It’s December and you all know what this means – Christmas Season is about to hit us hard ;P Well… for “us” bloggers the madness it’s actually halfway through already I’d say. Many recipes and articles that are going to be published in the upcoming weeks to Christmas have been already prepared the previous month or even earlier. At least on my blog here. I heard other bloggers are a bit more spontaneous when it comes to creating a blog post ;) Well… this Cherry Cranberry Mulled Wine Pie is quite fresh though. I decided last week to make it, so there was still some leftover in the fridge this week when I was writing this text. Not much though, cause the pie was quite popular ;)

The pie is a perfect bake for a Christmas party or gathering with friends and family. Pies are always a good idea for dessert anyway for a dinner or buffet. You can prepare them some time in advance – both the dough and the filling and basically everybody loves pie. Solo or with some vanilla ice cream… so good! This one here has a filling with cherries, cranberries and mulled wine. Mmmm… ;)
Cherries are pretty basic when it comes to pies – combining them with some fresh cranberries gives the normally sweet cherries some acidity which is really nice. To get some “Christmas flavors” into the pie I added mulled wine aka. Glühwein to the filling. Really nice. It’s a nice subtle flavor you can intensify, by adding more mulled wine and reducing it before adding the cherries and cranberries… that’s what I am going to do next time ;)

Well… the decoration is up to you. I decided to go with the letters, but feel free to make a lattice top or close the pie completely with dough. All fine and the amount of dough should work with any kind of decoration you want to do ;) The letter decoration is quite some work… just to warn you. When I decided to make a pie like this one, I bought letter cutters, but unfortunately, I bought the small ones instead of some bigger ones. Lesson learned ;)
For the filling:
26 oz. (750g) frozen cherries, thawed
9 oz. (250g) fresh cranberries
3/4 cup (150g) sugar
0.9 oz. (25g) cornstarch
3.4 fl.oz. (100ml) mulled wine
1 fl.oz. (30ml) orange juice
1 tsp. vanilla extract
2-3 tbsp. fine breadcrumbs
For the dough:
3 cups (350g) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. sugar
1 cup (230g) cold butter
1/2 cup (120ml) ice water (plus some more)
1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
1 egg yolk for brushing
some water
Für die Füllung:
750g TK-Kirschen, aufgetaut
250g frische Cranberries
150g Zucker
25g Speisestärke
100ml Glühwein
30ml Orangensaft
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
2-3 EL Semmelbrösel
Für den Teig:
350g Mehl (Type 405)
1/2 TL Salz
1 EL Zucker
230g kalte Butter
120ml Eiswasser (ggf. etwas mehr)
1 EL Weißweinessig
1 Eigelb zum Bestreichen
etwas Wasser

1. The filling can be made in advance and stored in the fridge if you want to save time on baking day. Let the cherries thaw in a bowl, do not discard the juices. Wash and dry the cranberries. Set aside.
2. In a small bowl mix sugar and cornstarch. In a large pot mix the mulled wine, orange juice, and vanilla extract, then add the cornstarch-sugar mixture and mix until there are no more lumps. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the cherries and cranberries and let simmer for 6-8 minutes – the liquids should have thickened and the cherries should be soft but not mushy. Take off the heat and let cool down completely and use when mentioned in the recipe or store I the fridge up to two days I an airtight container.
3. For the dough mix the water with the vinegar in a small bowl and add an ice cube. In a large bowl mix the flour, sugar, and salt. Add the butter in small pieces and toss a bit so the butter is covered with the flour. Use a pastry cutter or knife to cut the butter into pea-size pieces. Gradually add the water and mix everything with your hands until the dough cometh together. It should not be wet nor sticky. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
4. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Lightly grease a 9 inch (23cm) pie dish. Roll out about half of the dough (keep the rest in the fridge until needed) on a floured surface to a circle that is slightly larger than the pie dish. Transfer to the pie dish and press to the bottom and sides. Cut off overlapping dough and create a nice edge – either by using your fingers to get it in shape or to press in a pattern with a fork for example. Sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs on the bottom of the pie.
5. Pour the cherry-cranberry filling into the prepared pie crust and smooth out the top. Roll out the remaining dough and cover the pie with it – you can go for a plain cover, stripes, a lattice topping or the letters I made. The dough should cover most of the cake though. If you covered the filling completely, make sure you have some ventilation slits in the center. Whisk the egg with some water and brush the pastry top. Bake for 55-60 minutes – the top should have a nice colden color. If you see the edges or decorations on top get too dark, cover with some baking parchment. Take out of the oven and let cool down. Serve slightly warm or cooled with whipped cream or some vanilla ice cream.
1. Die Füllung kann vorab zubereitet und im Kühlschrank aufbewahrt werden. Dafür die Kirschen in einer Schüssel auftauen lassen – die austretende Flüssigkeit nicht wegschütten! Die Cranberries waschen und abtropfen lassen. Zur Seite stellen.
2. Den Zucker mit der Stärke in einer kleinen Schüssel verrühren. In einem großen Kochtopf den Glühwein mit Orangensaft und Vanille Extrakt verrühren und dann die Zucker-Stärke-Mischung unterrühren, bis keine Klümpchen mehr zu sehen sind. Alles zum Kochen bringen und dann die Kirschen und Cranberries zugeben und für 6-8 Minuten leicht köcheln lassen – die Flüssigkeit im Topf sollte schön angedickt, die Kirschen aber nicht matschig sein. Die Füllung abkühlen lassen und dann verwenden oder bis zu 2 Tage in einem luftdichten Behälter im Kühlschrank aufbewahren.
3. Für den Teig das Wasser mit dem Essig in einer kleinen Schüssel verrühren und einen Eiswürfel dazugeben. In einer großen Schüssel das Mehl mit dem Zucker und Salz vermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken zugeben und im Mehl schwenken, bis alles bedeckt ist. Die Butter mit einem Teigmischer in etwa erbsengroße Stücke zerteilen, dann das Wasser nach und nach zugeben und alles verkneten. Sobald der Teig anfängt zusammenzukleben, ist er gut – er sollte auf keinen Fall zu feucht werden. Zu einer Kugel formen, plattdrücken und in Klarsichtfolie einschlagen. Den Teig für mindestens 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
4. Den Ofen auf 175°C (350°F) vorheizen. Eine 23cm (9 inch) Pieform einfetten. Etwa die Hälfte des Teiges auf einer bemehlten Fläche ausrollen (den restlichen Teig im Kühlschrank lassen). In die Form legen und andrücken. Überlappenden Teig abschneiden und dem Rad ein schönes Muster verpassen (mit den Fingern eindrücken oder mit einer Gabel ein Muster in den Teig drücken). Auf dem Teig 2-3 EL Semmelbrösel verteilen.
5. Die Kirsch-Cranberry Füllung in die Form schütten und glatt streichen. Den restlichen Teig jetzt ausrollen und dann nach belieben den Pie damit dekorieren. Das kann eine durchgängige Haube sein, ein Gittermuster, Streifen, Sterne oder wie bei mir hier Buchstaben – Hauptsache ein bisschen zusammenhängend, damit nichts verrutscht. Falls ihr den Pie komplett geschlossen habt, nicht vergessen, Luftschlitze in die Mitte zu schneiden. Das Ei mit etwas Wasser verquirlen und dann die Oberfläche damit bepinseln. Den Pie jetzt in den Ofen schieben und für 55-60 Minuten backen – die Oberfläche sollte eine schöne goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Wenn ihr merkt, dass Teile der Dekoration auf dem Pie zu dunkel werden, einfach etwas Backpapier auflegen und weiter backen. Den fertigen Pie aus dem Ofen nehmen und abkühlen lassen. Mit etwas Schlagsahne oder Vanilleeis servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Cherry Cranberry Mulled Wine Pie
- Prep Time: 50
- Cook Time: 60
- Total Time: 180
Delicious Christmas pie with cherries, cranberries and some mulled wine… yes, the Christmas season has started officially! ;)
For the filling
- 26 oz. (750g) frozen cherries, thawed
- 9 oz. (250g) fresh cranberries
- 3/4 cup (150g) sugar
- 0.9 oz. (25g) cornstarch
- 3.4 fl.oz. (100ml) mulled wine
- 1 fl.oz. (30ml) orange juice
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2–3 tbsp. fine breadcrumbs
For the dough
- 3 cups (350g) all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 tbsp. sugar
- 1 cup (230g) cold butter
- 1/2 cup (120ml) ice water (plus some more)
- 1 tbsp. white wine vinegar
- 1 egg yolk for brushing
- some water
- The filling can be made in advance and stored in the fridge if you want to save time on baking day. Let the cherries thaw in a bowl, do not discard the juices. Wash and dry the cranberries. Set aside.
- In a small bowl mix sugar and cornstarch. In a large pot mix the mulled wine, orange juice, and vanilla extract, then add the cornstarch-sugar mixture and mix until there are no more lumps. Bring the mixture to a boil, add the cherries and cranberries and let simmer for 6-8 minutes – the liquids should have thickened and the cherries should be soft but not mushy. Take off the heat and let cool down completely and use when mentioned in the recipe or store I the fridge up to two days I an airtight container.
- For the dough mix the water with the vinegar in a small bowl and add an ice cube. In a large bowl mix the flour, sugar, and salt. Add the butter in small pieces and toss a bit so the butter is covered with the flour. Use a pastry cutter or knife to cut the butter into pea-size pieces. Gradually add the water and mix everything with your hands until the dough cometh together. It should not be wet nor sticky. Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour.
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Lightly grease a 9 inch (23cm) pie dish. Roll out about half of the dough (keep the rest in the fridge until needed) on a floured surface to a circle that is slightly larger than the pie dish. Transfer to the pie dish and press to the bottom and sides. Cut off overlapping dough and create a nice edge – either by using your fingers to get it in shape or to press in a pattern with a fork for example. Sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs on the bottom of the pie.
- Pour the cherry-cranberry filling into the prepared pie crust and smooth out the top. Roll out the remaining dough and cover the pie with it – you can go for a plain cover, stripes, a lattice topping or the letters I made. The dough should cover most of the cake though. If you covered the filling completely, make sure you have some ventilation slits in the center. Whisk the egg with some water and brush the pastry top. Bake for 55-60 minutes – the top should have a nice colden color. If you see the edges or decorations on top get too dark, cover with some baking parchment. Take out of the oven and let cool down. Serve slightly warm or cooled with whipped cream or some vanilla ice cream.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 10
Are you using sweet cherries or sour cherries?
These are sour cherries :)