Plums are everywhere in autumn. Unfortunately, the season is slowly coming to an end… so in case you still find some small colorful plums, you should get them and definitely make something with them. This delicious Mixed Plum Galette, for example ;) It’s super easy to prepare and ready in no time. With some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream… a dessert dream come true ;P

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of this “French bake” – the galettes. Do not mix them up with Breton Galettes – those buckwheat flour pancakes with topping. That is something completely different ;) I mean the fruity flat galettes (tarts) with simple galette dough (aka. tart dough aka. pie dough – pretty much all the same). Easy to prepare and so versatile when it comes to the topping. I love that you can prepare the dough in advance (up to 3 days is fine) and make this sweet treat whenever you need it in no time. The topping can be sweet or savory – in my case, I had a big box of mixed plums at home that needed to be eaten, so I made this galette with some of them. Apples are also a great option in fall – so is quince, for example, or even frozen berries if you can’t get anything fresh anymore from the farmer’s market or supermarket. Endless possibilities ;P
As I mentioned before – the dough is simple and pretty much the same dough you would use for a pie or tart. But if you want to skip dairy products, for example, or want the dough to be vegan – no problem at all. This kind of dough is very easy to adapt to your needs. Even gluten-free is no problem ;)

Preparing the topping is pretty much the same for every galette. Fruits or berries are mixed with some cornstarch to bind liquid coming from the fruits/berries, depending on how sour the fruits or berries are, you add some sugar (or sugar replacement), plus some additional spices and you’re basically done! Easy, right? ;)
Galettes are the best when they are still slightly warm. With some vanilla ice cream or whipped cream on top one of the best desserts, I can think of. The juicy (not too sweet) topping, the crunchy base, and some melting ice cream…. damn! ;P
In case you want some more galette recipes – check out these deliciousnesses here. Sweet or savory. Both work really well. See for yourself:
(5-6 servings)
For the dough:
6.4 oz. (180g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
6 oz (170g) cold butter
4 tbsp. ice water
For the filling:
18 oz. (500g) mixed plums, pitted
1/2 cup (50g) sugar
2 tsp. cornstarch
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. zest of organic lemon
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
To finish:
1-2 tbsp. heavy cream
1-2 tbsp. almonds, sliced
some brown sugar for sprinkling
(5-6 Portionen)
Für den Teig:
180g Mehl (Type 550)
1 TL Zucker
1/2 TL Salz
170g kalte Butter
4 EL Eiswasser
Für die Füllung:
500g bunte Pflaumen (oder Zwetschgen), entsteint
50g Zucker
2 TL Speisestärke
1/4 TL Salz
1 TL Abrieb einer Bio-Zitrone
1 EL Zitronensaft
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
1-2 EL Sahne
1-2 EL Mandeln, gehobelt
etwas brauner Zucker zum Bestreuen

1. For the dough add the flour, sugar, and salt to a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the cold butter in small pieces and toss to coat it with the flour. Use a pastry cutter* and cut the butter into pea-sized pieces. Add the ice water and mix everything until the dough starts coming together – there can still be some dry spots. Wrap the dough into plastic wrap, flatten slightly and place in the fridge for about 45 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside. Wash and dry the plums and remove the stones. Set aside in a bowl. Mix the sugar, cornstarch, salt, and lemon zest and sprinkle over the plums. Mix (gently) to combine. Add the lemon juice and vanilla extract and mix to combine. Set aside to marinate for about 5-10 minutes.
3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to get a circle of about 12 inches (30cm). Place the dough circle on the prepared baking sheet. Add the marinated on top, leave a 2.4 inches (6cm) wide border free from fruits, then fold the edges up and over the plums. Brush the sides with heavy cream, sprinkle with sliced almonds and some brown sugar, and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375°F (190°C) and continue baking for 35-40 minutes. The sides should get a nice golden color but if you think they get too dark, cover the galette towards the end with a piece of aluminum foil. Take out of the oven and let cool down (almost) completely before serving. The galette tastes great with some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top.
1. Mehl, Zucker und Salz für den Teig in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Die kalte Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und mit dem Mehl vermischen. Die Butter mit einem Teigmischer* in etwa erbsengroße Stücke zerteilen. Das Eiswasser dazugeben und die Zutaten vermischen, bis der Teig anfängt zusammenzuhalten. Alles zu einer Kugel formen – es können hier und da noch trockene Stellen sein – flach drücken und dann in Klarsichtfolie einschlagen. Für etwa 45 Minuten in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Die Pflaumen waschen, abtrocknen und die Steine entfernen. Zur Seite stellen. Zucker, Speisestärke, Salz und Zitronenschale vermischen, über die Pflaumen streuen und vorsichtig vermischen. Zitronensaft und Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und untermischen. Zur Seite stellen und etwa 5-10 Minuten marinieren lassen.
3. Den Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche zu einem Kreis mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 30cm (12 inches) ausrollen. Den Teigkreis auf das vorbereitete Backblech legen. Die marinierten Früchte darauf legen, einen etwa 6cm (2.4 inches) breiten Rand frei lassen und dann die Ränder nach oben über die Pflaumen klappen. Die Ränder mit Sahne bestreichen, mit gehobelten Mandeln und etwas braunem Zucker bestreuen und in den Ofen schieben. Die Galette für 10 Minuten backen, dann die Hitzezufuhr auf 375°F (190°C) reduzieren und weitere 35-40 Minuten backen. Die Ränder sollten eine schöne goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Sollte die Galette allerdings zu dunkel werden, gegen Ende mit etwas Alufolie oder Backpapier abdecken. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und vor dem Servieren fast vollständig abkühlen lassen. Zur Galette passen gut Schlagsahne oder Vanilleeis.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy Mixed Plum Galette
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:50
- Total Time: 03:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Galettes
- Cuisine: France
- Diet: Vegetarian
If you are having friends or family over, this easy peasy galette with mixed plums is the perfect treat to serve with a nice coffee.
For the dough:
6.4 oz. (180g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
6 oz (170g) cold butter
4 tbsp. ice water
For the filling:
18 oz. (500g) mixed plums, pitted
1/2 cup (50g) sugar
2 tsp. cornstarch
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. zest of organic lemon
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
To finish:
1–2 tbsp. heavy cream
1–2 tbsp. almonds, sliced
some brown sugar for sprinkling
1. For the dough add the flour, sugar, and salt to a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the cold butter in small pieces and toss to coat it with the flour. Use a pastry cutter* and cut the butter into pea-sized pieces. Add the ice water and mix everything until the dough starts coming together – there can still be some dry spots. Wrap the dough into plastic wrap, flatten slightly and place in the fridge for about 45 minutes.
2. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside. Wash and dry the plums and remove the stones. Set aside in a bowl. Mix the sugar, cornstarch, salt, and lemon zest and sprinkle over the plums. Mix (gently) to combine. Add the lemon juice and vanilla extract and mix to combine. Set aside to marinate for about 5-10 minutes.
3. Roll out the dough on a floured surface to get a circle of about 12 inches (30cm). Place the dough circle on the prepared baking sheet. Add the marinated on top, leave a 2.4 inches (6cm) wide border free from fruits, then fold the edges up and over the plums. Brush the sides with heavy cream, sprinkle with sliced almonds and some brown sugar, and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375°F (190°C) and continue baking for 35-40 minutes. The sides should get a nice golden color but if you think they get too dark, cover the galette towards the end with a piece of aluminum foil. Take out of the oven and let cool down (almost) completely before serving. The galette tastes great with some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream on top.
Enjoy baking!
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