Halloween is coming up soon and, of course, I could not resist baking a little sweet treat for this special day. Not because I’m going to celebrate with a party. My Halloween bakes are just for fun. Because I like to bake something spooky from time to time. If you’ve been here on the blog in previous years around Halloween, you have probably seen some of these bakes already. Today I got some delicious and only slightly creepy cupcakes for you. Delicious Audrey II Cupcakes from the musical „Litte Shop of Horrors“ – some of you probably heard of it ;)

If you don’t know the musical or movie “Little Shop of Horrors” (I mean the one from the 80s and not the one from the 60s), you should definitely watch it someday. The movie with Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene (well, and Steve Martin) is one of my absolute favorite movies. Totally weird with great music. Just the way I like my movies ;P
In the movie/musical, Audrey II – a carnivorous plant (I think that’s something I can tell) – is one of the protagonists of the movie. My little cupcakes here are a tribute to this really weird character. If I have a lot of time someday, I might try to make a life-size version of Audrey ;P (If you know the movie: Just kidding!).

I think the cupcakes would look great on the buffet of a Halloween party, even if you don’t know Audrey II or the movie. They look creepy and funny at the same time even without the character in mind. And of course, those little plants also taste good. Classic chocolate cupcakes with a red fruit jelly filling and topped with (a good amount of) buttercream and a strawberry. Although it is currently no strawberry season, I had to make an exception and buy some in a fancy supermarket ;P
The chocolate cupcakes are not very complicated to prepare – even the decoration is quite simple, to be honest. It just takes some time to fill up all those piping bags and get the different parts of the plant piped onto the cupcakes. You can use disposable piping bags* for this and rinse them out in between to avoid waste. Or you can get a piping bag set*, where you add the piping tips with an attachment ;) But for that, you normally need the matching piping tips which can be a bit annoying sometimes. Nonetheless – it’s a lot of fun creating these little pant monsters ;P
For the cupcakes:
1/2 cup (120g) butter
2.1 oz. (60g) semi-sweet chocolate (70% cocoa)
2 large eggs
3/4 cup (150g) sugar or xylitol
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup (100g) all-purpose flour
1.8 oz. (50g) cocoa powder
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup (120ml) buttermilk
For the buttercream:
4 medium egg whites
1 cup (200g) sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
10.6 oz. (300g) soft butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3.5 oz. (100g) confectioners‘ sugar
food color (red, green, black)*
For the filling/decoration:
6-7 tbsp. red fruit jelly or jam
12 medium strawberries, washed & dried
Für den Teig:
120g Butter
60g Zartbitterschokolade (70% Kakao), grob gehackt
2 Eier (L)
150g Zucker (oder Xylit)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
100g Mehl (Type 550)
50g Kakao
3/4 TL Backpulver
1/2 TL Natron
1/4 TL Salz
120ml Buttermilch
Für die Buttercreme:
4 Eiweiß (M)
200g Zucker
1/4 TL Salz
300g weiche Butter
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
100g Puderzucker
Lebensmittelfarbe (rot, grün, schwarz)*
Für die Füllung/Dekoration:
6-7 EL Rote Grütze oder Marmelade
12 mittelgroße Erdbeeren, gewaschen & getrocknet

2. Add the eggs, sugar (or xylitol), and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix at high speed until light and fluffy. Add the cooled butter chocolate mixture and stir in to combine. Mix the flour with cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and gradually add to the bowl alternating with the buttermilk. Mix until combined – do not overmix. Fill the paper liners evenly with the batter and bake for about 16-18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. For the buttercream, place a large heatproof bowl over a pot with simmering water. Add the egg whites, sugar, and salt and mix until the mix reaches a temperature of 160°F (71°C) and the sugar has completely dissolved. Using a food processor or a hand mixer, whisk the egg whites on high speed for about 5-6 minutes until you got a nice and thick meringue that has room temperature. Gradually add the butter in small pieces, mixing well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and confectioners’ sugar and mix for another 6-8 minutes until you get a fluffy and creamy buttercream.
4. For the decoration, the buttercream has to be divided into several portions and colored with food coloring. For Audrey’s teeth you need some plain uncolored buttercream, so set about 1 tbsp. aside for that. For Audrey’s tongue, you need a bit more than 1 tbsp. buttercream colored red and the same amount in black for Audrey’s throat. Color the rest of the buttercream green and about 1/3 of that even in a darker green.
5. Take a large piping bag with a star tip and spread some of the dark green buttercream on the inside of the piping bag, then fill up with the lighter green buttercream – this will give you a two-tone buttercream. The red buttercream needs to be filled into a piping bag with a small piping tip for leaves*, for the white and black buttercream, use small round piping tips. The rest of the dark green buttercream can be added to a piping bag with a small round piping tip and a second piping bag with a small piping tip for leaves* – this is for the plant vines.
6. Cut a well in the cooled cupcakes for the filling and then add the red jelly or jam. Pip a swirl on top of the cupcake with the two-tone green buttercream and cover the filling with it. Cut the strawberries in half but leave them connected where the green leaves/stem comes out. Place them on the green buttercream swirls, pipe a tongue into the cut open strawberries with the red buttercream, then pipe a small portion of black buttercream where the two parts of the strawberries are still connected to simulate the back of the throat and tiny teeth along the edges of the strawberries to create the open mouth with teeth of Audrey II. If the strawberries seem very moist you might want to pat them dry with a piece of kitchen paper so the buttercream sticks better. Use the dark green buttercream to pipe vines and leaves around the cupcake. Place the finished cupcakes in the fridge until you serve them.
2. Die Eier mit Zucker (oder Xylit) und Vanille Extrakt in einer großen Schüssel hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die abgekühlte Schoko-Mischung dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Mehl, Kakao, Backpulver, Natron und Salz ein einer zweiten Schüssel vermischen und dann abwechselnd mit der Buttermilch zur großen Schüssel dazugeben und jeweils nur kurz verrühren. Den Teig auf die Papierförmchen aufteilen und dann für etwa 16-18 Minuten backen. Mit einem Zahnstocher testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und die Cupcakes erst herausholen, wenn der Zahstocher sauber herauskommt. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett abkühlen lassen.
3. Für die Buttercreme eine große Schüssel auf einen Topf mit köchelndem Wasser stellen. Das Eiweiß mit Zucker und Salz hineingeben und so lange mixen, bis eine Temperatur von 71°C (160°F) erreicht ist und sich der Zucker komplett aufgelöst hat. Mit der Küchenmaschine oder mit einem Handmixer das Eiweiß auf höchster Stufe für etwa 5-6 Minuten aufschlagen, bis es fest und auf Zimmertemperatur abgekühlt ist. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken nach und nach zugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Den Vanille Extrakt und den Puderzucker zugeben, unterrühren und dann für weitere 6-8 Minuten aufschlagen, bis die Buttercreme schön cremig ist und glänzt.
4. Für die Dekoration muss die Buttercreme jetzt in mehrere Portionen aufgeteilt werden und mit Lebensmittelfarbe eingefärbt werden. Für die Zähne braucht es etwas Buttercreme ohne Farbe, also hier etwa 1 EL zur Seite nehmen. Für die Zungen braucht es etwas mehr als 1 EL in Rot eingefärbt und etwas mehr als 1 EL schwarz gefärbt für den Rachen von Audrey II. Den Rest mit grüner Lebensmittelfarbe einfärben, wobei etwa 1/3 davon ein dunkles Grün werden sollte.
5. Einen großen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle vorbereiten und etwas von der dunkelgrünen Buttercreme auf den Innenseiten des Spritzbeutels verstreichen, dann mit dem helleren Grün auffüllen – dadurch bekommt ihr eine zweifarbige Buttercreme. Die rote Buttercreme braucht einen Spritzbeutel mit einer kleinen Tülle für Blätter*, die weiße und schwarze Buttercreme kann man in Spritzbeuteln mit kleinen runden Tüllen einfüllen. Den Rest der dunkelgrünen Buttercreme kann man in einen Spritzbeutel mit kleiner Runder Tülle und in einen Spritzbeutel mit kleiner Tülle für Blätter* einfüllen – das ist für die Pflanzenranken.
6. In die abgekühlten Cupcakes eine Vertiefung für die Füllung hineinschneiden und dann mit der Roten Grütze befüllen. Mit der zweifarbigen, grünen Buttercreme einen Swirl auf jeden Cupcake aufspritzen und damit die Füllung abdecken. Die gewaschenen Erdbeeren von der Spitze her zum Strunk einschneiden, dabei aber nicht komplett durchschneiden. Auf den grünen Buttercreme-Swirl setzen, dann mit der roten Buttercreme eine Zunge in die aufgeschnittene Erdbeere spritzen, dann eine kleine Portion schwarzer Buttercreme im “Rachen” der Erdbeere aufspritzen und mit der weißen Buttercreme rundum am Rand Zähne aufspritzen. Wenn die Erdbeeren an den Schnittkanten sehr feucht sind, vielleicht etwas trockentupfen mit einem Stück Küchenpapier, damit die Buttercreme besser hält. Mit der dunkelgrünen Buttercreme zum Abschluß noch Ranken mit Blättern rundum die Cupcakes aufspritzen. Bis zum Servieren in den Kühlschrank stellen.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Audrey II Cupcakes – Little Shop of Horrors for Halloween
- Prep Time: 00:45
- Cook Time: 00:18
- Total Time: 02:00
- Yield: 12 1x
- Category: Cupcakes
- Cuisine: America
- Diet: Vegetarian
Delicious little tribute to Audrey II and Little Shop of Horrors for Halloween. Chocolate Cupcakes with Fruit Jelly Filling. So good!
For the cupcakes:
1/2 cup (120g) butter
2.1 oz. (60g) semi-sweet chocolate (70% cocoa)
2 large eggs
3/4 cup (150g) sugar or xylitol
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 cup (100g) all-purpose flour
1.8 oz. (50g) cocoa powder
3/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup (120ml) buttermilk
For the buttercream:
4 medium egg whites
1 cup (200g) sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
10.6 oz. (300g) soft butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
3.5 oz. (100g) confectioners‘ sugar
food color (red, green, black)*
For the filling/decoration:
6–7 tbsp. red fruit jelly or jam
12 medium strawberries, washed & dried
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners and set aside. Add the butter and chopped chocolate for the batter to a heatproof bowl and melt in the microwave or over a pot with simmering water. Mix to combine until smooth. Set aside and allow to cool down a bit.
2. Add the eggs, sugar (or xylitol), and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix at high speed until light and fluffy. Add the cooled butter chocolate mixture and stir in to combine. Mix the flour with cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and gradually add to the bowl alternating with the buttermilk. Mix until combined – do not overmix. Fill the paper liners evenly with the batter and bake for about 16-18 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. For the buttercream, place a large heatproof bowl over a pot with simmering water. Add the egg whites, sugar, and salt and mix until the mix reaches a temperature of 160°F (71°C) and the sugar has completely dissolved. Using a food processor or a hand mixer, whisk the egg whites on high speed for about 5-6 minutes until you got a nice and thick meringue that has room temperature. Gradually add the butter in small pieces, mixing well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and confectioners’ sugar and mix for another 6-8 minutes until you get a fluffy and creamy buttercream.
4. For the decoration, the buttercream has to be divided into several portions and colored with food coloring. For Audrey’s teeth you need some plain uncolored buttercream, so set about 1 tbsp. aside for that. For Audrey’s tongue, you need a bit more than 1 tbsp. buttercream colored red and the same amount in black for Audrey’s throat. Color the rest of the buttercream green and about 1/3 of that even in a darker green.
5. Take a large piping bag with a star tip and spread some of the dark green buttercream on the inside of the piping bag, then fill up with the lighter green buttercream – this will give you a two-tone buttercream. The red buttercream needs to be filled into a piping bag with a small piping tip for leaves*, for the white and black buttercream, use small round piping tips. The rest of the dark green buttercream can be added to a piping bag with a small round piping tip and a second piping bag with a small piping tip for leaves* – this is for the plant vines.
6. Cut a well in the cooled cupcakes for the filling and then add the red jelly or jam. Pip a swirl on top of the cupcake with the two-tone green buttercream and cover the filling with it. Cut the strawberries in half but leave them connected where the green leaves/stem comes out. Place them on the green buttercream swirls, pipe a tongue into the cut open strawberries with the red buttercream, then pipe a small portion of black buttercream where the two parts of the strawberries are still connected to simulate the back of the throat and tiny teeth along the edges of the strawberries to create the open mouth with teeth of Audrey II. If the strawberries seem very moist you might want to pat them dry with a piece of kitchen paper so the buttercream sticks better. Use the dark green buttercream to pipe vines and leaves around the cupcake. Place the finished cupcakes in the fridge until you serve them.
Enjoy baking!
Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links (advertising/Werbung) to Amazon Germany. If you click on one of those links and buy something via this link, I will get a commission for that sale. The price of whatever you buy is not affected in any way by this.
While I did not use the recipe for baking the cakes, I give the photos and decorations 5 stars for the inspiration! I made and decorated these cakes as shown for students at our local high school who are performing Little Shop as a musical. These look super fancy but are surprisingly simple to make! And the students are sure to love them! The only additional comment is that when the strawberries contact the sugary buttercream they will start to “weep” and drip a bit of juice. Had I thought of this earlier, I would have opted to make them at the last minute instead of a day ahead however, I’m not sure that it is at all preventable.