eine Schüssel geben und mit dem Zitronensaft beträufeln, damit sie nicht braun werden. Zitronenabrieb, Zucker, Mehl, Chiasamen (optional), Zimt, Kardamom, Ingwer, Milch und Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und alles gut vermengen – Zucker, Mehl und Gewürze sollten gleichmäßig verteilt sein. Zur Seite stellen.
4. Den Teig auf einer leicht bemehlten Fläche etwas größer als die Backform ausrollen. In die Form legen und am Boden und den Seiten festdrücken. Mit einer Gabel mehrmals einstechen und dann die Äpfel gleichmäßig auf dem Teig verteilen – möglichst keine großen Lücken entstehen lassen, damit die Äpfel schön kompakt in der Form sind. Die Streusel auf den Äpfeln verteilen, nach Belieben noch mit etwas Zucker bestreuen (optional) und für etwa 15 Minuten backen. Dann die Temperatur des Ofens dann auf 190°C (375°F) reduzieren und weitere 45-50 Minuten backen. Die Streusel sollten eine schöne Farbe bekommen haben, und die Füllung sollte hier und da durch die Streusel blubbern. Wenn die Streusel gegen Ende der Backzeit etwas dunkel werden sollten, mit Alufolie abdecken und weiterbacken. Den Pie aus dem Ofen nehmen und für mindestens 2-3 Stunden vollständig abkühlen lassen, damit sich die Füllung setzen kann und beim Anschneiden nicht zerfällt.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Dutch Apple Pie (with Crumb Topping)
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 01:00
- Total Time: 05:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Cakes
- Cuisine: Netherlands
- Diet: Vegetarian
Delicious and easy to prepare – Dutch Apple Pie with crunchy streusels topping. If you love apple pie and apple cake, this one is for you! ;)
For the pie crust:
1 1/4 cups (160g) all-purpose flour
1 pinch of salt
1/2 cup (120g) cold butter
1/4 cup (60ml) cold water
1/2 tsp. apple cider vinegar
For the crumb topping:
1 cup (130g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (50g) muscovado sugar
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
1/3 cup (75g) cold butter
For the filling:
4–5 Braeburn apples (about 30 oz.)
1/2 organic lemon, zest & juice
3 tbsp. muscovado sugar (plus some more)
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. chia seeds* (optional)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/4 tsp. ground ginger
2 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1. Add the flour and salt to a bowl, add the cold butter in small pieces, and rub everything between your fingers to combine. Add the vinegar to the cold water and then add to the bowl – knead quickly. The dough can be a bit patchy, but that is ok. You just don’t want it to get warm, so the butter does not melt. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
2. Add the flour, sugar, cinnamon, and salt for the crumbs to a bowl and mix to combine. Add the cold butter in small pieces and rub everything between your fingers to get different-sized crumbs. Place in the fridge until needed.
3. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Grease a 9.5 inches (24cm) pie dish* lightly and set aside. Peel, core, and slice the apples finely. Add to a bowl and add the lemon juice, so they won’t brown. Add the lemon zest, sugar, flour, chia seeds (optional), cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, milk, and vanilla extract, and mix everything until well combined – you want the sugar, flour, and spices evenly distributed. Set aside.
4. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until slightly larger than the pie dish. Transfer and press to the bottom and sides. Prick the bottom several times with a fork. Add the apples and distribute them evenly – you want them quite compacted. Sprinkle the prepared crumbs on top, as well as some additional sugar (optional). Bake the pie for 15 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 375°F (190°C) and continue baking for another 45-50 minutes. The crumbs should have a nice color, and you want to see the filling bubble up here and there. If the crumbs get too dark towards the end, cover the pie with some aluminum foil and continue baking. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely for at least 2-3 hours, so the filling can settle and won’t fall apart when you cut the pie into slices.
Happy Baking!
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