Do you like oatmeal cookies? I am actually a huge fan of Swedish Havreflarn aka. Swedish Oatmeal Cookies. I have to admit that I have some problems with the name – nonetheless very delicious ;) Super simple cookies you can snack between meals or in my case use them for no-bake cakes as a base. The only problem I have with these cookies – everything you can buy in supermarkets (or at IKEA) is loaded with sugar. That’s how they are normally done… but that does not mean you can’t make them sugar-free. Like these sugar-free fellas here ;P
You might not know it, but I have hundreds of cookie recipes here on the blog. I am doing my Cookie Friday for several years already and each Friday there is a new cookie recipe joining the almost endless list of cookies ;) Many of them – I have to admit – are quite full of sugar, because they are typical American cookies. I love those cookies and that’s why I started my Cookie Friday initially. During the last two years, many of the new cookie recipes tend to be made with less or no sugar at all. So if you are browsing through the cookie section here, you will find both – sugar-loaded stuff and sugar-free cookies ;)
Well… today I got a mother sugar-free cookie recipe for the list. Instead of regular sugar, I used Xylitol to sweeten the cookies. I know not everybody likes to use that kind of sugar replacement, but it actually works well in bakes and you can be sure your blood sugar level is not rising too much when you eat cookies baked with xylitol instead of sugar. Very important for me as a diabetic.
On the other hand, though… xylitol or erythritol are both not “unproblematic”. If you eat too much of it you can end up with an upset stomach or “the runnings” ;) Don’t worry – my recipes are all safe and you should not get any problems if you eat a “normal” portion of the baked goods. Means one slice of cake or one large cookie at a time. In the case of these cookies here you could actually eat half of the cookies you get with the recipe and would not experience any problems due to the xylitol used. That does not mean I encourage you to eat half of the batch of cookies here alone. Sharing is always the best option ;)
Anyway. The cookies are really simple. Some would say boring. But to be honest – along with a cup of tea or coffee a really nice snack. Well, at least for me ;P And as I mentioned already… these cookies are perfect if you want to make no-bake cheesecakes, for example. If you want to cut back on sugar, you can use these sugar-free cookies as a replacement for regular storebought biscuit (sugar) cookies and create delicious (low-sugar or sugar-free) cheesecakes. Just saying ;)
2 medium eggs
1/4 cup (50g) xylitol
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8.8. oz. (250g) rolled oats
1.8 oz. (50g) desiccated coconut (fine flakes)
1.4 oz. (40g) spelt flour
1 pinch of salt
5.2 oz. (150g) butter, melted
2 Eier (M)
50g Xylit
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
250g Haferflocken
50g Kokosraspeln
40g Dinkelmehl (Type 812)
1 Prise Salz
150g Butter, geschmolzen
2. Add the eggs, xylitol, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix for 5-6 minutes on high speed until very light and fluffy. Mix the rolled oats, coconut, flour, and salt and then add together with the melted butter to the bowl and mix until everything is well combined. Let the dough sit for about 5 minutes to allow the oats to absorb some of the moisture.
3. Make small balls out of the dough and flatten them. The cookies will not rise nor spread during baking. The shape you give them is final. If you like your cookies crispier, you can make them thinner. Place the cookies on the baking sheet (they can sit close to each other) and bake for 15-18 minutes – the cookies should have some color around the edges. Take out of the oven and let cool down on a wire rack. If you have any batter left, bake more cookies.
2. Die Eier mit Xylit und Vanille Extrakt in einer großen Schüssel für etwa 5-6 Minuten hell und luftig aufschlagen. Haferflocken, Kokosraspeln, Mehl und Salz vermischen und dann zusammen mit der geschmolzenen Butter zur großen Schüssel dazugeben und alles gut verrühren. Den Teig etwa 5 Minuten stehen lassen, damit die Haferflocken etwas Feuchtigkeit aufnehmen können.
3. Kleine Kugeln aus dem Teig formen und dann flachdrücken – die Kekse werden nicht aufgehen und verlaufen auch nicht. Die Form, die ihr ihnen gebt, werden sie also behalten. Wenn ihr die Kekse knusprig mögt, macht sie ruhig etwas dünner. Die Teigkreise auf das Blech setzen (kann recht eng zueinander passieren) und dann für 15-18 Minuten backen, bis sie etwas Farbe an den Rändern bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf einem Kuchengitter abkühlen lassen. Solltet ihr noch Teig übrig haben, noch eine Runde backen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintSwedish Havreflarn – Oatmeal Cookies (sugar-free)
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:18
- Total Time: 00:30
- Yield: 30 1x
- Category: Cookies
- Cuisine: Sweden
- Diet: Diabetic
Classic Swedish cookies – Sugar-Free Havreflarn aka. Swedish Oatmeal Cookies.
2 medium eggs
1/4 cup (50g) xylitol
1 tsp. vanilla extract
8.8. oz. (250g) rolled oats
1.8 oz. (50g) desiccated coconut (fine flakes)
1.4 oz. (40g) spelt flour
1 pinch of salt
5.2 oz. (150g) butter, melted
1. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside. Melt the butter and let cool down a bit
2. Add the eggs, xylitol, and vanilla extract to a large bowl and mix for 5-6 minutes on high speed until very light and fluffy. Mix the rolled oats, coconut, flour, and salt and then add together with the melted butter to the bowl and mix until everything is well combined. Let the dough sit for about 5 minutes to allow the oats to absorb some of the moisture.
3. Make small balls out of the dough and flatten them. The cookies will not rise nor spread during baking. The shape you give them is final. If you like your cookies crispier, you can make them thinner. Place the cookies on the baking sheet (they can sit close to each other) and bake for 15-18 minutes – the cookies should have some color around the edges. Take out of the oven and let cool down on a wire rack. If you have any batter left, bake more cookies.
Enjoy baking!