It is cold outside. From now on you can bake again stuff that is bigger and more indulging. All I say “Winter is coming!”. Not only on Games of Thrones ;) You have to be prepared for the cold temperatures and the snow outside. That’s why Andrea from Zimtkeks & Apfeltarte and myself decided to choose “chocolate” as our topic for this years last “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise”. Normally I would use this as an excuse to bake something overly crazy with loads of chocolate… but I could hold myself back and used only about 1 kilogram of chocolate in this Brownie Double Chocolate Mousse Cake. Here in Germany, we would say “a breath of nothing”…
The ones coming here more often may know this little thing here already we call “Bake Together”. It started over two years ago with my recipe for a Strawberry Ombre Cake – that was our first time to bake “together”… far away from each other ;) If you want to know more about this little regular event we have, check out the ombre cake – I am explaining everything in detail there.
Anyway. Today’s topic is chocolate. Loads of chocolate. I love chocolate. If you looked at my recipes on the blog you might have noticed that already. I love to bake with it. Or just eat it plain. My bf does not allow me to buy chocolate – only when using it for baking. Probably because the chocolate disappears magically within minutes it enters our home ;) Well… today everything I had ended up in this cake. I am not kidding :P
The base of the cake is a delicious fudgy brownie. Good start, right? On top of that brownie is a super delicious and creamy chocolate mousse. The best! The combination of these two things is awesome, but it’s also a bit dangerous, to be honest. I recommend making this cake only if you know you will have guests. If you make this at home and you are the only one there, you will eat everything. I repeat myself: YOU WILL EAT EVERYTHING! With all that calories hidden inside not the best idea. So be warned! Sharing is caring. Mostly taking care of yourself ;)
I wished I could say I am kidding, but I am not. This is some serious s***! You might want to plan an extra hour on the treadmill. But not right now. Maybe in January when everybody else gets back into the gym after Christmas. Much more fun :P
Well… all we/you have to do now, is check out Andreas recipe. I have no idea what she made. Shall we check it out? Let’s go!
For the brownie base:
1/2 cup (120g) butter
4.2 oz. (120g) semi-sweet chocolate (72%), chopped
1 cup (200g) sugar
pinch of salt
2 medium eggs
1/4 cup (60ml) milk
3.5 oz. (100g) all-purpose flour
For the chocolate mousse layer:
14 oz. (400g) semi-sweet chocolate (72%), chopped
14 oz. (400g) milk chocolate, chopped
6 medium eggs, separated
3 gelatin leaves
3 3/4 cups (900ml) heavy cream
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
Für den Brownie Boden:
120g Butter
120g Zartbitterschokolade (72%), gehackt
200g Zucker
Prise Salz
2 Eier (M)
60ml Milch
100g Mehl (Type 405)
Für die Schoko-Mousse-Schicht:
400g Zartbitterschokolade (72%), gehackt
400g Vollmilchschokolade, gehackt
6 Eier (M), getrennt
3 Gelatine Blätter
900ml Schlagsahne
100g Zucker
1. Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Grease a 9 inch (23cm) springform tin and dust with some flour. Set aside. Chop the chocolate for the brownie.
2. Add the butter and chocolate to a small saucepan and heat up to melt both slowly. Add sugar and salt and stir until combined. Remove from the heat and let cool down for 10 minutes. Add eggs and milk and mix until well combined. Sift the flour on top and fold in until just combined. Transfer the batter to the tin and smooth out the top. Bake for 22 minutes. The brownie should look slightly under-baked. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Grease the sides of the tin slightly and line with a clear acetate foil or a strip of baking parchment – you should get a hight about 2 inches (5cm) higher than the edge of the baking tin. Set aside.
3. Separate the eggs for the filling. Add the egg whites to a large bowl and the egg yolks to a small one. Chop the chocolates and add to a large heatproof bowl. Melt the chocolate over a pot with simmering water. Take off the heat and let cool down a bit. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate and mix until well combined. Set aside.
4. Add the gelatin leaves to a bowl with cold water and let soak for 5-8 minutes. Add a bit ore than 3/4 cup (200ml) of the heavy cream to a saucepan and heat up until bubbles come up on the sides. Remove from the heat. Squeeze the gelatin leaves to get rid of some of the water and add to the saucepan – stir until completely dissolved. Set aside and let cool down for several minutes, then add to the bowl with the chocolate and mix in.
5. Add the remaining heavy cream to a large bowl ad whisk until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
6. Whisk the egg whites you added to another large bowl on high speed until foamy. Gradually add the sugar and continue whisking until stiff peaks form. The sugar should have dissolved completely (you can test by rubbing some of the mix between your fingers – if you can feel the sugar, you have to whisk a bit longer). Set aside.
7. Gradually add the whipped cream to the bowl with the chocolate mixture and carefully fold in. Do the same with the whisked egg whites – the goal is a creamy and fluffy chocolate mousse. Pour into the tin with the brownie base, smooth out the top and place in the fridge overnight. When ready to serve, remove from the tin, remove the foil or paper and place on a serving plate.
1. Den Ofen auf 175°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine 23cm (9 inch) Springform einfetten und mit Mehl bestäuben. Zur Seite stellen. Die Schokolade für den Brownie hacken.
2. Die Butter und Schokolade in einem kleinen Topf bei geringer Hitze schmelzen, dabei gelegentlich umrühren. Vom Herd nehmen und Zucker und Salz unterrühren – 10 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Eier und Milch ebenfalls unterrühren (Schneebesen oder Handrührgerät). Das Mehl darübersieben und unterheben – nur so viel rühren, wie unbedingt notwendig. Den Teig die Springform füllen und glatt streichen. In den Backofen schieben und für 22 Minuten backen. Der Brownie sollte nicht komplett durchbacken und noch etwas “fudgy” sein. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und komplett abkühlen lassen. Die Seiten der Form nochmal leicht einfetten und dann eine Tortenfolie oder einen Streifen Backpapier an die Seiten der Backform legen um einen Ring zu formen, der etwa 5cm (2 inches) über den Rand der Form herausragt. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Die Eier für die Füllung trennen. Das Eiweiß in eine große Schüssel geben, das Eigelb in eine kleine und beides zur Seite stellen. Die beiden Schokoladensorten hacken, in eine große Hitzebeständige Schüssel geben und über einem Topf mit köchelndem Wasser schmelzen. Vom Herd nehmen und wieder etwas abkühlen lassen, dann das Eigelb dazugeben und unterrühren. Zur Seite stellen.
4. Die Gelatineblätter in einer Schüssel mit kaltem Wasser für 5-8 Minuten aufquellen lassen. Von der Sahne etwa 200ml in einen Topf geben und erhitzen, bis sich kleine Bläschen am Topfrand bilden. Vom Herd nehmen, die ausgedrückte Gelatine dazugeben und auflösen. Zur Seite stellen und etwas abkühlen lassen. Die abgekühlte Mischung zur Schüssel mit der Schokolade dazugeben und alles gut unterrühren.
5. Die verbliebene Sahne steif schlagen und dann zur Seite stellen.
6. Das Eiweiß in der zweiten Schüssel auf höchster Stufe schaumig schlagen, dann den Zucker langsam einrieseln lassen und zu steifem Eischnee schlagen. Der Zucker sollte sich komplett aufgelöst haben (etwas Eischnee zwischen den Fingern verreiben – wenn man den Zucker noch spürt, weiterschlagen). Zur Seite stellen.
7. Die Schlagsahne jetzt nach und nach in die Schüssel mit der Schokomasse geben und vorsichtig unterheben. Dann den Eischnee ebenfalls nach und nach dazugeben und ebenfalls sehr vorsichtig unterheben. Die Masse auf den abgekühlten Brownieboden schütten, glatt streichen und dann über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellen. Vor dem Servieren aus der Form lösen und die Folie entfernen.
Craving more? Keep in touch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest for new post updates and more. You can also contact me with any questions or inquiries!
Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintBrownie Double Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Prep Time: 80
- Cook Time: 24
- Total Time: 600
Delicious and super rich chocolate mouss cake with a brownie layer. Chocolate overload deluxe!
For the brownie base
- 1/2 cup (120g) butter
- 4.2 oz. (120g) semi-sweet chocolate (72%), chopped
- 1 cup (200g) sugar
- pinch of salt
- 2 medium eggs
- 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
- 3.5 oz. (100g) all-purpose flour
For the chocolate mousse layer
- 14 oz. (400g) semi-sweet chocolate (72%), chopped
- 14 oz. (400g) milk chocolate, chopped
- 6 medium eggs, separated
- 3 gelatin leaves
- 3 3/4 cups (900ml) heavy cream
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Grease a 9 inch (23cm) springform tin and dust with some flour. Set aside. Chop the chocolate for the brownie.
- Add the butter and chocolate to a small saucepan and heat up to melt both slowly. Add sugar and salt and stir until combined. Remove from the heat and let cool down for 10 minutes. Add eggs and milk and mix until well combined. Sift the flour on top and fold in until just combined. Transfer the batter to the tin and smooth out the top. Bake for 22 minutes. The brownie should look slightly under-baked. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Grease the sides of the tin slightly and line with a clear acetate foil or a strip of baking parchment – you should get a hight about 2 inches (5cm) higher than the edge of the baking tin. Set aside.
- Separate the eggs for the filling. Add the egg whites to a large bowl and the egg yolks to a small one. Chop the chocolates and add to a large heatproof bowl. Melt the chocolate over a pot with simmering water. Take off the heat and let cool down a bit. Add the egg yolks to the cooled chocolate and mix until well combined. Set aside.
- Add the gelatin leaves to a bowl with cold water and let soak for 5-8 minutes. Add a bit ore than 3/4 cup (200ml) of the heavy cream to a saucepan and heat up until bubbles come up on the sides. Remove from the heat. Squeeze the gelatin leaves to get rid of some of the water and add to the saucepan – stir until completely dissolved. Set aside and let cool down for several minutes, then add to the bowl with the chocolate and mix in.
- Add the remaining heavy cream to a large bowl ad whisk until stiff peaks form. Set aside.
- Whisk the egg whites you added to another large bowl on high speed until foamy. Gradually add the sugar and continue whisking until stiff peaks form. The sugar should have dissolved completely (you can test by rubbing some of the mix between your fingers – if you can feel the sugar, you have to whisk a bit longer). Set aside.
- Gradually add the whipped cream to the bowl with the chocolate mixture and carefully fold in. Do the same with the whisked egg whites – the goal is a creamy and fluffy chocolate mousse. Pour into the tin with the brownie base, smooth out the top and place in the fridge overnight. When ready to serve, remove from the tin, remove the foil or paper and place on a serving plate.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
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Hi, what do you mean by a baking tin? Is this like a spring form pan? Thanks!
I would love to try this recipe but am not quite sure what gelatin “leaves” are. Gelatin packets? Maybe if you could give me the oz. amount
So if we only hone access to the powdered stuff any idea how to convert? Maybe weight? Thx!
I made it! Spectacular! Danke schone! It was sooo tall ! Friends and family were impressed!
Happy to hear that :)
Cheers, Marc
Although the brownie layer was delectable, the filling had chunks of gelatin all throughout, so I simply find that this recipe doesn’t need gelatin. I have to waste 4 cups of filling because of these nasty chunks all because of the gelatin, so do yourself a favor and don’t put in the gelatin!
If you have chunks of gelatin in the filling you did not let it dissolve it properly. The filling needs the gelatin for the texture and to prevent the mousse to get too soft when out of the fridge for some time.
Can I leave out the gelatin as non available Where I live?
Hi Jessica,
I am afraid that would cause problems. The gelatin is giving the cake its structure and makes sure it will not melt away in a warmer invironment.
I wonder if the mousse tastes like eggs, can I leave them out?
Thank you
Nope ;)
Can I use gelatin powder instead of gelatin leaves. If so,how much powder can I use.
Many thanks
Sure you can, but I don’t know the amount of powder you would need.
Haven’t tried it with powder so far and depending on the product you use you need different amounts to get a certain result.
Sorry that I can’t help here.
Is it ok to eat raw eggs?I don’t think you cooked the egg whites at all.
Of course, it’s ok to use raw eggs if they are fresh.
If you have a problem with it you can always use pasteurized egg white and yolk from the store.
I made this for a high profile birthday celebration a couple of days ago. Used platinum gelatin leaves and made it exactly per the recipe. Came out perfectly. Comments like “you hit this one out of the park” and “spectacular” followed presentation.
This recipe is going into my rotation. Easy to make. Just ensure that you leave ample time for the mousse to set before attempting to unmold. Overnight with a good part of the day before celebration worked for me. The amount of batter filled an 8 inch springform with a 6 inch high acetate insert perfectly.
This tastes fantastic and looks impressive too. Goes down a storm every time I make it and is now established on our Christmas dessert list. It makes a big cake and goes a long way. Was wondering if it freezes?
Haven’t tried freezing it, but I think it should work :)