It’s time for Christmas cookies – you probably started already baking your regular batches of Christmas cookies, right? Like we all do… to switch up things from time to time I like to adapt recipes here and there so I do not make the same stuff all the time ;) That’s why I have a vegan recipe today – my “veganized” classic Vanilla Crescents – which turned out pretty damn good I have to say ;))

I really like all those classic bakes for Christmas: Vanilla Crescents, Coconut Macaroons, German Spitzbuben – everything is really delicious. But if you make the same stuff each year it is not a bad idea to make some changes here and there. For example, several years ago I updated my classic Spitzbuben recipe and made Chocolate Spitzbuben instead of the regular ones – a really nice update. These vanilla crescents here are an update of an existing recipe. Not a big change though ;)
The difference to the regular vanilla crescents is small – instead of butter, I used (vegan) plant-based margarine. Some of the classic recipes ask for egg or egg yolk, some don’t – so leaving it out completely to “veganize” the cookies is not that big of a deal. The nuts and the fat keep the dough together so no egg needed. To leave out eggs in a bake is often not a problem – as long as it is only a small amount.

So instead of regular butter, I used margarine. The fat makes the cookies tender and crumbly. Some might say vanilla crescents taste better with regular butter, but to be honest – not true ;) The flavor that dominates everything is the vanilla and that works well with any kind of fat. These cookies are sweet, crumbly and have a great vanilla flavor. As good as my “regular” vanilla crescents ;)
(about 40 pieces)
For the dough:
1 1/4 cups (290g) all-purpose flour
3.5 oz. (100g) ground almonds
1/4 cups (50g) sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
7 oz. (200g) cold margarine (vegan)
1-2 tbsp. water (if necessary)
For the sugar coating:
1/4 cup (50g) sugar
2 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
1 tbsp. vanilla sugar
(ca. 40 Stück)
Für den Teig:
290g Mehl (Type 405)
100g Mandeln, gemahlen
50g Zucker
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
200g Pflanzenmargarine (kalt)
ggf. 1-2 EL Wasser
Zum Rollen:
50g Zucker
2 EL Puderzucker
1 EL Vanillezucker

1. Add the flour, almonds, and sugar to a large bowl and mix. Add vanilla extract and the cold margarine in small pieces and knead until you get a nice smooth dough. If the dough seems too dry to hold together, gradually add some water. Shape the dough into a log and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Cut the dough log in roughly 40 slices and shape each slice into a ball first, then into a crescent/horn. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment. If you what the crescents to hold their shape a bit better, cool them another 20 minutes – if you don’t care, place them directly in the oven and bake for 12-14 minutes. Take out of the oven before the tips of the crescents start to get color. Let cool down for some time on the baking sheet until you can touch them without breaking.
3. Mix the sugar with confectioner’s sugar and vanilla sugar in a shallow bowl. Roll the slightly cooled Kipferl carefully in the sugar mix – they should be covered completely. Let cool completely on a wire rack. Store in an airtight tin box without any other Christmas cookies.
1. Das Mehl mit den Mandeln und Zucker in einer großen Schüssel verrühren. Vanille Extrakt und die kalte Margarine in kleinen Stücke dazugeben und alles zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Sollte der Teig zu trocken wirken, ggf. etwas Wasser dazugeben. Den Teig zu einer Rolle Formen und Klarsichtfolie einschlagen und für mindestens 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Teigrolle in etwa 40 Scheiben schneiden. Jede Scheibe erst zu einer Kugel, dann zu Kipferl/Halbmonden formen und auf ein Blech mit Backpapier setzen. Die Kipferl sollten idealerweise jetzt noch einmal für 20 Minuten in den Kühlschrank, damit sie die Form besser halten – wer es eilig hat, kann das Blech aber gleich in den Ofen schieben. Die Kipferl für etwa 12-14 Minuten backen. Aus dem Ofen holen und für ein paar Minuten auf dem Blech abkühlen lassen, bis man sie ohne Probleme anfassen kann.
3. Zucker, Puderzucker und Vanillezucker in einer flachen Schüssel vermischen. Die leicht abgekühlten Kipferl vorsichtig darin wälzen und auf einem Gitter vollkommen abkühlen lassen. Die Kipferl in einer gut schließenden Blechdose aufbewahren. Nicht mit anderen Plätzchensorten zusammen lagern.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Vegan Vanilla Crescents (German Christmas Cookies)
- Prep Time: 30m
- Cook Time: 14m
- Total Time: 2h
- Yield: 40
- Category: Cookies
- Cuisine: German
Delicious classic German Christmas Cookies: (Vegan) Vanilla Crescents aka. Vanillekipferl.
Enjoy baking!
Thank you for this. My niece is allergic to eggs and the vanilla crescents have been her mommy’s favorite cookie since she was 2. I tried to make your normal recipe with flax egg, it made them to dry I also tried Greek yogurt, to which they had a werid texture. I had never thought to just leave the egg out. I will be making 4 batches today. Thank you so much
hello from korea~, thank you for sharing this vegan vanillekipferl recipe. i have a german friend who came to korea to see me last week. we made vanillekipferl together at home. it was soooo delicious but regular one. i’d like to make it as vegan version so i googled it and have found here! i’m gonna make it very soon as following your recipe! exciting! thanks again~
Thanks you for your message!
I hope the vanillekipferl turn out perfect for you! :)