Black Forest Cake is a classic German bake. Loved by many, hated by many others ;P Let’s put it that way – it’s a controversial cake. Turning that classic cake into cupcakes is probably even more controversial for some people. But I could not care less – the cupcakes are delicious and that’s all that counts ;P
I have to admit – the cupcakes are only an “interpretation” of the traditional “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte” aka. Back Forest Gâteau. The main components are there – chocolate cake, cherry compote, and cream – but cake and cream are quite different from the original cake. It’s called artistic freedom ;P
Even though I like a traditional Black Forest Cake – I am not a huge fan of baking chocolate sponge cake. Too many eggs in my opinion. I prefer a regular (but equally fluffy) chocolate cake like the one I used for these cupcakes here. Much easier to prepare and also kind of foolproof. Sponge cakes with many eggs tend to collapse from my experience. Me don’t like ;)
Anyway. The cupcakes are super delicious. The cake is fluffy and moist and can easily be made sugar-free. Same for the buttercream and even the compote – all can be done with xylitol or erythritol. Means I can enjoy those cupcakes as well ;) If you don’t have to worry about sugar, you can use the good old white stuff, of course!
If you’re into Black Forest Cakes you should take a look at my classic “Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte” recipe, as well as the little more experimental versions of that cake… a chocolate cheesecake based on the original or maybe some Schwarzwälder Kirsch Cookies ;)
German Classic: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte aka. Black Forest Cake
For the cupcakes:
1 cup (200g) sugar (or xylitol)
1/4 cup (60g) butter, melted
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 medium eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups (200g) all-purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2/3 cup (150ml) milk, plus 2 tbsp.
4 tbsp. cocoa powder
1.8 oz. (50g) chocolate chips
For the buttercream:
3 large egg whites
1/2 cup (100g) sugar (or xylitol)
3/4 cup (170g) butter, at room temperature
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
For the filling/decoration:
6-7 tbsp. cherry compote or cherry pie filling
1 tsp. cherry schnapps (Kirschwasser)
12 fresh cherries
some chocolate flakes (optional)
Für die Cupcakes:
200g Zucker (oder Xylit)
60g Butter, geschmolzen
3 EL Pflanzenöl
2 Eier (M)
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
200g Mehl (Type 550)
1 1/4 TL Backpulver
1/4 TL Salz
150ml Milch, plus 2 EL
4 EL Kakao
50g Schokoladendrops
Für die Buttercreme:
3 Eiweiß (L)
100g Zucker (oder Xylit)
170g Butter, Zimmertemperatur
1 Prise Salz
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
Für die Füllung/Dekoration:
6-7 EL Kirschgrütze oder Cherry Pie Filling
1 TL Kirschwasser
12 Kirschen
etwas geraspelte Schokolade (optional)
2. Add sugar (or xylitol), melted butter, and oil to a large bowl and mix on high speed for several minutes until light and fluffy. Add the eggs separately and mix well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and stir to combine. Mix the flour with baking powder and salt, then add to the bowl in two batches alternating with the milk (2/3 cup/150ml) – mix until just combined. Transfer some of the batter into the prepared paper liners so each of them is about 1/3 full. Add the cocoa and 2 tablespoons of milk to the remaining batter and mix until you get a smooth chocolate batter. Add the chocolate chips and fold in. Divide the batter evenly between the paper lines – mix the two batters with a toothpick or leave it as it is and bake for 20-23 minutes. Check with a cake tester if the cakes are done. Remove the cupcakes from the oven, remove immediately from the muffin tin and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. For the buttercream add the egg whites and sugar (or xylitol) to a heatproof bowl and place over a pot with simmering water – the bowl should not touch the water! Heat the mixture to a temperature of 160°F (71°C), stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as the mixture has reached the necessary temperature, remove from the heat and transfer the mixture to the bowl of a food processor (or use a handheld mixer) – mix at high speed until you get a white and very thick meringue. The bowl should only be lukewarm to the touch – it takes about 8-10 minutes. Gradually add the soft butter in small pieces and mix well after each addition. When all the butter is used, add the salt and vanilla extract and mix another 3-4 minutes until the buttercream is very fluffy and creamy. Transfer the cream to a piping bag with a star tip and set aside.
4. Mix the cherry compote (or cherry pie filling) with the cherry schnapps. Use a cupcake corer* or knife, cut a well into the cupcakes, and add a small amount of the compote/pie filling. Pipe a swirl of buttercream on each cupcake and decorate with fresh cherries and some chocolate flakes (optional).
2. Den Zucker mit der geschmolzenen Butter und dem Öl in eine große Schüssel geben und für einige Minuten aufschlagen, bis die Masse hell und luftig ist. Die Eier einzeln dazugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und unterrühren. Das Mehl mit Backpulver und Salz vermischen und dann abwechselnd mit der Milch (150ml) in zwei Portionen zur Schüssel dazugeben und nur kurz unterrühren. Einen Teil des Teiges in die vorbereiteten Förmchen füllen – die Papierformen sollten nur etwa zu 1/3 befüllt sein. Zum verbliebenen Teig den Kakao und die 2 EL Milch dazugeben und langsam verrühren, bis ein glatter Schokoteig entsteht. Die Schokoladendrops dazugeben und unterheben. Den Schokoteig gleichmäßig auf die Papierförmchen verteilen. Wer mag, kann die beiden Teigsorten mit einem Zahnstocher etwas vermischen. Die Cupcakes für 20-23 Minuten backen. Mit einem Zahnstocher testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und die Cupcakes erst herausnehmen, wenn der Zahnstocher sauber herauskommt. Die Cupcakes aus dem Ofen holen, sofort aus der Backform lösen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen.
3. Für die Buttercreme das Eiweiß mit dem Zucker in eine hitzebeständige Schüssel geben und auf einen Topf mit köchelndem Wasser stellen – die Schüssel sollte das Wasser nicht berühren. Die Mischung unter ständigem Rühren auf 71°C (160°F) erwärmen, bis sich der Zucker komplett aufgelöst hat. Wenn das Eiweiß die Temperatur erreicht hat, die Schüssel vom Topf nehmen und mit der Küchenmaschine oder mit einem Handmixer auf höchster Stufe aufschlagen, bis die Masse weiß und fest ist – die Schüssel sollte maximal nur noch handwarm sein – dauert etwa 8-10 Minuten. Die weiche Butter in kleinen Stücken nach und nach dazugeben und jeweils gut unterrühren. Wenn die komplette Butter in der Schüssel ist, das Salz und den Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und für weitere 3-4 Minuten aufschlagen, bis die Buttercreme luftig und cremig ist. In einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen und zur Seite legen.
4. Die Kirschgrütze (oder Cherry Pie Filling) mit dem Kirschwasser verrühren. Mit einem Cupcake Corer* oder Messer eine Vertiefung in die Cupcakes schneiden und die Kirschgrütze einfüllen. Die Buttercreme auf die Cupcakes aufspritzen und mit den Kirschen dekorieren und geraspelter Schokolade (optional) bestreuen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintBlack Forest (Gâteau) Cupcakes
- Prep Time: 00:40
- Cook Time: 00:23
- Total Time: 01:30
- Yield: 12 1x
- Category: Cupcakes
- Cuisine: America
A classic German bake turned into cupcakes: Black Forest (Gâteau) Cupcakes. These little fellas are super delicious!
For the cupcakes:
1 cup (200g) sugar (or xylitol)
1/4 cup (60g) butter, melted
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 medium eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups (200g) all-purpose flour
1 1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt
2/3 cup (150ml) milk, plus 2 tbsp.
4 tbsp. cocoa powder
1.8 oz. (50g) chocolate chips
For the buttercream:
3 large egg whites
1/2 cup (100g) sugar (or xylitol)
3/4 cup (170g) butter, at room temperature
1 pinch of salt
1 tsp. vanilla extract
For the filling/decoration:
6–7 tbsp. cherry compote or cherry pie filling
1 tsp. cherry schnapps (Kirschwasser)
12 fresh cherries
some chocolate flakes (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a muffin tin with 12 paper liners and set aside. Melt the butter and let cool slightly.
2. Add sugar (or xylitol), melted butter, and oil to a large bowl and mix on high speed for several minutes until light and fluffy. Add the eggs separately and mix well after each addition. Add the vanilla extract and stir to combine. Mix the flour with baking powder and salt, then add to the bowl in two batches alternating with the milk (2/3 cup/150ml) – mix until just combined. Transfer some of the batter into the prepared paper liners so each of them is about 1/3 full. Add the cocoa and 2 tablespoons of milk to the remaining batter and mix until you get a smooth chocolate batter. Add the chocolate chips and fold in. Divide the batter evenly between the paper lines – mix the two batters with a toothpick or leave it as it is and bake for 20-23 minutes. Check with a cake tester if the cakes are done. Remove the cupcakes from the oven, remove immediately from the muffin tin and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
3. For the buttercream add the egg whites and sugar (or xylitol) to a heatproof bowl and place over a pot with simmering water – the bowl should not touch the water! Heat the mixture to a temperature of 160°F (71°C), stirring constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as the mixture has reached the necessary temperature, remove from the heat and transfer the mixture to the bowl of a food processor (or use a handheld mixer) – mix at high speed until you get a white and very thick meringue. The bowl should only be lukewarm to the touch – it takes about 8-10 minutes. Gradually add the soft butter in small pieces and mix well after each addition. When all the butter is used, add the salt and vanilla extract and mix another 3-4 minutes until the buttercream is very fluffy and creamy. Transfer the cream to a piping bag with a star tip and set aside.
4. Mix the cherry compote (or cherry pie filling) with the cherry schnapps. Use a cupcake corer* or knife, cut a well into the cupcakes, and add a small amount of the compote/pie filling. Pipe a swirl of buttercream on each cupcake and decorate with fresh cherries and some chocolate flakes (optional).
Enjoy baking!
Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links (advertising/Werbung) to Amazon Germany. If you click on one of those links and buy something via this link, I will get a commission for that sale. The price of whatever you buy is not affected in any way by this.
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