There are so many Christmas cookie classics – sometimes it’s hard to decide what to bake during Advent ;) Luckily, I love to experiment when baking. Sometimes I turn a classic into something new. That’s what happened here with these Almond Marzipan Logs. They were originally Almond Marzipan Croissants. Now they are not anymore ;P
Alright – I have to admit that these logs are not very far from the original. Other people had the idea as well to bake little logs… way before I did. I am not the first person to change the shape of the croissants – intentionally or unintentionally. Depending on the recipe you use, the croissants can spread a lot… that’s when they look more like logs instead of croissants ;P
Well… tbh I did not only change the shape of the original croissants. I also adjusted the ingredients slightly. I’ve been trying to reduce the sugar in my recipes wherever possible for a few years now. This is also the case here. Some sugar has been omitted and a few extra ground almonds have been added to the dough instead.
If you are familiar with Almond Marzipan Croissants you probably know there is a lot of sugar used in those recipes. Not only the added sugar but also the marzipan is packed with sugar ;) The amount of sugar I replaced with almonds is tiny compared to that, but you have to start somewhere, right? ;P
If you want to use even less sugar, you can, of course, use sugar substitutes here. That could be xylitol or erythritol instead of sugar or sugar-free marzipan, for example. I would not recommend using large quantities of sugar replacement. You just don’t want to eat too much of it because it can affect your digestive system… I know myself – it’s hard to stop eating Christmas cookies once you start ;P
If you try to eat less sugar – like me – don’t eat all of Almond Marzipan Logs at once. Easy as that. Nibble on one of them and share the others with family and friends. That’s the best way not to overeat on something, right? ;P
Well… once a year it’s actually okay to do several »cheat days« in a row. At least that’s what my grandma used to say. That’s what Christmas is made for ;P You can discipline yourself again in January. Like everybody else who starts going to the gym at the beginning of the year ;P
I got more Christmas cookie recipes here on the blog, of course. These are two of my favorite recipes. Just click (or tap if you are on your mobile) on the pictures to get to the corresponding recipe.
(16 cookies)
7 oz. (200g) marzipan (for baking)
3.5 oz. (100g) ground almonds (blanched)
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
1/4 cup (50g) brown sugar
2 medium egg whites
4 tbsp. all-purpose flour
about 5.3 oz. (150g) flaked almonds
3.5 oz. (100g) dark chocolate glaze
(16 Stangen)
200g Marzipanrohmasse
100g Mandeln, blanchiert & gemahlen
100g Zucker
50g brauner Zucker
2 Eiweiß (M)
4 EL Mehl (Type 550)
etwa 150g Mandelblättchen
100g Zartbitter Kuvertüre
1. Cut the marzipan into small pieces and mix with the ground almonds, both sugars, egg white, and flour in a large bowl until you get a smooth dough. If you use a handheld mixer, I recommend using a dough hook. The dough will be very sticky but that is ok. Cover the dough and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight).
2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside. Place the flaked almonds in a small bowl or on a small plate. Use a tablespoon to scoop out dough (1 oz./30g is a good amount) and shape it into logs with a length of about 2.7 inches/7cm. Working with slightly wet hands is best here. Roll the logs in the flaked almonds until they are covered completely. You might have to press the almonds into the dough so they stick well. Place the logs with enough space in between on the baking sheet – I normally do not place more than 10 logs at the same time on the baking sheet.
3. Bake the almond marzipan logs for about 14-15 minutes. The dough should have slightly browned – the almonds should not get too dark. Remove from the oven and let cool down for a while on the baking sheet before transferring to a wire rack. Repeat the procedure with the remaining dough.
4. Melt the chocolate glaze (in the microwave or in a bowl over a pot with simmering water). Dip both ends of the cooled logs into the chocolate and place them on a wire rack or a piece of baking parchment. Let dry completely. Store the marzipan logs in a cool place, separate from other cookies. The cookies should be good to eat for at least 10 days.
1. Die Marzipanrohmasse in kleine Stücke zerteilen und zusammen mit den Mandeln, beiden Zuckersorten, Eiweiß und Mehl in einer großen Schüssel verrühren, bis sich eine homogene Masse gebildet hat. Beim Handmixer empfehle ich Knethaken und bei einer Küchenmaschine den Flachrührer. Der Teig wird sehr feucht und klebrig sein. Den Teig abgedeckt für mindestens 4 Stunden (besser über Nacht) in den Kühlschrank stellen.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Ein Backblech mit Backpapier auslegen und zur Seite stellen. Die Mandelblättchen in eine kleine Schale oder auf einen kleinen Teller schütten. Mit einem Esslöffel Teigportionen abstechen (bei mir waren es immer etwa 30g) und dann mit feuchten Händen zu etwa 7cm langen Rollen formen. Die Rollen in den Mandeln wälzen, bis sie komplett bedeckt sind (Mandeln ggf. etwas festdrücken) und dann mit genügend Abstand auf das Blech setzen – ich packe max. 10 Rollen auf ein Blech.
3. Die Mandel Marzipan Stangen für etwa 14-15 Minuten backen. Der Teig sollte leicht Farbe bekommen haben, die Mandeln aber nicht zu dunkel sein. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf dem Blech einige Zeit abkühlen lassen, bevor man sie auf ein Kuchengitter setzt. Die Prozedur mit dem verbliebenen Teig wiederholen.
4. Die Kuvertüre schmelzen (in der Mikrowelle oder über einem Topf mit köchelndem Wasser) und dann die abgekühlten Stangen mit den Enden in die Schokolade tauchen. Auf ein Gitter oder Stück Backpapier legen und komplett trocknen lassen. An einem kühlen Ort, getrennt von anderen Plätzchen aufbewahren. Innerhalb von etwa 10 Tagen aufessen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintAlmond Marzipan Logs
- Prep Time: 00:20
- Cook Time: 00:15
- Total Time: 05:00
- Yield: 16 1x
- Category: Christmas cookies
- Cuisine: Germany
- Diet: Vegetarian
Classic German Christmas cookies in a slightly different shape – these Almond Marzipan Logs are based on Marzipan Crescents… just more almonds and logs instead of horns ;P
7 oz. (200g) marzipan (for baking)
3.5 oz. (100g) ground almonds (blanched)
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
1/4 cup (50g) brown sugar
2 medium egg whites
4 tbsp. all-purpose flour
about 5.3 oz. (150g) flaked almonds
3.5 oz. (100g) dark chocolate glaze
1. Cut the marzipan into small pieces and mix with the ground almonds, both sugars, egg white, and flour in a large bowl until you get a smooth dough. If you use a handheld mixer, I recommend using a dough hook. The dough will be very sticky but that is ok. Cover the dough and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours (preferably overnight).
2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and set aside. Place the flaked almonds in a small bowl or on a small plate. Use a tablespoon to scoop out dough (1 oz./30g is a good amount) and shape it into logs with a length of about 2.7 inches/7cm. Working with slightly wet hands is best here. Roll the logs in the flaked almonds until they are covered completely. You might have to press the almonds into the dough so they stick well. Place the logs with enough space in between on the baking sheet – I normally do not place more than 10 logs at the same time on the baking sheet.
3. Bake the almond marzipan logs for about 14-15 minutes. The dough should have slightly browned – the almonds should not get too dark. Remove from the oven and let cool down for a while on the baking sheet before transferring to a wire rack. Repeat the procedure with the remaining dough.
4. Melt the chocolate glaze (in the microwave or in a bowl over a pot with simmering water). Dip both ends of the cooled logs into the chocolate and place them on a wire rack or a piece of baking parchment. Let dry completely. Store the marzipan logs in a cool place, separate from other cookies. The cookies should be good to eat for at least 10 days.
Mandel Marzipan Stangen | Bake to the roots
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