There are not many recipes with fish here on the blog so far. Not really surprising since this is/was mostly a baking blog for sweet treats up until last year. Things are slowly changing, so you will definitely find more savory dishes here on the blog nowadays and these Tacos with Salmon, plums, and avocado are probably not the last fish dish you will see here. This finger food/snack is so delicious – there was no way not to share them with you all ;)
I am a big fan of tacos. Simple corn or wheat flour tortillas that can be filled with a variety of meats, veggies, and more and then eaten without any cutlery. Bare hands. Shove it in your face. Love it! ;) I could eat stuff like that every day. There are so many possibilities – from savory to sweet, for breakfast, as a snack in between, or for lunch and dinner. Tacos work well any time of the day and for every occasion. One of our favorites for breakfast right now: Breakfast Tacos with Chicken – so delicious!
In addition to the variety of fillings you can use, I also love, that tacos are a great dish when friends are coming to visit. You place all the ingredients on the table in small bowls and then everyone creates their own tacos the way they like it best. You’re not “tied” to a dish in front of you – you pass bowls around, try this, try that, get tips for a tasty combination of ingredients from the person sitting next to you… it’s a lot of fun. It’s also pretty easy to serve alternatives for those who do not like fish, for example, or meat – prepare some additional fried tofu or jackfruit as an option and everyone can create a taco that is fitting to their dietary preferences. Win-win situation ;P
Speaking of alternatives and preferences – feel free to switch the ingredients here to your liking. Salmon works with many fruits and veggies, so you are not limited to plums and avocados. The sour cream sauce with the garlic and lime juice works well with the salmon, but it is relatively “neutral”. The combination of the fish, sauce, and fruits/veggies makes this dish great, but you can definitely go for some other flavor combinations. Tomatoes, onions, corn, red cabbage, or pineapple… any of these ingredients should work here too ;)
If you are a big fan of salmon, I can definitely recommend this recipe here – quick and easy to prepare and also somewhat healthy with the quinoa.
For the sauce:
5.3 oz. (150g) sour cream
1 garlic clove, grated
2 tsp. lime juice
salt, pepper
For the tacos:
4 salmon fillets, skin-on (4.4 oz. / 125g each)
1 small can of corn (5 oz. / 140g), drained
some vegetable oil for frying
salt, pepper
1 yellow plum, sliced
1 ripe avocado, sliced
some red chard leaves
8 small wheat tortillas
some chives, chopped
some lime wedges
Sriracha Sauce (optional)
Für die Sauce:
150g Schmand
1 Knoblauchzehe, gerieben
2 TL Limettensaft
Salz, Pfeffer
Für die Tacos:
4 Lachsfilets mit Haut (ca. 125g pro Stück)
1 kleine Dose Mais (140g), abgetropft
etwas Pflanzenöl zum Anbraten
Salz, Pfeffer
1 gelbe Pflaume, in Scheiben
1 reife Avocado, in Scheiben
einige rote Mangoldblätter
8 kleine Weizentortillas
etwas Schnittlauch, gehackt
einige Limettenspalten
Sriracha Sauce (optional)
2. Wash the salmon and pat dry with some kitchen paper. Season with some fresh ground pepper and set aside. Heat up a pan with some vegetable oil, add the drained corn and fry from all sides until nicely browned in some spots. Take out and set aside. Add some more oil and add the salmon with the skin side down into the pan and fry over medium-high heat for 4-5 minutes. Reduce the heat do medium-low, flip the fish and fry on the other side until cooked through – about 4-5 minutes more (depending on the thickness of your salmon piece). The salmon should be pink and glossy on the inside. Take out of the pan and let rest for a moment.
3. Slice the plum and avocado finely, wash the chard leaves and let drain. Warm up the wheat tortillas in the microwave for a few seconds, then start to assemble the tacos (or place everything in bowls on the table so everyone can do the tacos on their own). Place a warm tortilla on a plate, place some chard leaves on top, then the corn, plum, and avocado slices. Shred the salmon with a fork, place about half of each fillet on top of everything, drizzle with the sour cream sauce, sprinkle with some chopped chives, some lime juice from the lime wedges, and season with some salt, pepper, and Sriracha Sauce (optional) if you like it hot ;)
2. Den Lachs abwaschen und mit Küchenpapier trockentupfen. Mit etwas frisch gemahlenem Pfeffer würzen und zur Seite stellen. Eine Pfanne mit etwas Pflanzenöl erhitzen und den abgetropften Mais rundum anbraten, bis er an einigen Stellen schön gebräunt ist. Herausnehmen und zur Seite stellen. Etwas zusätzliches Öl in die Pfanne geben und dann den Lachs mit der Hautseite nach Unten bei mittlerer bis hoher Hitze für 4-5 Minuten anbraten (aber nicht verbrennen). Die Hitzezufuhr etwas verringern, den Lachs umdrehen und auf der anderen Seite ebenfalls 4-5 Minuten anbraten (je nach Dicke der Lachsfilets). Der Lachs sollte durchgebraten sein, aber Innen noch rosa und glasig aussehen. Aus der Pfanne nehmen und zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Pflaume und Avocado in feine Scheiben schneiden, die Mangoldblätter waschen und abtropfen lassen. Die Weizentortillas einige Sekunden in der Mikrowelle aufwärmen. Man kann die Tacos vorab zusammenbauen, oder alles in Schüsseln auf den Tisch stellen und jeder nimmt sich, was er/sie braucht. Einen warmen Tortilla auf einen Teller legen, einige Mangoldblätter darauf verteilen, dann Mais, Pflaumen- und Avocadoscheiben. Den Lachs mit einer Gabel zerpflücken, pro Taco etwa 1/2 Lachsfilet verwenden und auf dem Gemüse verteilen. Die Schmandsoße darüber träufeln, etwas gehackten Schnittlauch darüberstreuen, etwas Limettensaft und dann mit Salz und Pfeffer nach Belieben würzen. Wer es scharf mag, kann auch Sriracha Sauce verwenden (optional).
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintSalmon Tacos
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 00:10
- Total Time: 00:35
- Yield: 8 1x
- Category: Fish
- Cuisine: American
Delicious snack tacos with salmon, plums and avocado.
For the sauce:
5.3 oz. (150g) sour cream
1 garlic clove, grated
2 tsp. lime juice
salt, pepper
For the tacos:
4 salmon fillets, skin-on (4.4 oz. / 125g each)
1 small can of corn (5 oz. / 140g), drained
some vegetable oil for frying
salt, pepper
1 yellow plum, sliced
1 ripe avocado, sliced
some red chard leaves
8 small wheat tortillas
some chives, chopped
some lime wedges
Sriracha Sauce (optional)
1. Add the sour cream, grated garlic, and lime juice to a small bowl and mix to combine. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
2. Wash the salmon and pat dry with some kitchen paper. Season with some fresh ground pepper and set aside. Heat up a pan with some vegetable oil, add the drained corn and fry from all sides until nicely browned in some spots. Take out and set aside. Add some more oil and add the salmon with the skin side down into the pan and fry over medium-high heat for 4-5 minutes. Reduce the heat do medium-low, flip the fish and fry on the other side until cooked through – about 4-5 minutes more (depending on the thickness of your salmon piece). The salmon should be pink and glossy on the inside. Take out of the pan and let rest for a moment.
3. Slice the plum and avocado finely, wash the chard leaves and let drain. Warm up the wheat tortillas in the microwave for a few seconds, then start to assemble the tacos (or place everything in bowls on the table so everyone can do the tacos on their own). Place a warm tortilla on a plate, place some chard leaves on top, then the corn, plum, and avocado slices. Shred the salmon with a fork, place about half of each fillet on top of everything, drizzle with the sour cream sauce, sprinkle with some chopped chives, some lime juice from the lime wedges, and season with some salt, pepper, and Sriracha Sauce (optional) if you like it hot ;)
Enjoy cooking!