I did not plan to bake anything with plums this year for the blog – I have so many recipes already ;) Well… the universe wanted one more I guess and sent me mirabelle plums, so I had to give in and make this Mirabelle Plum Poppy Seed Streusel Cheesecake. I guess there are worse things that could have happened, so I am not complaining ;)

When I moved into the neighborhood I am living right now, I started ordering something called “Biokiste” from a local farmer. If you live where I live, it is kind of mandatory to get it ;) It is a box with fresh organic veggies and fruits from a farm close by which gets delivered to your house each weekend. Most of the time it is salad, carrots, onions and stuff like that you can use on a daily basis in your recipes. Sometimes they also add more “special” stuff which is in season: rhubarb, cherries or the last couple weeks mirabelle plums – little red, purple and yellow plums. I thought I know mirabelles, but I guess I was wrong – the ones I knew up until now were much larger and only yellow… I guess you never stop learning new stuff ;)

Anyway. Eating them like plums or cherries was not an option because they were too sour. I had to use them in a bake. Well… not any bake – this poppy seed cheesecake with streusel topping to be precise ;) Cakes like this one here work perfectly with sour fruits and berries. The sweetness of the filling and the streusel does a really good job in balancing out the sourness of the mirabelles. You could also use sweet berries and fruits but then I recommend to reduce the sugar a bit – unless you like sweet cakes and don’t care ;) Cherries, Damson plums, apricots or raspberries should work well here.
I use a pre-made poppy seed filling in my recipe – you can get it here in basically every supermarket. If you want or have to skip that because it’s not available where you live, you can easily make it yourself. I have a recipe for Poppy Seed Rolls where I make the filling from scratch https://baketotheroots.de/poppy-seed-rolls/ – you can use that to replace the stuff from the store. Not really difficult. You can reduce the sugar a bit though. The rest of the cheesecake filling already has sugar, so a bit less from the filling would not hurt. I know… a lot of sugar reducing I suggest, but for me is less sugar better. If you don’t care – put all the sugar in you like ;)))

Well… that’s it already. If you are going to make this cake – have fun baking! It’s a really nice one. If you post it on one of your social media channels let me know – would love to see how it turned out! As always! ;)
1 3/4 cups (230g) all-purpose flour
1/4 cup (50g) sugar
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 cup (120g) cold butter
1 medium egg
For the streusel:
1 cup (130g) all-purpose flour
1/3 cup (70g) sugar
3.5 oz. (100g) butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
For the filling:
28 oz. (800g) mirabelles (small red & yellow plums)
17.5 oz. (500g) low-fat curd (Magerquark)
3.5 oz. (100g) sour cream (Schmand)
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
2 large eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8.8 oz. (250g) poppy seed filling (ready to use)
230g Mehl (Type 550)
50g Zucker
1 1/2 TL Backpulver
120g kalte Butter
1 Ei (M)
Für die Streusel:
130g Mehl (Type 550)
70g Zucker
100g Butter
1/2 TL Vanille Extrakt
Für die Füllung:
700g Mirabellen
500g Magerquark
100g Schmand
100g Zucker
2 EL Speisestärke
2 Eier (L)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
250g Mohn-Fix

2. Add the flour for the base together with the sugar and baking powder to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the cold butter in small pieces, mix with the flour and cut into pea-sized pieces with a pastry blender or knife. Add the egg and mix/knead quickly until you get a smooth dough. Roll out the dough on a floured surface slightly larger than the tin. Place in the prepared tin and press to the bottom and sides to form a nice crust (almost up to the edge). If the dough is too crumbly cut a circle in the size of the tin and place inside the tin, use the rest of the dough to make a long sausage and press that to the sides of the tin to shape the sides of the cake crust. Place in the fridge for about 30 minutes to cool down.
3. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Wash, dry and pit the mirabelles. Set aside. For the streusel add the flour, sugar, butter, and vanilla extract to a bowl and mix with your fingers until nice and chunky streusel form. Place as well in the fridge to cool down.
4. For the filling mix the low-fat curd with sour cream, sugar, cornstarch, eggs, and vanilla extract until smooth. Add the poppy seed filling and mix in. Pour that filling into the prepared cake crust, top with the mirabelles and sprinkle with the streusel. Bake for 40-45 minutes until the streusel have a nice golden color. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely in the springform tin. When cooled, place at least 2 hours in the fridge. Before you cut the cake, let it come to room temperature again. Serve with some whipped cream.
2. Das Mehl für den Boden mit dem Zucker und Backpulver in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben, im Mehl schenken und dann mit einem Teigmischer in etwa erbsengroße Stücke zerteilen. Das Ei dazugeben und alles schnell zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Den Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche etwas größer als die Form ausrollen und dann in die Form legen und am Boden und den Seiten festdrücken. Da der Teig etwas bröselig ist, kann man auch einen Kreis in Größe der Form ausschneiden und mit dem restlichen Teig eine lange Wurst rollen und daraus dann Boden und Ränder formen. Für etwa 30 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) vorheizen. Die Mirabellen waschen, trocknen und entsteinen. Zur Seite stellen. Für die Streusel das Mehl mit Zucker, Butter und Vanille Extrakt in Schüssel geben und zwischen den Fingern verreiben, bis grobe Streusel entstehen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Für die Füllung den Magerquark mit Schmand, Zucker, Stärke, Eiern und Vanille Extrakt verrühren. Mohn-Fix dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Masse in der vorbereiteten Form auf dem Boden verteilen und glatt streichen. Die entsteinten Mirabellen darauf verteilen und mit den Streuseln abschließen. Für 40-45 Minuten backen – die Streusel sollten eine schöne goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und in der Form komplett auskühlen lassen, dann für mind. 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen. Vor dem Anschneiden auf Raumtemperatur kommen lassen und mit etwas Schlagsahne servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Mirabelle Poppy Seed Streusel Cheesecake
- Prep Time: 40m
- Cook Time: 40m
- Total Time: 4h
- Yield: 1
- Category: Cheesecake
- Cuisine: German
Delicious cheesecake with poppy seed filling, Mirabelle (small yellow & red plums) topping and a good amount of crunchy streusel. So good!
Enjoy baking!