It is the last Sunday of the month and you know what this means, right?! The next round of “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise” together with Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte! Even after all these years, I am still very excited each time we publish our recipes at the same time without knowing what the other one made. This month is all about limes! Or at least I thought so ;) I will tell you more in a second about that… now take a look at that stunning delicious White Chocolate Lime Cheesecake! Try not to drool on your mobile or computer…!
This time it’s all about limes… or maybe not? Well, yes – but it took a while until we both got our dates straight for this months topic ;)
Andrea and I are choosing the topics for the upcoming “Bake Together” dates normally some time in advance. I need to know what to do way before otherwise, my life is complete chaos. Four weeks are minimum to decide what to bake, write the recipe, bake and take pictures. I don’t need four weeks to do all of that each time, but to have the freedom to decide when to work and in case of an emergency to have some more time to redo everything ;P Andrea, on the other hand, is fine making everything within two days ;)) She is much better dealing with stress I think. So for summer/autumn we already picked our topics. Last month blackberries, this month limes and next month… well not gonna tell you yet ;P
Well – last time I made this White Chocolate Cheesecake with Blackberry Swirl – delicious! Couple days before publishing I was chatting with Andrea asking how her blackberry recipe is coming along and if she finished it already… “what blackberries?” was her answer ;) Somehow we mixed up the topics in previous conversations, so she had finished the lime recipe and I had the blackberry recipe. As I already told you – Andrea is at peace with her life and was able to finish a blackberry recipe within hours time. I would have panicked completely :P
Well… we got limes today. A lot of limes in one tiny cheesecake. Inside, on top and everywhere in the kitchen ;) If you like this sweet and sour combination, you will love this cheesecake. It is topped with a layer of white chocolate ganache to add some more calories (there were not enough in the cake). No matter what – it makes everything perfect!
One thing I have to admit – preparing the cake is a lot of work. Well for me it was a lot of work. The lime zests were the worst. But it is definitely worth it. People loved the cake!
Well… even though Andreas recipe with limes is done for weeks already, I still have no clue what it is. Shall we go and have a look? Yeah… let’s hop over to Andreas Blog – maybe she also did a cheesecake with white chocolate? You never know ;))
For the base:
8.8 oz. (250g) graham cracker
1/2 cup (100g) brown sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup (110g) butter, melted
For the filling:
24 oz. (680g) cream cheese, at room temperature
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
14 oz. (400g) sweetened condensed milk
6 oz. (170g) white chocolate, melted
2-3 tbsp. lime zest (about 5-7 organic limes)
1 cup (240ml) fresh lime juice (about 7-9 organic limes)
8 gelatin leaves
1 cup (240g) heavy cream
For the white chocolate topping:
7.5 oz. (210g) white chocolate, chopped
1/3 cup (80g) heavy cream
For the decoration:
7 oz. (200g) heavy cream
2 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
1 organic lime
some grated lime zest
Für den Boden:
250g Butterkekse
100g brauner Zucker
1/4 TL Salz
110g Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Füllung:
680g Frischkäse, Zimmertemperatur
100g Zucker
400g gezuckerte Kondensmilch (1 Dose)
170g weiße Schokolade, geschmolzen
2-3 EL Limettenabrieb (ca. 5-7 Bio-Limetten)
240ml Limettensaft (ca. 7-9 Bio-Limetten)
8 Blätter Gelatine
240g Schlagsahne
Für das Schokoladentopping:
210g weiße Schokolade, gehackt
80g Schlagsahne
Für die Dekoration:
200g Schlagsahne
2 EL Puderzucker
1 Bio-Limette
etwas Limettenabrieb
1. Line a 9 inches (23cm) springform tin with baking parchment and set aside. Melt the butter and set aside. Add the crackers to a freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin or the back of a pot until you get fine crumbs. Add the sugar, salt, and melted butter to the bag and mix until the crumbs are evenly moist. Pour into the springform tin and press to the bottom and sides (almost up to the edge) to get a nice crust. Place in the fridge until needed. Zest the limes and juice them.
2. For the filling melt the white chocolate and let cool down again. Add the gelatin leaves to a bowl with cold water and let soak for about 5-8 minutes. Add the cream cheese and sugar to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix in well. Add the melted and cooled white chocolate and the lime zest and mix in well. Heat up the lime juice (either in a small saucepan or in a bowl in the microwave) until warm, but not hot. Squeeze out the gelatin leaves and add to the warm lime juice – mix until dissolved completely. Add that mixture to the large bowl and mix in until well combined. In a second bowl whisk the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Add the whipped cream to the large bowl and carefully fold in – try to keep as much volume as possible. Pour the cheesecake filling into the prepared tin and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight.
3. For the chocolate topping chop the chocolate and add together with the heavy cream to a bowl and place over a pot with simmering water or melt in several steps in the microwave – mix until well combined and smooth. Let cool down a bit and then pour over the cake and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes, then remove from the tin and place on a serving plate. While the topping is setting, whip the heavy cream with the confectioners’ sugar until stiff peaks form. Fill into a piping bag with a star tip and decorate the cake with it, also add some slices of lime on top and sprinkle with lime zest.
1. Eine 23cm (9 inches) Springform mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Die Butter schmelzen und zur Seite stellen. Die Butterkekse in einen Gefrierbeutel geben und mit einem Nudelholz zu Bröseln verarbeiten. Den Zucker, Salz und die geschmolzene Butter mit in den Beutel geben und alles gut vermischen. Die Brösel in die Form füllen und festdrücken – der Rand für den Kuchen sollte fast bis zum Rand der Form reichen. In den Kühlschrank stellen. Die Schale der Limetten reiben und dann entsaften.
2. Für die Füllung die weiße Schokolade schmelzen und wieder etwas abkühlen lassen. Die Gelatine in eine Schüssel mit kaltem Wasser legen und für 5-8 Minuten einweichen lassen. Den Frischkäse zusammen mit dem Zucker in ein große Schüssel geben und auf höchster Stufe aufschlagen, bis sich beides gut verbunden hat. Die gezuckerte Kondensmilch dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Die abgekühlte Schokolade und den Abrieb der Limette dazugeben und alles gut unterrühren. Den Limettensaft (entweder in einem kleinen Topf oder in der Mikrowelle) erwärmen – etwas mehr als Handwarm – und darin dann die ausgepresste Gelatine auflösen. Diese Mischung zur Schüssel dazugeben und ebenfalls unterrühren. In einem hohen Gefäß die Sahne steif schlagen und dann vorsichtig unter die Käsekuchenmasse ziehen. Das Ganze dann in die vorbereitete Form füllen, glatt streichen und für mindestens 8 Stunden (besser über Nacht) in den Kühlschrank stellen und fest werden lassen.
3. Für das Schokoladentopping die Schokolade grob hacken und dann zusammen mit der Sahne erwärmen und glattrühren (geht in einer Schüssel über einem Topf mit köchelndem Wasser oder in der Mikrowelle). Die Mischung etwas abkühlen lassen und dann auf dem Kuchen verteilen. Für etwa 10-15 Minuten zurück in den Kühlschrank stellen, dann vorsichtig aus der Form lösen und auf eine Servierplatte stellen. Die Schlagsahne für die Dekoration mit dem Puderzucker steif schlagen und dann in einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen und den Käsekuchen mit Sahnetupfen, Limettenstücken und Limettenabrieb dekorieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintWhite Chocolate Lime Cheesecake
- Prep Time: 45
- Total Time: 540
Delicious Cheesecake with loads of white chocolate and looooaaaads of limes! Great combination, very refreshing!
For the base
- 8.8 oz. (250g) graham cracker
- 1/2 cup (100g) brown sugar
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/2 cup (110g) butter, melted
For the filling
- 24 oz. (680g) cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- 14 oz. (400g) sweetened condensed milk
- 6 oz. (170g) white chocolate, melted
- 2–3 tbsp. lime zest (about 5–7 organic limes)
- 1 cup (240ml) fresh lime juice (about 7–9 organic limes)
- 8 gelatin leaves
- 1 cup (240g) heavy cream
For the white chocolate topping
- 7.5 oz. (210g) white chocolate, chopped
- 1/3 cup (80g) heavy cream
For the decoration
- 7 oz. (200g) heavy cream
- 2 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar
- 1 organic lime
- some grated lime zest
- Line a 9 inches (23cm) springform tin with baking parchment and set aside. Melt the butter and set aside. Add the crackers to a freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin or the back of a pot until you get fine crumbs. Add the sugar, salt, and melted butter to the bag and mix until the crumbs are evenly moist. Pour into the springform tin and press to the bottom and sides (almost up to the edge) to get a nice crust. Place in the fridge until needed. Zest the limes and juice them.
- For the filling melt the white chocolate and let cool down again. Add the gelatin leaves to a bowl with cold water and let soak for about 5-8 minutes. Add the cream cheese and sugar to a large bowl and mix until well combined. Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix in well. Add the melted and cooled white chocolate and the lime zest and mix in well. Heat up the lime juice (either in a small saucepan or in a bowl in the microwave) until warm, but not hot. Squeeze out the gelatin leaves and add to the warm lime juice – mix until dissolved completely. Add that mixture to the large bowl and mix in until well combined. In a second bowl whisk the heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Add the whipped cream to the large bowl and carefully fold in – try to keep as much volume as possible. Pour the cheesecake filling into the prepared tin and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for at least 8 hours or overnight.
- For the chocolate topping chop the chocolate and add together with the heavy cream to a bowl and place over a pot with simmering water or melt in several steps in the microwave – mix until well combined and smooth. Let cool down a bit and then pour over the cake and smooth out the top. Place in the fridge for about 10-15 minutes, the remove from the tin and place on a serving plate. While the topping is setting, whip the heavy cream with the confectioners’ sugar until stiff peaks form. Fill into a piping bag with a star tip and decorate the cake with it, also add some slices of lime on top and sprinkle with lime zest.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
It does seem as you say a lot of work but if sharing with special people, I do believe well worth it.