Cherries are in season right now – this means these little red fellas end up in many of my recipes right now. As soon as one of these little baskets is empty I get new cherries and create new recipes. I love the cherry season ;) This Cherry Streusel Cake with Sour Cream is a good example of what you can do with cherries. Easy to prepare and soooo darn delicious!

Each year, when cherries are available from local farmers, I am making so many bakes and recipes with those little stone fruits… I could basically turn this baking blog into a »cherries only blog« with a recipe once a week (probably even more). There is so much you can do with cherries.
But I don’t want to »spoil« you with cherries – that’s why most of the bakes I am creating are not ending up on the blog… some will be posted outside of the cherry season though. Luckily, cherries are easy to freeze so you can basically use them year-round.

Well, saying that… as promised, I am not spoiling you with tons of my cherry recipes today. You will only get one recipe from me today – this delicious Cherry Streusel Cake – but besides that, I have a huge list of cherry recipes from other food blogs for you. Cherries from all over Germany. Cherry Overload! ;P
Since it’s cherry season, some of my food blogger friends and I made a (small) list of our favorite cherry recipes. Seems we all have the same problem – we all love cherries and like to bake and cook with them ;) Well… in case you don’t know what to do with cherries sitting in your fridge, take a look at this list (most of the recipes are in German though, but Uncle “Google Translate” can help you for sure) – I am pretty sure you will find something you like ;)
Nom Noms food: Kirsch-Käsekuchen-Biskuitrolle mit Schokolade
Zuckerdeern: Kirsch-Mohn Parfait mit weisser Schokolade
Kuechenchaotin: Bruschetta mit Balsamico-Kirschen
Kochhelden: Spare Ribs mit Kirsch-BBQ-Sauce
Whatinaloves: Gefüllte Kirschtartelettes mit weißer-Schokolade-Mohncreme
Madame Dessert: Kirsch Plunder wie vom Bäcker
Jankes*Soulfood: Schoko-Kirsch-Cupcakes
Zimtkeks und Apfeltarte: Klassische Donauwelle wie von Oma
Patrick Rosenthal: Kirsch-Mohn Schneckenkuchen mit Marzipan
Ina Is(s)t: Kirsch Dessert mit Joghurt-Mohncreme
moey’s kitchen: Schneller Butterkuchen mit Kirschen und Mandeln
1x umrühren bitte aka. kochtopf: Kastenkuchen mit Kirschen & weisser Schokolade
Möhreneck: Vegane Kirsch-Streusel-Muffins
S-Küche: Cheesecake mit Kirschen – No-bake Cherry Dream
Louibakery: Gugelhupf à la Schwarzwälder Kirsch
feiertaeglich: Clafoutis aux cerises
herztopf: Zitronen-Kirschkuchen mit Kirschglasur
Mrs Greenhouse: Kirschkuchen mit Pudding und Mandelsplitter
Der Kuchenbäcker: Cherry Pop Tarts
Life Is Full Of Goodies: Schoko-Kirschkuchen mit Mascarponecreme
Die Jungs kochen und backen: Schokomuffins mit Kirschen & Nuss-Nougatcreme
Tinas Tausendschön: Aus Dessert mach Kuchen! Kirschmichel Tarte
Meine Küchenschlacht: Mohn-Käsekuchenschnecken mit Kirschen
Well… back to my cake here – check the other recipes later. You have to make this delicious cake here first! It is definitely one of the best cakes you can make with fresh cherries. I give you my word of honor in this case ;)
Cakes that are made with streusel/crumbles are some of the easiest cakes you can make. The streusel are easy to prepare – you don’t need a food processor or something like that, a bowl and a fork are normally all you need. Those streusel are used to create the cake base and for the topping as well – this means you will save a lot of time here.

The filling in this cake is a sour cream mixture in combination with the cherries – you could also use cream cheese instead of the sour cream or quark if you can get hold of that (sometimes a bit difficult to get outside of Central Europe). The cherries don’t need to be cooked in advance. For example, cherry pies normally ask for a pre-cooked filling which makes the cherries very soft and mushy. The cherries in this cake keep their crunchiness which gives this streusel cake a great texture. So good!
Well… now get those cherries ready and start baking! And when you are done with the cake you can take a look at the other recipes from my »CherryBoom« blogger colleagues ;)
For the streusel:
14 oz. (400g) all-purpose flour
3.5 oz. (100g) brown sugar
7.4 oz. (210g) butter, melted
1 medium egg
3.5 oz. (100g) almond paste, grated
For the filling & topping:
7 oz. (200g) sour cream
0.7 oz. (20g) cornstarch
1 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. milk
1 tsp. vanilla extract
28 oz. (800g) sour cherries
1 tbsp. cherry jam
1 tbsp. brown sugar for sprinkling
Für die Streusel:
400g Mehl (Type 550)
100g brauner Zucker
210g Butter, geschmolzen
1 Ei (M)
100g Mandelpaste (oder Marzipan-Rohmasse), geraspelt
Für die Füllung & Belag:
200g Schmand
20g Speisestärke
1 EL Zucker
1 EL Milch
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
800g Sauerkirschen
1 EL Kirschmarmelade
1 EL brauner Zucker zum Bestreuen

By the way – you can make the cake well with frozen (and thawed) cherries instead of fresh cherries. In case you got a few kilos/pounds of cherries you don’t know what to do with them (which can happen with a cherry tree in your garden): wash them well, pit them and then place them in the freezer. I normally let the cherries freeze on a tray next to each other in one single layer first and then I put them in containers or freezer bags – in batches of about 500g (approx. 1 pound). This prevents the cherries from sticking together in a solid block and you will be able to pick just a few cherries and take them out of the freezer individually.

1. Wash, dry and pit the cherries. Set aside. Melt the butter for the streusel and let cool down again. Line 10 inches (26cm) springform tin with baking parchment and grease lightly. Set aside.
2. Mix the flour with brown sugar in a large bowl. Add the melted (and cooled) butter, the egg, and grated almond paste – mix until streusel form. Add about 2/3 of the streusel to the prepared baking tin and press to the bottom and sides to create a nice crust. Place with the remaining streusel in the fridge for about 10 minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 390°F (200°C). Mix the sour cream with cornstarch, sugar, milk, and vanilla extract. Pour on top of the cake base and spread evenly. Mix the cherries with the cherry jam and place on top of the sour cream mixture. Sprinkle everything with the remaining streusel and the brown sugar. Bake for 40-45 minutes or until the cherries are soft and the streusel got a nice golden color. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack. Serve with some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
1. Die Kirschen waschen, trocknen und entsteinen – zur Seite stellen. Die Butter für die Streusel schmelzen und abkühlen lassen. Eine 26cm (10 inches) Springform mit Backpapier auslegen und leicht einfetten. Zur Seite stellen.
2. Das Mehl mit dem braunen Zucker in einer großen Schüssel vermischen. Geschmolzene Butter, Ei und geraspelte Mandelpaste (oder Marzipan-Rohmasse) dazugeben und mit den Knethaken eines Handrührgeräts zu Streuseln verarbeiten. Etwa 2/3 der Streusel in die vorbereitete Backform schütten, den Rest bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen. Die Streusel in der Backform am Boden und den Seiten festdrücken. Für etwa 10 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
3. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Den Schmand mit der Stärke, Zucker, Milch und Vanille Extrakt in einer kleinen Schüssel verrühren. Die Schmandmasse auf dem Boden der Form verteilen. Die entsteinten Kirschen mit der Kirschmarmelade vermischen und auf dem Schmand verteilen. Die verbliebenen Streusel auf den Kirschen verteilen und mit dem braunen Zucker bestreuen. Für etwa 40-45 Minuten backen – die Kirschen sollten weich sein und die Streusel eine schöne goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett abkühlen lassen. Mit etwas Schlagsahne oder Vanilleeis servieren.

Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Cherry Streusel Cake
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:45
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 1
- Category: Cakes
- Cuisine: German
Delicious cake with loads of cherries and streusel on a sour cream base… great refreshment in summer!
Enjoy baking!
These proportions are awful! I tried to make this by exactly following the recipe, and it was way too much cherry (800 grams is way too much). Should be more like 300-400 grams, and if using tart/sour cherries, the filling must be sweetened or it is just way too sour. Also, if using fresh tart cherries, it is better to put the corn starch into the cherries and juice to thicken it a little. Putting it in the sour cream as marked is odd. Not a good result!
Sorry, it did not work out for you as expected.
As you can see it worked well for me with the amount of cherries I listed in the recipe.
The sweetness is definitely debatable – we prefer it less sweet.