We are big fans of Asian cuisine here. I say Asian cuisine because we love a lot of dishes from that area, not only from one specific country. This corner of the world has soo many delicious dishes ;) Today I got a pasta dish for your that is a bit of a mix of Chinese and Japanese – at least the way we do it. So how about some delicious Spicy Pork Udon Noodles? An explosion of flavors that is really easy to prepare!
Spicy Pork Noodles are actually a typical Chinese dish – some call it Chinese Bolognese. So where does the Japanese influence come into this dish? Quite simple I would say. The Udon Noodles actually belong to Japanese cuisine. And also the Japanese rice wine aka. mirin. The Five Spice spice is again typically Chinese. A colorful mixture of all good things in one dish I’d say ;)
Theoretically, you could also bring some European “flair” to the dish if you use spaghetti instead of udon noodles. Basically, any noodles will work… so just use whatever you like. I guess you could even use gnocchi here if you wanted. Something starchy together with the pork and spices – heaven ;)
Make sure you fry the minced meat well over high heat. You want it to get really nicely browned and crispy. Works best in a wok but you can also use a regular large frying pan here. Just make it as hot as you can and you’re good to go. But don’t burn anything ;P
The noodles, with the meat and the spicy sauce, are a great combination! We really love preparing this dish. The amount of the crispy chili in oil and the amount of garlic is perfect for us here. For some of you out there, this might be too spicy, for others probably not spicy enough. My recommendation here – add less of both when you do the dish for the first time and add more at the end if you think it could need more heat.
Same for the soy sauce. Depending on what soy sauce you use, you might have to use less or leave out the salt listed in the recipe at all. You don’t want this dish to be super salty. Here as well – there is always a chance to add more at the end. If you do the dish more than once, you will probably get the right amount for everything pretty quickly.
For the meat:
14 oz. (400g) minced (pork) meat
1 tbsp. mirin (rice wine)
2 tbsp. dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. Five Spice powder
some little salt
For the sauce:
2 tbsp. crispy chili in oil (or chili oil)
2 tbsp. dark soy sauce
2 tbsp. tahini (sesame paste)
1 tsp. five-spice powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. honey
4-5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
some oil for frying (preferably sesame oil)
17.5 oz. (500g) dried udon noodles
some spring onion rings
Für das Fleisch:
400g Hackfleisch (Schwein)
1 EL Mirin (Reiswein)
2 EL dunkle Sojasoße
1/2 TL Cayenne Pfeffer
1/2 TL Five Spice Gewürz
etwas Salz
Für die Soße:
2 EL Crispy Chili in Öl (oder Chiliöl)
2 EL dunkle Sojasoße
2 EL Tahini (Sesampaste)
1 TL Five Spice Gewürz
1/2 TL Cayenne Pfeffer
1 TL Honig
4-5 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
etwas Öl zum Anbraten (z.B. Sesamöl)
500g Udon Nudeln (trocken)
einige Frühlingszwiebelringe
2. For the sauce, mix the crispy chili (oil) or chili oil, soy sauce, tahini, five-spice powder, cayenne pepper, and honey in a large bowl (this is where the noodles will come in later as well). Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves and add to the sauce. Set aside.
3. Add some oil to a wok or large frying pan, heat up, and fry the minced meat until nicely browned and crispy. Set aside and keep warm.
4. Cook the udon noodles in lightly salted water – that usually takes about 10 minutes. Drain the pasta and save some of the cooking water. Add the drained udon noodles to the bowl with the sauce and mix, add some of the cooking water if needed. Add the noodles to bowls, top with the meat, and some spring onion rings (if you like). Serve immediately.
2. Für die Soße die Crispy Chili, Sojasoße, Tahini, Five Spice Gewürz, Cayenne Pfeffer und Honig in einer großen Schüssel verrühren (hier kommen später die Nudeln mit rein). Die Knoblauchzehen schälen, fein hacken und zur Soße dazugeben.
3. Etwas Öl in einem Wok oder einer Pfanne erhitzen und dann das Hackfleisch scharf anbraten, bis es gut Farbe bekommen hat. Zur Seite stellen und warm halten.
4. Die Udon Nudeln in leicht gesalzenem Wasser kochen – dauert meist etwa 10 Minuten – abgießen und etwas vom Nudelwasser auffangen. Die abgetropften Udon in die Schüssel mit der Soße geben und vermischen, ggf. noch etwas vom Nudelwasser dazugeben. Die Nudeln auf Teller verteilen, das angebratene Fleisch darübergeben und nach belieben mit Frühlingszwiebelringen dekorieren. Sofort servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintSpicy Pork Udon Noodles
- Prep Time: 00:15
- Cook Time: 00:10
- Total Time: 00:45
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Pasta
- Cuisine: Asian
Quick and easy to prepare – one of the most delicious noodle dishes I know: Spicy Pork Udon Noodles. So good!
For the meat:
14 oz. (400g) minced (pork) meat
1 tbsp. mirin (rice wine)
2 tbsp. dark soy sauce
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp. Five Spice powder
some little salt
For the sauce:
2 tbsp. crispy chili in oil (or chili oil)
2 tbsp. dark soy sauce
2 tbsp. tahini (sesame paste)
1 tsp. five-spice powder
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
1 tsp. honey
4–5 garlic cloves, finely chopped
some oil for frying (preferably sesame oil)
17.5 oz. (500g) dried udon noodles
some spring onion rings
1. Mix the minced meat with mirin, soy sauce, cayenne pepper, five-spice powder, and some salt (not much though) in a bowl until well combined. Set aside and let marinate for about 15 minutes.
2. For the sauce, mix the crispy chili (oil) or chili oil, soy sauce, tahini, five-spice powder, cayenne pepper, and honey in a large bowl (this is where the noodles will come in later as well). Peel and finely chop the garlic cloves and add to the sauce. Set aside.
3. Add some oil to a wok or large frying pan, heat up, and fry the minced meat until nicely browned and crispy. Set aside and keep warm.
4. Cook the udon noodles in lightly salted water – that usually takes about 10 minutes. Drain the pasta and save some of the cooking water. Add the drained udon noodles to the bowl with the sauce and mix, add some of the cooking water if needed. Add the noodles to bowls, top with the meat, and some spring onion rings (if you like). Serve immediately.
Enjoy cooking!
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Meeega lecker!!! Super schnell und leicht gemacht. Es hat schon eine gute Schärfe aber perfekt für einen kalten Herbsttag.
vielen Dank für das tolle Rezept!