I made apple sauce several times already in the past – at school in cooking classes or at home with my mom, but when I think about it now… haven’t done it in years. It’s a shame ;) It is so easy to make, is much better than the one you can buy in the stores (because you decide what’s all in it and how sweet you make it) and you can store it for a long period… perfect!
I made this batch here for my moist and delicious Carrot Cake Cupcakes and used the rest for potato pancakes with apple sauce – which I also haven’t done in years. It’s a shame ;))
1,3 -1,8kg Äpfel, geschält, Gehäuse entfernt und kleingeschnitten (zB. Golden Delicious, Jonagold oder Jonathan)
4 Streifen Zitronenschale
4 EL Zitronensaft (ca. 1 Zitrone)
1 Stück Zimt
60g brauner Zucker
50g Zucker
240ml Wasser
1/2 TL Salz
3-4 lbs. apples – peeled, cored and quartered (for example: Golden Delicious, Jonagold or Jonathan)
4 strips lemon peel
4 tbsp. lemon juice (ca. one lemon)
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 cup (60g) dark brown sugar
1/4 cup (50g) white sugar
1 cup (240ml) water
1/2 tsp. salt
2. Anmerkung: Die Zuckermengen sind grobe Vorgaben – sie hängt vom jeweiligen Geschmack und der Süße der Äpfel ab. Wenn weniger Zucker verwendet wird, sollte auch weniger Zitronensaft verwendet werden.
2. Note: The sugar amounts are rough guidelines – depending on your taste or the sweetness of the apples you use, you can use less or more. If you use less sugar, you should also use less lemon juice.
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