My mom always made a very good “german” cheesecake when I was young. This has actually nothing to do with this kind of cheesecake I made here, but I wanted to let everybody know, that my mom makes a very good “german” cheesecake :P

Unlike the cheesecakes of my childhood, this is a typical new-york-cheesecake-style cheesecake with a little twist. White chocolate and raspberries. This one is a nice treat for Valentines, since it has raspberry hearts all over – though I did it a day after ;)
For the chocolate crust:
25-30 (300g) oreos (or any other dark chocolate cookies)
4 tbsp. (75g) unsalted butter, melted
For the raspberry sauce:
1 tbsp. granulated sugar
1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch
1/3 cup (75ml) cold water
1 1/2 cups (225g) fresh or frozen raspberries
For the cheesecake filling:
12 oz. (340g) cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup (130g) granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 egg white
2 tsp vanilla extract
3 tsp lemon juice
12 oz. (340g) white chocolate, chopped
1/2 cup (120g) heavy whipping cream
Für den Schokoladenboden:
25-30 (300g) Oreos (oder andere Kekse mit dunkler Schokolade)
75g geschmolzene Butter
Für die Himbeersauce:
1 EL Zucker
1 1/2 TL Speisestärke
75ml kaltes Wasser
225g frische oder gefrorene Himbeeren
Für die Käsekuchenfüllung:
340g Frischkäse, Doppelrahmstufe
130g Zucker
2 Eier
1 Eiweiß
2 TL Vanille Extrakt
3 TL Zitronensaft
340g weiße Schokolade, gehackt
120g Sahne

1. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Crush the oreos into a fine crumble mixture (you can safe some time if you have a food processor). Pour the melted butter over the crushed oreos and mix. Press into a 10″ (26cm) tart pan with a removable bottom and bake for 5-7 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.
2. In a small saucepan whisk together the sugar and cornstarch until well blended. Stir in cold water and add raspberries. Cook over medium heat whisking frequently, until mixture reaches a boil. Allow mixture to gently boil about 5 minutes whisking constantly until sauce has thickened. Remove from heat and force sauce through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl to remove seeds, set aside.
3. In a large mixing bowl beat together cream cheese and granulated sugar until fluffy, about 1 minute. Mix in eggs and egg white. Add vanilla and lemon juice. Melt the chocolate and mix in the cream. Add melted chocolate mixture to cream cheese mixture and blend until smooth.
4. Preheat oven to 325 °F (160°C). Drizzle 2 tbsp raspberry sauce on the chocolate crust. Slowly add the cheesecake mixture over the drizzled raspberry sauce, covering all the raspberry sauce. Carefully jiggle the pan to even out the surface. Fill a syringe (much easier to handle than a piping bag) with raspberry sauce and begin to pipe small dots in a swirl pattern on top of the cheesecake, starting from the outside to the center. Take a toothpick beginning in the center, run the toothpick through the center of each heart (don’t lift the toothpick out until you finish the last circle).
5. Bake cheesecake for 40 minutes, turn off the oven and let cheesecake rest for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Refrigerate until fully set about 6 hours.
1. Den Ofen auf 175°C (350°F) vorheizen. Die Oreos fein zerkrümeln (zB. in einen Gefrierbeutel füllen und mit dem Nudelholz bearbeiten oder im Mixer zerkleinern). Die geschmolzene Butter über die zerkrümelten Kekse geben und durchmischen. in eine 26cm (10 inch) Tarteform mit losem Boden geben, andrücken und 5-7 Minuten backen. Auf einem Kuchengitter auskühlen lassen.
2. In einem kleinen Topf Zucker und Stärke verrühren. Das kalte Wasser zugeben, verrühren und dann die Himbeeren zugeben. Bei mittlerer Hitze unter gelegentlichem Rühren zum Kochen bringen. Für ca. 5 Minuten unter ständigem Rühren köcheln lassen, bis die Sauce eindickt. Vom Herd nehmen und durch ein Sieb streichen. Zur Seite stellen.
3. In einer großen Schüssel Frischkäse und Zucker für ca. 1 Minute locker aufschlagen. Eier und Eiweiß zugeben und verrühren. Vanille Extrakt und Zitronensaft zugeben. Schokolade schmelzen und mit der Sahne verrühren. Schokoladenmix zum Frischkäse zugeben und alles zu einer glatten Masse verrühren.
4. Den Ofen auf 160°C (325°F) vorheizen. Zwei Esslöffel der Himbeersauce auf dem vorgebackenen Boden verteilen. Den Frischkäse-Schokoladenmix vorsichtig einfüllen und verteilen, die Himbeersauce sollte komplett abgedeckt sein. Die Form leicht rütteln um die Oberfläche zu glätten. Mit einer Spritze (ist einfacher als ein Spritzbeutel) kleine Tropfen Himbeersauce von Außen nach innen spiralförmig auf die Oberfläche tropfen lassen. Mit einem Zahnstocher von der Mitte heraus spiralförmig durch die Tropfen ziehen, damit kleine Herzen entstehen (Zahnstocher dabei nicht absetzen).
5. Den Käsekuchen für 40 Minuten backen. Ofen ausschalten und Kuchen für ca. 5 Minuten ruhen lassen. Herausnehmen und auf einem Kuchengitter auskühlen. Im Kühlschrank für ca. 6 Stunden vollkommen fest werden lassen.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake
- Prep Time: 40
- Cook Time: 40
- Total Time: 440
For the chocolate crust
- 25–30 (300g) oreos (or any other dark chocolate cookies)
- 4 tbsp. (75g) unsalted butter, melted
For the raspberry sauce
- 1 tbsp. granulated sugar
- 1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch
- 1/3 cup (75ml) cold water
- 1 1/2 cups (225g) fresh or frozen raspberries
For the cheesecake filling
- 12 oz. (340g) cream cheese, softened
- 2/3 cup granulated sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 egg white
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 tsp lemon juice
- 12 oz. white chocolate, chopped
- 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Crush the oreos into a fine crumble mixture (you can safe some time if you have a food processor). Pour the melted butter over the crushed oreos and mix. Press into a 10″ (26cm) tart pan with a removable bottom and bake for 5-7 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack.
- In a small saucepan whisk together the sugar and cornstarch until well blended. Stir in cold water and add raspberries. Cook over medium heat whisking frequently, until mixture reaches a boil. Allow mixture to gently boil about 5 minutes whisking constantly until sauce has thickened. Remove from heat and force sauce through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl to remove seeds, set aside.
- In a large mixing bowl beat together cream cheese and granulated sugar until fluffy, about 1 minute. Mix in eggs and egg white. Add vanilla and lemon juice. Melt the chocolate and mix in the cream. Add melted chocolate mixture to cream cheese mixture and blend until smooth.
- Preheat oven to 325 °F (160°C). Drizzle 2 tbsp raspberry sauce on the chocolate crust. Slowly add the cheesecake mixture over the drizzled raspberry sauce, covering all the raspberry sauce. Carefully jiggle the pan to even out the surface. Fill a syringe (much easier to handle than a piping bag) with raspberry sauce and begin to pipe small dots in a swirl pattern on top of the cheesecake, starting from the outside to the center. Take a toothpick beginning in the center, run the toothpick through the center of each heart (don’t lift the toothpick out until you finish the last circle).
- Bake cheesecake for 40 minutes, turn off the oven and let cheesecake rest for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Refrigerate until fully set about 6 hours.
- Instead of the oreos/dark chocolate cookies, you can also use graham crackers or butterkekse…
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
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I can not get the dots in there. I’m using a kind of big syringe, but the sauce doesn’t seem thick enough either. I’m wondering what I can do to get it to come out more uniform.
Try cooking the raspberry sauce a bit longer to thicken it up more. Or you could add a tiny bit more cornstarch – that also thickens it up.
The rest is just a steady hand and some patience ;)