Happy World Vegetarian Day! Today is the International Day for Vegetarian Food. “A day to promote the joy, compassion and life-enhancing possibilities of vegetarianism” ;) Anyway. To celebrate this special day I made a delicious vegetarian dish. You might expect something baked here since this is mainly a baking blog… but no. Today I made something delicious you can enjoy for dinner (or lunch – whatever you prefer): Mushroom Bourguignon with Polenta! Soulfood without any kind of meat ;)
We are eating more and more veggies and vegan stuff at home lately. Well.. for several years actually. We still make dishes with chicken and meat sometimes, but it got much less. Veggies became the heroes in our kitchen. A plant-based diet with less (and higher quality) meats is simply healthier… at least for someone like me. Can’t eat all that fast-food burger crap anymore ;) We might remove meat from our diet completely at some point, but right now we are not there yet. Who knows… maybe one day. It really can’t hurt though, right?!
Well… for the “World Vegetarian Day” I got one of my favorite dishes for you today: a veggie mushroom goulash aka. mushroom bourguignon with polenta. If this sounds familiar to you now, you might had or heard about Boeuf Bourgignon, a classic French meat stew with vegetables and potatoes. Super delicious. I really like a good hearty stew. It’s the perfect soul food. It’s not the best food for a hot summer day, but as soon as it gets cooler again, I am all in for goulash or stew that has been cooking for hours on the stove…. mmmmm!
If you like that kind of dishes you should definitely try this vegetarian version of the classic French dish made with mushrooms instead of meat! Tastes suuuuper delicious! Mushrooms develop flavors when roasted that are similar to roasted meat. In combination with the veggies, wine, and the spices you get a wonderfully rich, and tasty stew that goes incredibly well with the (cheesy) polenta. It’s so good!
Unfortunately, it takes some time to prepare this dish. Bummer ;) Like in the original version, there is a lot of chopping, frying it in batches and a long time of cooking and simmering necessary. An effort that is definitely worth doing all that labor ;) If you are still working from home, it is easy to do that even on a weekday – everybody else probably wants to wait until the weekend to get on with the task ;)
Theoretically, you can make the whole dish vegan. The mushroom goulash is vegan anyway if you use vegan ingredients (wine, soy sauce, veggie broth…). You can make the polenta vegan as well if you use oil instead of the butter and use a vegan alternative for the parmesan cheese… it’s not that difficult to find that in supermarkets these days.
Alright. Because today is a foodie holiday some other food bloggers also created some veggie recipes to celebrate this day. Have a look – maybe you can find some more dishes you like:
moey’s kitchen: Veganes Süßkartoffel-Curry mit Kokos
SalzigSüssLecker: Pinsa Vegetaria
foodundco.de: Röstklöße mit Blutampfer-Salat
Zimtkeks und Apfeltarte: Vegane Kürbis-Möhren-Ingwer-Suppe mit Thai-Curry
For the mushroom bourguignon:
6-8 tbsp. olive oil
2 lbs. (900g) mixed mushrooms (e.g. portobello, champignon, shiitake or king oyster)
15-20 (very) small onions
2 medium-sized carrots
1 small leek
3-4 garlic cloves
1 1/2 tbsp. tomato paste
2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups (350ml) dry red wine
1 1/2 cups (350ml) vegetable broth
1 tbsp. soy sauce
3 fresh thyme branches
2 bay leaves
sea salt, fresh pepper
For the polenta:
33.8 fl.oz (1 liter) water
3 tbsp. butter
1/4 tsp. salt
1 cup (160g) polenta
3.5 oz. (100g) parmesan cheese, grated (or vegetarian/vegan alternative)
sea salt, fresh pepper
parsley, chopped
Für das Champignons Bourguignon:
6-8 EL Olivenöl
900g Pilze (z.B. Portobello, Champignons, Shiitake oder Kräuterseitlinge)
15-20 (sehr) kleine Zwiebeln
2 mittelgroße Karotten
1 kleiner Lauch
3-4 Knoblauchzehen
1 1/2 EL Tomatenmark
2 EL Mehl (Type 405)
350ml trockener Rotwein
350ml Gemüsebrühe
1 EL Sojasoße
3 Thymianstängel
2 Lorbeerblätter
Meersalz, frischer Pfeffer
Für die Polenta:
etwa 1 Liter Wasser
3 EL Butter
1/4 TL Salz
160g Polenta
100g Parmesan, geraspelt (oder vegetarisch/vegane Alternative)
Meersalz, frischer Pfeffer
gehackte Petersilie
2. Add about 2 tablespoons of the olive oil to a large Dutch oven or pot and set the heat to medium-high on the stove. Add about 1/3 of the mushrooms and onions and cook them until browned quite a bit. Works best if you do not move them for a while (2-3 minutes) so they can get some color and then flip everything to get some color on the other side (2-3 minutes)… but do not burn them. Take everything out and add some more olive oil and the second batch of mushrooms and onions – repeat, take out again and then once more with the remaining stuff. Collect all the cooked mushrooms and onions in a bowl.
3. Reduce the heat a bit, add some more oil and then add the leek rings and carrot slices. Cook until soft and slightly caramelized. Add the garlic and cook for a minute or so, then add the tomato paste and stir until everything is well coated with the paste and cook for another minute or so – do not burn the tomato paste or it will taste bitter. Sprinkle the flour over the carrots and leeks, stir in and cook another minute. Deglaze with the red wine and veggie broth. Add the mushrooms and onions back to the pot as well as the soy sauce, thyme branches, bay leaves and season with salt and pepper. Let cook lightly for about 45 minutes until the sauce has thickened and the onions are soft. Before serving, remove bay leaves and season with more salt, pepper or soy sauce if needed.
4. For the polenta preheat the oven to 325°F (160°C). Add the water, butter, and salt to a large pot (one you can place in the oven) and bring to a boil. Remove the pot from the heat and gradually add the polenta and stir in. Place again on the stove and let bubble up once more, then place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Take out of the oven and stir in the grated parmesan cheese, season with salt and pepper if needed.
5. To serve the dish add some polenta on a plate and spread out a bit, then add the mushroom bourguignon on top and sprinkle with some chopped parsley.
2. Etwa 2 Esslöffel Öl in einen großen Gusseisentopf (oder normalen Kochtopf) geben und erhitzen. Etwa 1/3 der Pilze und Zwiebeln in den Topf geben und scharf anbraten. Funktioniert am besten, wenn man Pilze und Zwiebeln in einer Schicht in den Topf packt und dann erstmal nicht bewegt, bis sie angebräunt sind und dann erst umdreht und weiterbräunt (2-3 Minuten pro Durchgang). Aus dem Topf in eine Schüssel umfüllen, etwas Öl nachlegen und die nächsten Pilze und Zwiebeln anbraten. In einer dritten Runde den Rest anbraten und dann den Topf leeren.
3. Die Hitzezufuhr etwas reduzieren, noch etwas Öl dazugeben und dann den Lauch und die Karotten anbraten bis alles etwas Farbe bekommen hat und leicht karamellisiert ist. Den Knoblauch dazugeben und für eine Minute anschwitzen. Das Tomatenmark dazugeben, gut unterrühren und ebenfalls etwa eine Minute miterhitzen – aufpassen, dass das Tomatenmark nicht anbrennt, sonst schmeckt es bitter. Das Mehl in den Topf geben, verrühren und ebenfalls etwa eine Minute weiter anbraten/anschwitzen. Mit dem Rotwein und der Brühe ablöschen, Pilze und Zwiebeln zurück in den Topf geben, sowie Sojasoße, Thymian und Lorbeerblätter dazugeben. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen und dann für etwa 45 Minuten leicht köcheln lassen – die Flüssigkeit im Topf sollte schön zu einer Soße angedickt sein und die Zwiebeln weichgekocht. Vor dem Servieren die Lorbeerblätter entfernen und ggf. noch mit etwas mehr Salz, Pfeffer und Sojasoße würzen.
4. Für die Polenta Den Ofen auf 160°C (325°F) vorheizen. Das Wasser zusammen mit Butter und Salz in einen großen (ofenfesten) Topf geben und zum Kochen bringen. Vom Herd ziehen und die Polenta nach und nach unterrühren. Noch einmal zurück auf den Herd und kurz aufblubbern lassen, dann in den Ofen stellen und für etwa 20 Minuten backen. Aus dem Ofen holen, den Parmesan unterrühren und dann ggf. noch mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen
5. Zum Servieren eine Portion Polenta auf den Teller geben und etwas ausstreichen, dann das Pilzgulasch daraufgeben und mit etwas gehackter Petersilie bestreuen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintMushroom Bourguignon with Polenta
- Prep Time: 00:40
- Cook Time: 00:45
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 4
- Category: Dinner
- Cuisine: French
Delicous veggie dish full of flavors: Mushroom Bourguignon with polenta
Enjoy cooking!