Easter without any yeast bake is impossible in my house! It does not matter if it’s a classic bake or a more modern attempt of creating something with yeast – something has to end up on the table. For example something like this yeast wreath aka. savarin filled with pistachio cream and espresso infused glaze. Definitely a “must have” for a good Easter brunch!

This week is mostly dedicated to yeast bakes I made for my partner REWE Feine Welt*. I spent many hours in my kitchen to create different recipes for bakes that are made with a yeast dough. Braided yeast loaf, challah, pull-apart bread and more – all actually easy to prepare, but a bit time consuming, to be honest ;) A good yeast dough needs time to rest – there is no way to skip that part, but you get used to it if you make several bakes like that a day ;P
Well… no matter how long they may take – bakes with yeast are on top of my favorites list since I am a little kid. I love the flavor of a plain braided loaf with some butter on top as well as yeast bakes that have some kind of filling – it does not matter if they are sweet or savory, I love them all ;)
Some people are afraid of working with yeast I heard, but it’s actually not that hard to master these bakes. There is not much to worry about – all you have to keep in mind is to use really fresh yeast or if you prefer dry yeast, to use one that has not expired yet. Easy, right?! ;) If you keep that in mind there is not much else to worry about. One more thing maybe – do not kill the yeast by mixing it with hot water or milk when you start – lukewarm liquid is enough to activate the yeast. Better cooler than to warm. But that’s really it. If you follow those two easy “rules” you should be fine.

Classic yeast braided loaves or wreaths are often without any kind of filling. Maybe some raisins on the dough but not everyone likes that. This wreath here is made with a pistachio filling and an espresso glaze – a really nice flavor combination! I used the pistachio cream from REWE Feine Welt which is actually a spread you use on a bun or bread for breakfast. The espresso aka. Chanchamayo Espresso is also from REWE Feine Welt and is a perfect match with the salty/sweet flavor of the pistachio filling.
If you are looking for more Easter recipes like this one here, you should check the other recipes I made: a coconut-pudding filled braided loaf, a savory pull-apart bread with salami and cheese or this challah knots with ham and cheese. Maybe that’s something you could make for your Easter brunch or breakfast…
For the dough:
1 1/4 cups (300ml) lukewarm milk
0.74 oz. (21g) fresh yeast
1/4 cup (50g) sugar
17.6 oz. (500g) all-purpose flour (plus more if needed)
pinch of REWE Feine Welt fleur de sel
2.1 oz. (60g) butter, softened
1 medium egg
For the filling:
7 oz. (200g) REWE Feine Welt pistachio cream
1.7 oz. (50g) butter, softened
1/4 cup (50g) sugar
1 oz. (30g) pistachios, chopped
1 tbsp. espresso (e.g. made with REWE Feine Welt Chanchamayo espresso)
For the glaze/decoration:
3.5 oz. (100g) confectioners’ sugar
2-3 tbsp. espresso (e.g. made with REWE Feine Welt Chanchamayo espresso)
1-2 tbsp. pistachios, chopped
Für den Hefeteig:
300ml Milch
21g frische Hefe (1/2 Würfel)
50g Zucker
500g Mehl (Type 550), ggf. etwas mehr
1 Prise REWE Feine Welt Fleur de Sel
60g (sehr) weiche Butter
1 Ei (M)
Für die Füllung:
200g REWE Feine Welt Pistaziencreme
50g weiche Butter
50g Zucker
30g Pistazien, gehackt
1 EL Espresso z.B. mit REWE Feine Welt Chanchamayo Espresso aufgebrüht
Für die Glasur/Dekoration:
100g Puderzucker
2-3 EL Espresso z.B. mit REWE Feine Welt Chanchamayo Espresso aufgebrüht
1-2 EL Pistazien, gehackt

1. Warm up the milk for the dough until lukewarm (about 97°F/36°C) and add to a large mixing bowl. Crumble the yeast and add together with 1 tablespoon of the sugar – mix until the yeast has dissolved. Cover with a kitchen towel and let bubble for about 10 Minutes.
2. Add the remaining sugar, Flour, Salt, soft butter, and the egg and knead for about 8 minutes until you get a nice smooth dough. If the dough is still sticky and not coming off the sides of the bowl, add some more flour. Form a ball and cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and let the dough rise for about 60-75 minutes in a warm place until double in size.
3. For the filling/glaze brew some espresso. Mix the pistachio cream with soft butter, and sugar until well combined. Add the chopped pistachios and 1 tablespoon espresso and mix in. Set aside until needed. Keep the remaining espresso for the glaze.
4. When the dough has risen enough, place on a floured surface and knock out the air (do not knead it). Roll out to a rectangle of about 18×14 inches. Spread the filling all over the dough and roll up from the longer side of the rectangle to get one large log. Cut that log lengthwise in half (so you can see the layers of filling) and twist/braid those two stings. The filling should be visible on top. Shape into a wreath/large donut and place on a baking sheet lined with baking parchment or a large greased baking tin. Cover and let rise a second time for about 20-25 minutes.
5. While the yeast wreath is rising preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Place the baking sheet or baking tin in the middle of the oven and bake for 30-35 minutes until the wreath is golden brown. Take out and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
6. For the glaze mix the confectioners sugar with the espresso until you get a nice thick glaze. Glaze the cooled wreath and sprinkle with some chopped pistachios.
1. Für den Teig die Milch erwärmen, bis sie in etwa Handwarm ist (36°C/97°F) und in eine große Rührschüssel geben. Die Hefe hineinbröckeln, etwa 1 EL vom Zucker dazugeben und alles gut verrühren, bis sich die Hefe aufgelöst hat. Die Mixtur abdecken und für etwa 10 Minuten gehen lassen.
2. Sobald die Hefe genug geblubbert hat, den restlichen Zucker, Mehl, Salz, weiche Butter und das Ei dazugeben und alles in etwa 8 Minuten zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten. Der Teig sollte sich vom Rand der Schüssel lösen – sollte er zu klebrig sein, noch etwas Mehl dazugeben und einarbeiten. Den Teig zu einer Kugel formen, die Schüssel abdecken und dann an einem warmen Ort für 60-75 Minuten gehen lassen – das Volumen des Teiges sollte sich verdoppelt haben.
3. Für die Füllung/Glasur ein Glas Espresso aufbrühen. Pistaziencreme mit weicher Butter und Zucker verrühren. Gehackte Pistazien und 1 EL vom Espresso unterrühren und alles zur Seite stellen. Rest des Espresso für die Glasur verwenden.
4. Wenn der Teig genug aufgegangen ist, auf eine bemehlte Fläche legen und einmal kurz die Luft herausboxen (nicht durchkneten). Den Teig zu einem Rechteck von etwa 45x35cm ausrollen und mit der Füllung bestreichen. Von der langen Seite her aufrollen und die entstandene Rolle der Länge nach in der Mitte durchschneiden, damit zwei lange Stränge entstehen (bei denen man die Füllung in Schichten sieht) – diese beiden Stränge verflechten. Die Schichten mit der Füllung sollten dabei sichtbar sein. Den Zopf an den Enden zusammenbringen und einen Kranz formen, auf ein Blech mit Backpapier setzen (oder eine gefettete, große runde Backform), mit einem Küchentuch abdecken und für weitere 20-25 Minuten gehen lassen.
5. Während der Hefekranz ein zweites Mal geht, den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) vorheizen. Den gegangenen Hefekranz in die Mitte des Ofens setzen und für 30-35 Minuten backen, bis er eine goldbraune Farbe bekommen hat. Den fertigen Kranz aus dem Ofen holen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett abkühlen lassen.
6. Für die Glasur Puderzucker mit Espresso verrühren, bis eine dickflüssige Masse entsteht. Den abgekühlten Kopf damit glasieren und mit gehackten Pistazien bestreuen.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easter Savarin with Pistachio Filling and Espresso Glaze
- Prep Time: 40m
- Cook Time: 35m
- Total Time: 3h
- Yield: 10
- Category: Bread
- Cuisine: German
Delicious and sweet braided loaf for your Easter brunch made with a pistachio filling and espresso glaze. Great combination!
Enjoy baking!
*I have partnered with REWE to bring you this delicious savarin. That’s why I have to declare this here in Germany as Advertising. All I wrote in this article is still based on my own opinion and has not been affected by anybody :)
This looks so beautiful but I’m afraid we may not be able to find pistachio cream filling in Singapore. Any suggestions what we can substitute with?
Well… at least not this pistachio cream I guess ;) You can always use plain pistachios and grind them until you get a fine paste. Works with almost all nuts. Plus some sugar and a bit of fat and you should get a similar result.
Cheers, Marc
Dear Marc, thank you for your advice! That is definitely a doable solution.
I’m also making your chocolate oreo donuts now. Kitchen smells amazing.
I think your website is becoming one of my favourite places to check out. :D