Fall/Autumn is pumpkin season, right? That’s why these orange thingies end up often in my cookies around that time… full-size, of course! Just kidding – but I really love to incorporate some pumpkin puree into my cookies. These Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies are fluffy, chocolaty and crunchy (because of the roasted pumpkin seeds) – a combination you should definitely try!

Happy Cookie Friday, by the way! Soon the Christmas madness will take over with cakes and Christmas cookies – until then I still got some “regular” cookies for you. Since I still had some pumpkins sitting on the kitchen table this week, I decided to make some cookies with it. I already have several cookie recipes with pumpkin here on the blog, so one more can’t hurt, right?! I really love to bake with pumpkin puree – cookies and cakes get a great texture because of it and the bake is nice and moist ;)

These cookies should make everybody happy – fluffy, crunchy and chocolaty. Sounds perfect, right? The cookies are a bit more on the “caky” side and not like, let’s say, good old chocolate chip cookies, so they won’t stay fresh for a week. I recommend eating them within the first 2-3 days… but that should not be a problem. These cookies are always very popular around here, so they normally don’t last two days here ;P
If you want more cookies made with pumpkin you can check these recipes here:
1/2 cup (120g) butter
1/2 cup (100g) brown sugar
1 medium egg
1/2 cup (120g) pumpkin puree
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups (200g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
3.5 oz. (100g) chocolate chips
1.4 oz. (40g) toasted pumpkin seeds (plus some more)
100g brauner Zucker
1 Ei (M)
120g Kürbispüree
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
200g Mehl (Type 550)
1 TL Kürbiskuchengewürz
1/2 TL Backpulver
1/4 TL Natron
1/4 TL Salz
100g Schokoladendrops
40g Kürbiskerne, geröstet (plus ein paar mehr)

2. Add the butter and brown sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the egg and mix until well combined. Add the pumpkin puree and vanilla extract and mix in. Mix the flour with pumpkin pie spice, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and add to the bowl – mix until just combined. Add the chocolate chips and toasted pumpkin seeds and fold in. Use a cookie scoop or tablespoons and place dough portions with some space in between on the baking sheet. Press some additional pumpkin seeds into the dough (optional) and bake for 12-13 minutes or until the cookies are set. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack. Repeat with the remaining dough.
2. Butter und braunen Zucker in eine große Schüssel geben und auf höchster Stufe hell und luftig aufschlagen. Das Ei dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Kürbispüree und Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und unterrühren. Das Mehl mit Kürbiskuchengewürz, Backpulver, Natron und Salz vermischen und dann zur Schüssel dazugeben – nur kurz unterrühren. Schokoladendrops und geröstete Kürbiskerne dazugeben und unterheben. Mit einem Cookie Scoop (Eisportionierer) oder Esslöffeln Teigportionen mit genügend Platz dazwischen auf das vorbereitete Blech setzen, ein paar zusätzliche Kürbiskerne in den Teig drücken und für 12-13 Minuten backen. Die Cookies sollten leicht Farbe bekommen haben und an den Rändern fest sein. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf einem Kuchengitter abkühlen lassen. Mit dem restlichen Teig wiederholen.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:13
- Total Time: 01:00
- Yield: 20
- Category: Cookies
- Cuisine: American
Great combination: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies are our season favorites!
Enjoy baking!