The sun is giving us two thumbs up today here in Berlin (unlike in other regions of Germany). Yay for that and sorry for the ones that don’t see the sun right now! ;)
Is there anything better than having some fresh berries from the farmers market to celebrate that good weather? No there is not :P
I am not from the North of Germany, but I also know the dish by this name: Rote Grütze Sylter Art. It is a delicious sweet treat, especially when made with fresh berries – but if you have only frozen ones it will be also awesome. Promised! Fresh cherries are nowhere to find this time of year, so if you were freezing some when they were still available – lucky you! Use them! If you have only the ones from the glass jar – also fine!
The fruit jelly aka. Rote Grütze is a dish from the northern part of Europe/Germany – you can find it also in Southern Germany where I come from, but (unfortunately) it is not as prominent in the kitchen and hardly used as a dessert. In my opinion it could be definitely used more often! The fruit jelly is made with red wine – if you serve that to small children, you might want to replace the wine with cherry juice – just in case ;)
250g cherries, pittet
250g black currant
200g raspberries
300ml red wine
1 stick of cinnamon
60g tapioca pearls
150g sugar
250g Kirschen
250g Schwarze Johannisbeeren
200g Himbeeren
300ml Rotwein
1 Stange Zimt
60g Sago Perlen
150g Zucker
2. In a saucepan heat up the wine together with the cinnamon and tapioca pearls and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer until the pearls have dissolved.
3. Remove the cinnamon, add the sugar and turn the heat up again. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the fruits and let cook for about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool down completely. The fruit jelly tastes the best, when stored in the fridge over night.
2. In einem Topf den Rotwein mit der Stange Zimt und den Sago Perlen aufkochen. Alles bei mittlerer Hitzezufuhr köcheln lassen, bis die Sago Perlen verkocht sind.
3. Hitzezufuhr wieder erhöhen, Zimtstange entfernen, Zucker zugeben und verrühren, bis er sich aufgelöst hat. Die Früchte zugeben und alles für etwa 2 Minuten aufkochen. Vom Herd nehmen und abkühlen lassen. Die rote Grütze schmeckt am besten, wenn sie über Nacht im Kühlschrank gezogen hat.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintRote Grütze Sylter Art (Fruit Jelly)
- Prep Time: 10
- Cook Time: 10
- Total Time: 20
- 250g strawberries
- 250g cherries, pittet
- 250g black currant
- 200g raspberries
- 300ml red wine
- 1 stick of cinnamon
- 60g tapioca pearls
- 150g sugar
- Wash the berries, remove all blossom roots and stalks. Let drain. Pit the cherries and cut the strawberries in half (quarter bigger ones). Set all aside.
- In a saucepan heat up the wine together with the cinnamon and tapioca pearls and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer until the pearls have dissolved.
- Remove the cinnamon, add the sugar and turn the heat up again. Stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the fruits and let cook for about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool down completely. The fruit jelly tastes the best, when stored in the fridge over night.
- Enjoy cooking!
- Serving Size: 4
Hallo Marc,
ich glaube Rote Grütze wird mein ganzes Leben lang mein allerliebstes Dessert bleiben.
Ich freue mich stets über neue Rezepte und werde auch deines sehr gerne ausprobieren.
Herzliche Grüße aus dem Odenwald in die Hauptstadt!
Ja Rote Grütze ist schon was sehr leckeres – nicht nur mit Vanillesoße. Gibt’s bei uns im Sommer mittlerweile immer öfter :)