February is almost over. This means it’s time for a new “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise” with Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte. Our topic today is something that fits perfectly for the “5th Season” – a term we use here in Germany for Karneval aka. Carnival or Mardi Gras. Today is all about finger food! Simple and easy snack for a party like these Easy (Pork) Sausage Rolls made with puff pastry dough. (Almost) Everyone loves them! (if you are vegetarian or vegan – the recipe can be adapted easily) ;)

Andrea and I are doing our little baking event called “Bake Together” for several years already. Once a month we come up with a topic or theme and then each of us does something without knowing what the other one is doing. Since we live far from each other the “together” in the title is more or like a “the thoughts are out there with the other person but we actually can’t bake together because we live so f***ing far from each other” ;P Well… at least the “surprise” is real and works well each time ;)
So today it’s all about finger food or you could also say party food. Small, delicious snacks that disappear with a bite in your mouth. Depending on the size you may have to make two bites. The main goal is to get rid of the snack in your hand quickly, so you can immediately try something else.

If you like it easy and uncomplicated when it comes to prepare food for a (carnival) party, it’s always a good idea to do something with puff pastry dough. There is so much you can do with this type of dough – no matter if you want something sweet or something savory.
Normally I would say – let’s do everything from scratch – but puff pastry dough… not so much. I made it myself several times already, but to be honest… it’s no fun. Using homemade puff pastry dough for snacks that will be “inhaled” within seconds is just not worth the effort you have to put in making this kind of dough. Make puff pastry dough from scratch for something else like Beef Wellington. That’s where you can shine with your skills ;P For snacks like these here I prefer ready-made dough from the supermarket. Really! ;)

About that puff pastry dough from the supermarket… if you have the chance get a roll of dough that is in the section with the cooled but not frozen stuff. Frozen puff pastry dough is also fine for this recipe but that comes in thick sheets that have to be thawed and rolled out first. The cooled dough is much easier to handle and ready in seconds. Oh and go for the one made with butter if you don’t want to make something vegan. Much better taste in my opinion.
Speaking of vegan… the recipe also works great without meat. Instead of the sausage meat you can simply use plant-based minced meat for the filling. Pretty easy. Depending on how strongly the plant-based minced meat is seasoned you might want to adjust the spices listed in the recipe – sometimes that kind of meat replacement is already heavy seasoned (especially with a lot of salt).
For the sausage rolls:
1 roll of fresh puff pastry (about 300g)
14 oz. (400g) pork sausages
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1-2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp. smoked paprika powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
For the topping:
1 tsp. black sesame seeds
1 tsp. sesame seeds
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
salt, pepper
1 egg yolk + some water
Für die Sausage Rolls:
1 Rolle frischer Blätterteig (ca. 300g)
14 oz. (400 g) Bratwürste
1 mittelgroße Zwiebel, fein gehackt
1-2 Knoblauchzehen, fein gehackt
1 TL geräuchertes Paprikapulver
1 TL Oregano
1/2 TL Salz
1/4 TL Pfeffer
Für das Topping:
1 TL schwarzer Sesam
1 TL heller sesam
1/2 TL Zwiebelpulver
1/2 TL Knoblauchpulver
Salz, Pfeffer
1 Eigelb + etwas Wasser

2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic very finely. Remove the meat from the sausage casings and add to a bowl. Add the chopped onion, garlic, smoked paprika powder, oregano, salt, and pepper and mix until well combined.
3. Unroll the puff pastry and place some pork filling close to the edge on one of the shorter sides. Roll up tight to enclose the filling and create a roll. Cut along the roll into the puff pastry to separate the roll from the rest – the filling should be wrapped completely and the edges of the puff pastry should overlap only slightly. Repeat until all of the filling is used – I got four rolls all in all. Cut the rolls with a sharp knife into pieces of about 2 inches (5cm) length. Plage on the prepared baking sheet (with the seam side down).
4. For the topping mix the sesame seeds with the onion and garlic powder and some salt and pepper. Mix the egg yolk with a small amount of water and brush the sausage roll pieces. Sprinkle with the topping and bake for about 20-25 minutes. The puff pastry should have puffed up nicely, the tops should look golden brown and the filling should not look pink anymore. Take out of the oven, let cool down for a moment, and then serve with your favorite dipping sauce. We love to use brava sauce and aioli.
2. Die Zwiebel und den Knoblauch schälen und sehr fein hacken. Das Wurstbrät aus den Wurstpellen entfernen und in eine Schüssel geben. Zwiebel, Knoblauch, Paprikapulver, Oregano, Salz und Pfeffer dazugeben und alles gut vermengen.
3. Den Blätterteig entrollen und an einer der kürzeren Seiten etwas von der Wurstfüllung dicht am Rand platzieren. Fest aufrollen, um die Füllung zu umschließen und eine Rolle zu formen. Nur so weit aufrollen, dass der Blätterteig die Füllung komplett umschließt und nur ein wenig überlappt. Entlang der Rolle abschneiden und alles etwas zusammendrücken. Mit der restlichen Füllung wiederholen – bei mir kamen 4 Rollen heraus. Diese Rollen dann mit einem scharfen Messer in etwa 5cm lange Stücke schneiden. Auf das vorbereitete Blech setzen (mit der Nahtseite nach unten).
4. Für das Topping die Sesamsamen mit dem Zwiebel- und Knoblauchpulver und etwas Salz und Pfeffer vermischen. Das Eigelb mit ein wenig Wasser verrühren und die Röllchen damit bestreichen. Das Sesam-Topping darüberstreuen und etwa 20-25 Minuten backen. Der Blätterteig sollte schön fluffig sein, die Oberseiten der Rollen sollten Farbe bekommen haben und die Füllung nicht mehr rosa aussehen. Aus dem Ofen holen, kurz abkühlen lassen und dann mit einem Dip nach Wahl servieren. Wir verwenden hier gerne Brava Sauce und Aioli.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy (Pork) Sausage Rolls
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:25
- Total Time: 00:45
- Yield: 24 1x
- Category: Snacks
- Cuisine: America
Not only perfect for the next big party – these Easy (Pork) Sausage Rolls are a great snack for any gathering (or just for yourself and a glass of wine).
For the sausage rolls:
1 roll of fresh puff pastry (about 300g)
14 oz. (400g) pork sausages
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1–2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp. smoked paprika powder
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
For the topping:
1 tsp. black sesame seeds
1 tsp. sesame seeds
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
salt, pepper
1 egg yolk + some water
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside.
2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic very finely. Remove the meat from the sausage casings and add to a bowl. Add the chopped onion, garlic, smoked paprika powder, oregano, salt, and pepper and mix until well combined.
3. Unroll the puff pastry and place some pork filling close to the edge on one of the shorter sides. Roll up tight to enclose the filling and create a roll. Cut along the roll into the puff pastry to separate the roll from the rest – the filling should be wrapped completely and the edges of the puff pastry should overlap only slightly. Repeat until all of the filling is used – I got four rolls all in all. Cut the rolls with a sharp knife into pieces of about 2 inches (5cm) length. Plage on the prepared baking sheet (with the seam side down).
4. For the topping mix the sesame seeds with the onion and garlic powder and some salt and pepper. Mix the egg yolk with a small amount of water and brush the sausage roll pieces. Sprinkle with the topping and bake for about 20-25 minutes. The puff pastry should have puffed up nicely, the tops should look golden brown and the filling should not look pink anymore. Take out of the oven, let cool down for a moment, and then serve with your favorite dipping sauce. We love to use brava sauce and aioli.
Enjoy baking!
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