Give me a nice sandwich and I am happy! That can be in the morning, for lunch or dinner – doesn’t matter. I like them all the time. Especially this Club Sandwich here. It is sooo good! And the best thing – it’s done in no time! If you are too lazy to cook dinner in the evening, this is the right thing for you to do and save a lot of time ;)

I am really a huge fan of sandwiches. Where I am coming from (the south of Germany) it is quite common to have sandwiches for dinner instead of cooking a full meal in the evening. Everybody grabs some sliced bread, cold cuts, cheese and maybe some salad and in several minutes everybody has a nice dinner on the plate.
When it comes to club sandwiches there are probably many different recipes you can choose from. Especially when it comes to the sauce used on the bread, there are many different versions out there. I guess most of the time it’s a mayonnaise-based sauce but there are also nice ones with sour cream or other dairy products that go well with the cold cuts etc. I decided to make my sandwiches this time with fried bacon… cause you know – everything is better with bacon ;) So maybe you could call it a mix of a club sandwich and BLT… plus eggs. Well, basically you can add anything you want on top. Maybe you like turkey breast better – use it. Maybe with some cheese? Alright ;) I can recommend adding a poached egg… delicious!

Well… do and use whatever you like best. That’s the good thing when it comes to sandwiches – there are so many combinations that work well, so many things you can try. If you expect people to come over sandwiches are also a good idea since they are so easy to prepare and stay nice for quite some time.
What is your favorite Sandwich? A sandwich like this one here? Or maybe a grilled cheese? Or are open-faced sandwiches your favorites? Let me know!
For the sauce:
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
1 tbsp. mustard
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. soy sauce
1 tsp. lime juice
salt, pepper
For the sandwiches:
6 slices of bread
6 slices of bacon
2 hardboiled eggs
1 red onion
1 large tomato
8 slices of chicken breast (cold cuts)
some arugula
Für die Soße:
2 EL Mayonnaise
1 EL Senf
1 TL Honig
1 TL Sojasoße
1 TL Limettensaft
Salz, Pfeffer
Für die Sandwiches:
6 Scheiben Bauernbrot
6 Scheiben Bacon
2 hartgekochte Eier
1 rote Zwiebel
1 große Tomate
8 Scheiben Hähnchenbrust
etwas Rucola

2. Boil the eggs until hard, let cool down, peel and cut into slices. Fry the bacon until crispy and remove the excess fat with some kitchen paper. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Cut the tomato into slices.
3. Start the first sandwich with the first slice of bread, spread some sauce on top. Place three slices of bacon on top, some onion rings, and tomato, then top with a second slice of bread. Spread again some of the sauce on top and continue with four slices of the cold cut, egg, and some arugula. To finish the sandwich add a third slice of bread on top and cut in half. Repeat with the rest of the bread and toppings. Serve with some French fries or chips. Or plain ;)
2. Eier hart kochen, abkühlen lassen, schälen und dann in Scheiben schneiden. Den Bacon in einer beschichteten Pfanne ohne Fett abraten und dann mit etwas Küchenpapier abtupfen um überschüssiges Fett zu entfernen. Die Zwiebel schälen und in dünne Ringe schneiden. Die Tomate ebenfalls in Scheiben schneiden.
3. Für ein Sandwich eine Scheibe Brot mit der Soße bestreichen, mit drei Scheiben des angebratenen Bacons belegen, dann Zwiebeln und Tomaten darauf verteilen. Eine zweite Brotscheibe auflegen und ebenfalls mit Soße bestreichen. Vier der Hähnchenbrustscheiben auf die Brotscheibe legen, dann Eierscheiben, etwas Rucola und mit einer dritten Brotscheibe das Sandwich abschließen. Mit den restlichen Brotscheiben und Zutaten ein zweites Sandwich belegen. Die Sandwiches halbieren und mit Pommes oder Chips servieren.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Club Sandwiches
- Prep Time: 10
- Total Time: 10
Delicious sandwiches with chicken breast, bacon, egg and tomatoes – perfect for a quick dinner or snack.
For the sauce
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise
- 1 tbsp. mustard
- 1 tsp. honey
- 1 tsp. soy sauce
- 1 tsp. lime juice
- salt, pepper
For the sandwiches
- 6 slices of bread
- 6 slices of bacon
- 2 hardboiled eggs
- 1 red onion
- 1 large tomato
- 8 slices of chicken breast (cold cuts)
- some arugula
- For the sauce mix the mayonnaise with mustard, honey, soy sauce, and lime juice. Season with salt and pepper.
- Boil the eggs until hard, let cool down, peel and cut into slices. Fry the bacon until crispy and remove the excessive fat with some kitchen paper. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings. Cut the tomato into slices.
- Start the first sandwich with the first slice of bread, spread some sauce on top. Place three slices of bacon on top, some onion rings and tomato, then top with a second slice of bread. Spread again some of the sauce on top and continue with four slices of the cold cut, egg, and some arugula. To finish the sandwich add a third slice of bread on top and cut in half. Repeat with the rest of the bread and toppings. Serve with some French fries or chips. Or plain ;)
- Enjoy stackin’!
- Serving Size: 2
Lol don’t take this the wrong way at all because I think you’re awesome, but when I first saw this post in my Blogger, my sarcastic mind thought “Wow, now he’s telling us how to make sandwiches, he must have ran out of things to bake and blog.”
With respect,
Kaitlyn S.
Hahaha… no offense taken! ;)))
I really like sandwiches – that’s why I post recipes for them sometimes. Also, it’s a bit more than just layering cold cuts and salad – a good sandwich needs a good sauce, so even here are sometimes some recipes necessary ;)) Besides that, I really like to take pictures of sandwiches – it is so different from what I normally do ;)
Oh, and I will never run out of cakes and stuff… never :P