When it comes to Brussels sprouts you probably experience the same “problems” I have here at home. There is one party in our house that loves Brussels sprouts and the other party hates them. Fortunately, I’m usually the person who cooks and serves the food, so there are Brussels sprouts used in as many dishes as possible. A great example here and one of my favorite dishes: Gnocchi with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Salsiccia. The perfect meal when it’s still cold and wet outside. Great flavors and on the table in no time at all! ;)

After a long day at work, preparing dinner shouldn’t take too much time in my opinion. Every minute you are not standing in the kitchen can be used to relax ;P Ready-made pasta from the refrigerator aisle in the supermarket is ideal here. You usually only have to heat the pasta (in this case gnocchi) briefly in hot water and then you can serve it with a simple sauce. This dish here is even easier – everything is done in one pan. No need to cook the gnocchi in advance.
Unfortunately, Brussels sprouts are not in season all year round here in – at the end of next month, the fun will be over once again. At least for Brussels sprouts from the region. If you still want to prepare something with these little green cabbages, you’ll have to use frozen ones, for example. Fortunately, that’s perfectly fine for most recipes. In case you like Brussels sprouts I recommend buying them now and keeping some in your freezer – if you have the space for it ;)
The little cabbage florets are rich in nutrients and vitamins. If you like them you should cook with Brussels sprouts more often in winter. They are really good for you and your body! We don’t have many seasonal veggies and fruits in Winter here in Germany – using the whole range that is available is not a bad idea here. Even though the kitchen might smell pretty bad for several months if you cook a lot of cabbage. Just kidding ;P

Anyway. This skillet (frying pan) dish here is really very easy to prepare. Clean the Brussels sprouts and remove all wilted leaves. If the Brussels sprouts are fresh this is normally an easy task and done in no time. If they have been laying around for longer you might have to do a bit more thorough cleaning and remove more wilted leaves – but even that does not take too long normally. After that get rid of the sausage casings and you’re basically ready to cook. There is not much more to prepare in advance!
You’ll notice for sure that there’s no sauce involved here – and rightfully so. The dish is not dry despite the lack of some sauce (e.g. tomato sauce or whatever). The butter and honey together do quite a good job here. They not only add flavor but also coat everything perfectly. Kind of like “Spaghetti al olio” – the sauce there is also basically just oil (with a little pasta water). We like it a lot but for fat phobics probably not the best dish though ;P
olive oil for frying
17.6 oz. (500g) Brussels sprouts
7 oz. (200g) salsiccia
12.3 oz. (350g) gnocchi
3 tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp. honey
salt, pepper
some chili flakes
grated parmesan cheese (optional)
Olivenöl zum Anbraten
500g Rosenkohl
200g Salsiccia
350g Gnocchi (Kühlregal)
3 EL Butter
1/2 TL Honig
Salz, Pfeffer
einige Chiliflocken
geriebener Parmesan (optional)

2. Heat up a large frying pan with a good amount of olive oil, add the halved Brussels sprouts, cut-side down, and fry until nicely browned – do not move them, just check from time to time to make sure they don’t burn. When the cut-sides are browned, stir and fry another 2-3 minutes so the sprouts are slightly crisp all around. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from the pan and set aisde.
3. Add some more oil to the pan and heat up. Remove the casings from the salsiccia sausages and add the meat to the pan. Fry until crumbly and nicely browned. Add the gnocchi and continue frying until the gnocchi also got some color. Add the butter and honey and season with some more salt, pepper, and chili flakes. Continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, then add the Brussels sprouts and warm up again. Serve with some grated parmesan (optional).
2. Eine große Pfanne mit einer guten Portion Olivenöl erhitzen. Den Rosenkohl mit den Schnittflächen nach unten in die Pfanne setzen und so lange anbraten, bis die Unterseiten schön Farbe bekommen haben, dann bewegen und rundum noch einmal 2-3 Minute knusprig anbraten. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Aus der Pfanne nehmen und zur Seite stellen.
3. Etwas mehr Öl in die Pfanne geben und erhitzen. Das Brät aus den Salsiccia Würste herauslösen und dann in der Pfanne krümelig anbraten. Wenn das Fleisch schön angebräunt ist, die Gnocchi dazugeben und mit anbraten, bis auch die Gnocchi rundum etwas Farbe bekommen haben. Butter und Honig hinzugeben und mit Salz, Pfeffer und Chiliflocken würzen. Alles für 1-2 Minuten köcheln lassen, dann den Rosenkohl dazugeben, damit er noch einmal mit aufwärmen kann. Mit etwas geriebenem Parmesan servieren (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Gnocchi with Brussels Sprouts and Salsiccia
- Prep Time: 00:05
- Cook Time: 00:15
- Total Time: 00:20
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: International
An easy peasy pasta dish that is done in no time: delicious Gnocchi with Brussels Sprouts and Salsiccia. On the table in less than 30 minutes!
olive oil for frying
17.6 oz. (500g) Brussels sprouts
7 oz. (200g) salsiccia
12.3 oz. (350g) gnocchi
3 tbsp. butter
1/2 tsp. honey
salt, pepper
some chili flakes
grated parmesan cheese (optional)
1. Clean the Brussels sprouts and remove the wilted leaves. Cut in half.
2. Heat up a large frying pan with a good amount of olive oil, add the halved Brussels sprouts, cut-side down, and fry until nicely browned – do not move them, just check from time to time to make sure they don’t burn. When the cut-sides are browned, stir and fry another 2-3 minutes so the sprouts are slightly crisp all around. Season with salt and pepper. Remove from the pan and set aisde.
3. Add some more oil to the pan and heat up. Remove the casings from the salsiccia sausages and add the meat to the pan. Fry until crumbly and nicely browned. Add the gnocchi and continue frying until the gnocchi also got some color. Add the butter and honey and season with some more salt, pepper, and chili flakes. Continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, then add the Brussels sprouts and warm up again. Serve with some grated parmesan (optional).
Enjoy cooking!
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