There are dishes that are known all over the world… and then there are dishes that are so popular even movies get named after. The movie “Ratatouille” is a good example here – although in that case, it is more likely that “Rat-a-touille” is what they are really referring to – when translated it means something like “The stirring rat”… you know that in the Disney movie a rat plays the leading role, right? ;) Anyway. Ratatouille is a delicious dish that probably fits better in late summer than late autumn, but nonetheless, I wanted to include this dish in my little diabetic-friendly recipes this week because it fits so well…

Finding zucchini and eggplants on the farmers market can be a bit difficult right now – the season for these veggies is over in most areas. If you can’t get hold of these veggies right now, save the recipe for next year ;) No matter what – his recipe fits perfectly into my little “World Diabetes Day” week, so I had to show it to you now. Yesterday, I showed you how to make Sugar-Free Carrot Cake Cupcakes, today you will get a lot of veggies… something that should also be a big part of your diet if you are a diabetic. Well, it should be a big part of everyone’s diet actually ;)
Nutritionists recommend incorporating a lot of veggies into your daily meals. That applies not only to diabetics. Everyone should eat fresh veggies at least once a day if possible – some nutritionists even advise 10 portions of vegetables a day. Sounds like a lot, but it should do a lot of good things… A serving of this delicious ratatouille is a good start to get a lot of the nutrition and vitamins you need, I’d say ;)
For diabetics, the use of fresh ingredients is very important I think. Almost everything you can buy “ready-to-eat” in a supermarket – from yogurt and muesli to salami and frozen pizza – has sugar added in some way. Many of these products don’t need the addition of sugar – they would taste perfectly fine without. If you cook with fresh ingredients you can control much better how much sugar you actually eat in one day…

Ratatouille is a great dish for lunch or dinner that not only looks incredible but also tastes really delicious. It is seasoned with herbs from the Provence, which in most cases is a mix of rosemary, thyme, basil, savory, and marjoram. You can buy them ready to use, or mix em yourself. We have these herbs even in winter always growing in small pots in the kitchen, and can use fresh herbs whenever we want ;)
Note: If you want to have a clean and even veggie pattern, try to make sure that the veggies have a similar size/diameter. So don’t use a gigantic eggplant and small zucchini and tomatoes at the same time. Make sure that the sliced veggies are all about the same size. I had to get more eggplants here than I actually needed because I could only find large ones and used only the smaller parts of the veggies for the ratatouille. All for the show ;P Of course, the leftover eggplants were not thrown away – I made some soffritto with it and used that in other recipes… always a good option ;)
1 red onion
2-3 garlic cloves
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper
some olive oil for frying
2 tbsp. tomato paste
1/2 cup (120ml) water
1 tsp. herbs of Provence
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
some chili flakes
salt, pepper
1 eggplant
1 yellow zucchini
1 green zucchini
3-4 tomatoes
4-5 tbsp. olive oil
1.8 oz. (50g) mozzarella, grated
1 rote Zwiebel
2-3 Knoblauchzehen
1 rote Paprika
1 gelbe Paprika
etwas Olivenöl zum Anbraten
2 EL Tomatenmark
120ml Wasser
1 TL Kräuter der Provence
1/2 TL Oregano
ein paar Chiliflocken
Salz, Pfeffer
1 Aubergine
1 gelbe Zucchini
1 grüne Zucchini
3-4 Tomaten
4-5 EL Olivenöl
50g geriebener Mozzarella

2. Preheat the oven to 430°F (220°C). Wash the eggplant, zucchini, and tomatoes, pat dry and cut into thin slices (approx. 0.1 inch thick). Transfer the bell pepper mix to a round casserole or pie dish (∅ 10 inches). Place the vegetable slices on the bell pepper mix – alternate the veggie slices and place them in a circle (starting on the outside) overlapping like roof tiles until the bell pepper mix is completely covered. Season well with salt and pepper and drizzle everything with olive oil. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake for about 40 minutes, then remove the foil, sprinkle the grated mozzarella on top, and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted and golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool slightly before serving.
2. Den Ofen auf 220°C (430°F) vorheizen. Aubergine, Zucchini und Tomaten waschen, trocknen und in dünne Scheiben schneiden (ca. 2-3mm dick). Die Paprikamischung in eine Auflaufform oder Pieform (∅ ca. 26 cm) füllen und glatt streichen. Die Gemüsescheiben abwechselnd wie Dachziegel in Kreisen auf die Paprikamischung auflegen, wenn alles belegt ist, etwas nach Unten drücken. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und dann alles mit dem Olivenöl beträufeln. Die Form mit Alufolie abdecken und für etwa 40 Minuten backen, dann die Folie entfernen, den geriebenen Mozzarella über das Gemüse streuen und für weitere 10-15 Minuten backen, bis der Käse goldbraun ist. Aus dem Ofen holen und leicht abkühlen lassen vor dem Servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Classic Ratatouille
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:55
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 4
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: French
Classic French dish that made it event into a movie: Ratatouille. Delicious veggies arranged to impress your guests ;)
Enjoy cooking!