Done with Christmas? Yes? No?
Well – I am done. Or let’s say almost ;) I was baking a lot this season, the kitchen was overflowing with christmas cookies. Most of them are gone – eaten by hungry monsters I call “friends and family” ;) But as usual there some leftover and instead of letting them go bad and throw them at some point, I decided to do something different this year. X-MAS COMPOST COOKIES!

I got inspired by a friend (and private chef) who makes his version of those cookies when he is doing the catering for events. So basically you can do those cookies on purpose or just because you want to get rid of stuff in your kitchen ;)
In my case I did not want my christmas cookies go bad and used all I could find – Zimtsterne, Vanillekipferl, Ausstecherle, Lebkuchen, Thumbprint Cookies, my little Santa Stars and Spekulatius Cookies – plus some chocolate (no matter of milk chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate or white chocolate) and some paprika chips and salted pretzels….
You can basically use everything you can imagine, salty and sweet. Raisins, cranberries, dried apples, nuts etc. – mix things you like. I would just recommend to use a bit more sweet stuff than salty :)
1 1/3 cup (300g) butter
1 1/8 cup (250g) brown sugar
3 eggs
2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
1 tbsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
7 oz. (200g) rolled oats
9 oz. (250g) chocolate, chopped
21 oz. (600g) compost-mix*
*For the compost-mix just grab ingredients from your kitchen: christmas cookies, gingerbread, dried fruits, nuts, chips, salted pretzels etc.
300g Butter
250g brauner Zucker
3 Eier
250g Mehl (Type 405)
1 EL Backpulver
1 TL Salz
1 TL Zimt (optional)
200g Haferflocken
250g Schokolade, gehackt
600g Kompost-Mischung*
*Für die Kompost-Mischung zusammetragen was die Küche hergibt: Weihnachtspätzchen, Spekulatius, Lebkuchen, Trockenfrüchte, Nüsse, Chips, Salzbrezeln usw.

2. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Line baking sheets with baking parchment. Add butter and sugar to a large bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one by one and mix well after each addition.
3. Mix flour with baking powder, salt and cinnamon (optional). Add to the butter mix and mix until all is well combined. Add rolled oats, chopped chocolate and the compost-mix and mix with your hands until all is well combined. The dough will be heavy and sticky.
4. Form small balls, place on the baking sheets and flatten them. Bake one sheet at a time in the middle of the oven for 10-15 minutes. The cookies should be golden brown. Let cool down on a wire rack and store in an airtight container.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) vorheizen. Backbleche mit Backpapier auslegen. In einer großen Schüssel die Butter mit Zucker aufschlagen, bis alles hell und luftig ist. Eier nach und nach zugeben und jedes mal gut unterrühren.
3. Mehl mit Backpulver, Salz und Zimt (optional) vermischen. Zum Butter-Mix zugeben und gut verrühren. Haferflocken, gehackte Schokolade und Kompost-Mischung zugeben und mit den Händen alles gut vermischen – der Teig wird schwer und klebrig werden.
4. Aus dem Teig kleine Kugeln formen, auf die Backbleche legen und flachdrücken. Bleche nacheinander auf mittlerer Schiene 10-15 Minuten backen, bis die Kekse goldbraun sind. Auf einem Kuchengitter auskühlen lassen und dann in luftdicht schliessendem Glas oder Dose aufbewahren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
X-Mas Compost Cookies
- Prep Time: 20
- Cook Time: 15
- Total Time: 60
- Yield: 80 1x
- 1 1/3 cup (300g) butter
- 1 1/8 cup (250g) brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
- 1 tbsp. baking powder
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 tsp. cinnamon (optional)
- 7 oz. (200g) rolled oats
- 9 oz. (250g) chocolate, chopped
- 21 oz. (600g) compost-mix*
- For the compost-mix add all available ingredients to a large bowl and weight. Crumble or cut christmas cookies, gingery cookies or gingerbread into small pieces. Cut or chop died fruits and nuts. Crumble chips and salted pretzels with your hands. Mix all ingredients and set aside.
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Line baking sheets with baking parchment. Add butter and sugar to a large bowl and beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one by one and mix well after each addition.
- Mix flour with baking powder, salt and cinnamon (optional). Add to the butter mix and mix until all is well combined. Add rolled oats, chopped chocolate and the compost-mix and mix with your hands until all is well combined. The dough will be heavy and sticky.
- Form small balls, place on the baking sheets and flatten them. Bake one sheet at a time in the middle of the oven for 10-15 minutes. The cookies should be golden brown. Let cool down on a wire rack and store in an airtight container.
- *For the compost-mix just grab ingredients from your kitchen: christmas cookies, gingerbread, dried fruits, nuts, chips, salted pretzels etc.
Weihnachtskekse Reste