This delicious pie is a sweet and savory temptation! Anyone who has ever tasted an Atlantic Beach Pie will definitely agree with me here. A creamy, lemony filling, a mountain of whipped cream, and a hint of salt somewhere hidden. If you haven’t tried this pie before, you should get all the ingredients here quickly and then get started ;)

The mixture of sweet and a bit of salty really makes this pie something special. I think this sweet & salty combination is also the reason for the name: Atlantic Beach Pie. A sweet dessert with a salty breeze from the sea. This could just as easily have been written in one of those kitsch novels my mum used to read. Those cheap novels with a long-haired muscle guy on the front cover… leering over a beautiful young lady ;P
This Atlantic Beach Pie is actually a fairly »regular« lemon pie. Instead of a sweet base, however, a crumbly base made from salty biscuits has been used here. Not to forget the mountain of whipped cream on top – without that, the pie would only be half as good.

Other lemon pies often have a meringue topping to counteract the tartness of the filling. This is not necessary here, because the filling has already been given quite a bit of sweetness with the sweetened condensed milk. A less sweet mountain of whipped cream is absolutely sufficient here. The whipped cream is an eye-catcher, not a counterpart to anything else. That’s all.
Of course, the combination of a sugar-loaded lemon pie and a mountain of whipped cream on tip is not necessarily ideal when you are trying to get into shape for your next beach vacation… But everyone is allowed to enjoy a nice slice of pie sometimes, right?! ;)
The savory crackers I used for the recipe were homemade. You can find a recipe for them on the blog: Simple Saltine Crackers. You can also use crackers from the supermarket, of course. Just make sure you don’t accidentally use those crackers with added flavors – I know they are easy to mix up. Crackers seasoned with paprika, cheese, or something else would just not be right ;P
For the pie crust:
6 oz. (170g) saltine crackers
3 tbsp. sugar
3.5 oz. (100) butter, at room temperature
For the filling/topping:
4 medium egg yolks
14 oz. (400g) sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup (120ml) lemon juice (about 3-4 lemons)
7 oz. (400g) heavy cream, whipped
some flaky sea salt
Für den Boden:
170g Salzkräcker
3 EL Zucker
100g weiche Butter
Für die Füllung/Topping:
4 Eigelb (M)
1 Dose (400g) gezuckerte Kondensmilch/Milchmädchen
120ml Zitronensaft (etwa 3-4 Zitronen)
400g Schlagsahne, aufgeschlagen
einige Meersalzflocken

1. Fill the crackers into a plastic freezer bag and crush them with a rolling pin until you get fine crumbs (but not dust!). Add the crumbs and sugar to a bowl, then add the soft butter in small pieces and rub everything with your fingers until you get streusel. Transfer those streusels to an 8-inch (20cm) pie dish and press them to the bottom and sides to create a nice crust. Place in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Take the pie crust out of the fridge and bake in the middle of the oven for about 16-18 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Take out of the oven and let the pie crust cool down for some time.
3. Add the egg yolks to a large bowl and mix until very light and fluffy. Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix in. Next, add the lemon juice and mix in as well. Pour the filling into the pre-baked pie crust and smooth out the top. Bake the pie for about 16-18 minutes or until set around the edges. Take the pie out of the oven and let it cool down completely, then place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
4. Whisk the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Decorate the pie with it and sprinkle it with some flaky sea salt to your liking before serving.
1. Die Salzkräcker in einen Gefrierbeutel füllen und mit einem Nudelholz zerstoßen, bis feine Krümel entstehen – nicht zu Staub zerklopfen! Krümel und Zucker in eine Schüssel geben und vermischen. Die weiche Butter in kleinen Stücken zugeben und alles mit den Fingern zerreiben, bis Streusel entstehen. Die Streusel in eine 20cm (8-inch) Pieform geben und an die Seiten und den Boden pressen. Für mindestens 15 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Die Pieform aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und in der Mitte des Ofens für etwa 16-18 Minuten backen – der Boden sollte goldbraun geworden sein. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einem Kuchengitter etwas abkühlen lassen. Den Backofen nicht ausschalten.
3. Das Eigelb in einer großen Schüssel hell und luftig aufschlagen. Die gezuckerte Kondensmilch dazugeben und unterrühren. Den Zitronensaft ebenfalls dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Masse auf den vorgebackenen Boden geben und glatt streichen. Den Pie für etwa 16-18 Minuten backen – die Füllung sollte sich gesetzt haben. Den Pie aus dem Ofen holen und komplett abkühlen lassen, dann mindestens 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Die Sahne aufschlagen und den Pie damit dekorieren – nach Belieben noch mit einigen Meersalzflocken bestreuen und servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Atlantic Beach Pie (Lemon Pie)
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:35
- Total Time: 04:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Pies
- Cuisine: United States
- Diet: Vegetarian
Delicious sweet lemon pie with a whipped cream topping and a salty crust. One of our favorite pies on a hot summer day! We love it!
For the pie crust:
6 oz. (170g) saltine crackers
3 tbsp. sugar
3.5 oz. (100) butter, at room temperature
For the filling/topping:
4 medium egg yolks
14 oz. (400g) sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup (120ml) lemon juice (about 3–4 lemons)
7 oz. (400g) heavy cream, whipped
some flaky sea salt
1. Fill the crackers into a plastic freezer bag and crush them with a rolling pin until you get fine crumbs (but not dust!). Add the crumbs and sugar to a bowl, then add the soft butter in small pieces and rub everything with your fingers until you get streusel. Transfer those streusels to an 8-inch (20cm) pie dish and press them to the bottom and sides to create a nice crust. Place in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Take the pie crust out of the fridge and bake in the middle of the oven for about 16-18 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Take out of the oven and let the pie crust cool down for some time.
3. Add the egg yolks to a large bowl and mix until very light and fluffy. Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix in. Next, add the lemon juice and mix in as well. Pour the filling into the pre-baked pie crust and smooth out the top. Bake the pie for about 16-18 minutes or until set around the edges. Take the pie out of the oven and let it cool down completely, then place it in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
4. Whisk the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Decorate the pie with it and sprinkle it with some flaky sea salt to your liking before serving.
- Enjoy baking!
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Ich liebe Lemon Pie, Lemon Tarte, Lemoncurd etc. Dein Kuchen lacht mich heute im grauen Büroalltag geradezu an und lässt meine Stimmung aufhellen, Ich denke zurück an den Urlaub mit einem unvergesselichen Lemon-Erlebnis und dass ich doch schon lange selbst wieder etwas derartiges backen wollte. Werde dein Rezept daher nun abspeichern!
Hey, du bist ja auch in Berlin, da könntest du mir doch direkt ein Stück zukommen lassen ;-)
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Doreen,
wenn noch was da wäre, würde ich Dir glatt welchen geben – nur leider ist der schon längst in diversen Mägen gelandet ;)
Hoffe er schmeckt dir, wenn Du ihn machst… aber mache mir da eigentlich keine großen Sorgen – ist wirklich sehr lecker!
Was für ein Wahnsinns-Kuchen und so easy zu machen. Danke für’s Teilen :-) Liebe Grüsse, Heike
Freut mich dass er Dir gefällt – ist wirklich lecker :)