If you heard of typical German bakes, you probably heard of this beauty: Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte aka. Black Forest Cake! Some folks love it, some hate it like my dog hates rainy weather ;P No matter what, it’s a classic German bake you might want to try one day. No, you definitely should try it! The recipe might look a bit complicated, but it’s actually pretty easy…

My brother is an expert when it comes to Black Forst Cake. He does them on a quite regular basis for family gatherings. Unfortunately, he lives far away, so I am hardly able to try any of his bakes… that is why I decided to make Black Forest Cake at home. By myself. If nobody is making a cake for you, you got to do it yourself… what do you think why I started this blog?! Just kidding… ;)
I wanted to make Black Forest Cake for quite some time already and did a smaller version of it a long time ago. I was always a bit afraid to make the “real” one… the usual excuses: it is complicated, takes a lot of time, most of the people will not eat it cause it’s too much ;) Well… it takes a lot of time – mostly waiting – but it is not complicated at all. The list of ingredients might be long, but the work you actually have to do is not that much. The cake layers are easy to make, nothing really fancy. The filling is made in no time. As easy as a pie filling. And the rest is basically whipped cream. Suddenly it does not sound that complicated, right? ;)

Here is a video from Kitchen Stories: Black Forest Cake. They made the cake in less than 4 minutes :P I created the recipe for them and they did some magic and made this nice video to show how it’s done. Easy peasy! ;)
The Black Forrest Cake is probably not the type of cake that will make it to my “standard baking list”. Too much whipped cream in my opinion. I really like to eat a piece here and there, but that’s it. A second one is never possible.
In case you like the flavor combination but do not want to make the cake, I can give you something else: Black Forest Cookies! They have all the flavors from the original cake minus the whipped cream and probably way fewer calories :P Hips don’t lie!
For the cake layers:
7 medium eggs, at room temperature
pinch of salt
8 oz. (230g) sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups (160g) all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1.7 oz. (50g) cornstarch
1.4 oz. (40g) cocoa powder
1/4 cup (60g) melted butter
For the cherry filling:
12.43 oz. (350g) morello cherries
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/4 cup (50g) sugar
1.7 oz. (50g) cornstarch
1 pinch of cinnamon
2-3 tbsp. cherry schnapps
For the soaking liquid:
1/4 cup (60ml) cherry schnapps
1 tbsp. water or cherry juice
For the cream filling:
2 1/2 cups (600ml) heavy cream, cold
2 1/2 sachets whipping cream stiffener
2 tbsp. sugar
1 sachet vanilla sugar
For the decoration:
1 2/3 cups (400ml) heavy cream, cold
2 sachets whipping cream stiffener
1 sachet vanilla sugar
12 cherries
3.5-5.3 oz. (100-150g) chocolate shavings
Für den Biskuit:
7 Eier (M), Zimmertemperatur
Prise Salz
230g Zucker
1 TL Vanilleextrakt
160g Mehl (Type 405)
1/2 TL Backpulver
50g Speisestärke
40g Kakao
60g Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Kirschfüllung:
350g (1 Glas) Schattenmorellen
1 EL Zitronensaft
50g Zucker
50g Speisestärke
1 Prise Zimt
2-3 EL Kirschwasser
Für die Kuchentränke:
60ml Kirschwasser
1 EL Wasser oder Kirschsaft
Für die Sahnefüllung:
600ml kalte Sahne
2 1/2 Pck. Sahnesteif
2 EL Zucker
1 Pck. Vanillezucker
Für die Dekoration:
400ml kalte Sahne
2 Pck. Sahnesteif
1 Pck. Vanillezucker
12 Kirschen
100-150g Schokosplitter

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a springform tin (10 inches/26cm) with baking parchment and grease lightly. Set aside.
2. Divide the eggs, add the egg yolks to a large bowl and set aside. Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form and set aside. Add the sugar and vanilla extract to the bowl with the egg yolks and mix until light and fluffy – takes about 5-6 minutes. Mix the flour with baking powder, cornstarch, and cocoa powder and sift on top of the egg yolks mixture. Mix carefully, then add the stiff egg whites and fold in several portions. Add the melted butter and mix in. Fill the batter into the prepared baking tin and bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center of the cake. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the tin for about 15 minutes, then remove carefully and let cool down completely on a wire rack. You can bake the cake a day in advance.
3. Add the cherries for the filling to a sieve and let drain, collect the liquid in a pot. Add the lemon juice, sugar, cornstarch, and cinnamon and mix in. Heat up until the mix starts to thicken, take off the heat and mix in the cherry schnapps. Add the drained cherries and mix in. Set aside.
4. Cut the cake horizontally into three even layers. Place the first layer on a serving plate in a cake ring. Mix the cherry schnapps with water or cherry juice and brush the cake layer with it. Add the cherry filling on top – keep about 0.4 inches (1cm) free of filling on the edges. Place in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
5. For the cream filling add the cold heavy cream to a bowl. Mix the whipping cream stiffener with sugar and vanilla sugar, then add gradually to the bowl with the heavy cream, whipping constantly until stiff peaks form. Add about half of the cream filling on top of the cherries in the cake ring and smooth out the top. Add the second cake layer on top and brush this layer as well with the schnapps mixture. Spread the remaining whipped cream on top and finish with the last cake layer. Brush again with schnapps and then place in the fridge for at least one hour.
6. Whip the cold heavy cream for the filling with stiffener and vanilla sugar until stiff peaks form. Take about 6-8 tablespoons of that and fill into a piping bag with star tip and set aside. Use the rest of the whipped cream and cover the cake with it. Sprinkle the sides with chocolate shavings, decorate the top with 12 cream swirls along the edges and place a cherry on each swirl. Sprinkle the center with some chocolate shavings. Place the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
1. Den Ofen auf 190°C (375°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine Springform (26cm/10inches) mit Backpapier auslegen und leicht einfetten. Zur Seite stellen.
2. Die Eier trennen, die Eigelbe in eine große Schüssel geben und zur Seite stellen. Das Eiweiß zusammen mit einer Prise Salz steifschlagen. Zur Seite stellen. Die Eigelbe mit dem Zucker und Vanille Extrakt hell und luftig aufschlagen – dauert 5-6 Minuten. Das Mehl mit Backpulver, Stärke und Kakao vermischen und dann über die aufgeschlagenen Eigelbe sieben. Kurz unterrühren und dann den Eischnee in zwei Portionen unter den Teig heben. Die geschmolzene Butter dazugeben und kurz unterrühren. Den Teig in die Springform füllen und dann in der Mitte des Ofens für 25-30 Minuten backen – mit einem Zahnstocher testen, ob noch Teig kleben bleibt und erst herausnehmen, wenn der Zahnstocher sauber herauskommt. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und etwa 15 Minuten in der Form abkühlen lassen, dann vorsichtig aus der Form lösen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett auskühlen lassen. Der Tortenboden kann schon einen Tag im Voraus gebacken werden.
3. Für die Kirschfüllung die Kirschen in ein Sieb schütten und den Saft in einem Topf auffangen und etwas abtropfen lassen. Zitronensaft, Zucker, Stärke und Zimt zum Topf mit dem aufgefangenen Saft dazugeben und glattrühren. Bei mittlerer Hitzezufuhr so lange erhitzen, bis die Mischung zu einem Pudding andickt. Vom Herd nehmen und das Kirschwasser unterrühren, dann die abgetropften Kirschen unterheben und alles zur Seite stellen und abkühlen lassen.
4. Den Tortenboden in drei gleich dicke Schichten schneiden. Eine Kuchenschicht in einen Kuchenring auf einer Servierplatte legen. Das Kirschwasser und Wasser (oder Kirschsaft) für die Kuchentränke vermischen und damit dann die Kuchenschicht einpinseln. Die Kirschfüllung darauf verteilen und glattstreichen – es sollte dabei ein etwa 1cm breiter Rand nach Außen frei bleiben. Für etwa 15 Minuten in den Kühlschrank stellen.
5. Für die Sahnefüllung die kalte Sahne in ein hohes Gefäß geben. Das Sahnesteif Pulver mit Zucker und Vanillezucker vermischen. Die Sahne kurz aufschlagen, bis sie etwas aufschäumt, dann die Sahnesteif-Zucker-Mischung langsam einrieseln lassen und die Sahne dabei steif schlagen. Die Hälfte der aufgeschlagenen Sahne auf der Kirschfüllung verteilen und glattstreichen. Eine zweite Kuchenschicht auflegen und diese ebenfalls mit der Kuchentränke einpinseln. Die restliche Sahne darauf verteilen, glattstreichen und mit der letzten Kuchenschicht abschließen. Auch diese Schicht mit der restlichen Kuchentränke bestreichen und dann alles für mindestens 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank stellen.
6. Die kalte Sahne für die Dekoration wie bei der Füllung mit dem Sahnesteif und Vanillezucker aufschlagen. Etwa 6-8 EL davon in einen Spritzbeutel mit Sterntülle füllen und zur Seite legen. Mit dem Rest der Sahne die Torte rundherum einstreichen. Mit den Schokosplittern den Rand der Torte dekorieren, zwölf Sahnetupfen oben am Rand entlang aufspritzen und mit Kirschen verzieren. Die restlichen Schokosplitter oben in die Mitte streuen. Die Torte jetzt mindestens 2 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen und dann erst servieren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte aka. Black Forest Cake
- Prep Time: 50
- Cook Time: 30
- Total Time: 360
Delicious German classic: Black Forest Cake! Dark chocolate cake layers with a whipped cream frosting and cherries filling!
For the cake layers
- 7 medium eggs, at room temperature
- pinch of salt
- 8 oz. (230g) sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 1/4 cups (160g) all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1.7 oz. (50g) cornstarch
- 1.4 oz. (40g) cocoa powder
- 1/4 cup (60g) melted butter
For the cherry filling
- 12.43 oz. (350g) morello cherries
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/4 cup (50g) sugar
- 1.7 oz. (50g) cornstarch
- 1 pinch of cinnamon
- 2–3 tbsp. cherry schnapps
For the soaking liquid
- 1/4 cup (60ml) cherry schnapps
- 1 tbsp. water or cherry juice
For the cream filling
- 2 1/2 cups (600ml) heavy cream, cold
- 2 1/2 sachets whipping cream stiffener
- 2 tbsp. sugar
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
For the decoration
- 1 2/3 cups (400ml) heavy cream, cold
- 2 sachets whipping cream stiffener
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
- 12 cherries
- 3.5–5.3 oz. (100-150g) chocolate shavings
- Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Line a springform tin (10 inches/26cm) with baking parchment and grease lightly. Set aside.
- Divide the eggs, add the egg yolks to a large bowl and set aside. Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form and set aside. Add the sugar and vanilla extract to the bowl with the egg yolks and mix until light and fluffy – takes about 5-6 minutes. Mix the flour with baking powder, cornstarch, and cocoa powder and sift on top of the egg yolks mixture. Mix carefully, then add the stiff egg whites and fold in several portions. Add the melted butter and mix in. Fill the batter into the prepared baking tin and bake for 25-30 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center of the cake. Take out of the oven and let cool down in the tin for about 15 minutes, then remove carefully and let cool down completely on a wire rack. You can bake the cake a day in advance.
- Add the cherries for the filling to a sieve and let drain, collect the liquid in a pot. Add the lemon juice, sugar, cornstarch, and cinnamon and mix in. Heat up until the mix starts to thicken, take off the heat and mix in the cherry schnapps. Add the drained cherries and mix in. Set aside.
- Cut the cake horizontally into three even layers. Place the first layer on a serving plate in a cake ring. Mix the cherry schnapps with water or cherry juice and brush the cake layer with it. Add the cherry filling on top – keep about 0.4 inches (1cm) free of filling on the edges. Place in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
- For the cream filling add the cold heavy cream to a bowl. Mix the whipping cream stiffener with sugar and vanilla sugar, then add gradually to the bowl with the heavy cream, whipping constantly until stiff peaks form. Add about half of the cream filling on top of the cherries in the cake ring and smooth out the top. Add the second cake layer on top and brush this layer as well with the schnapps mixture. Spread the remaining whipped cream on top and finish with the last cake layer. Brush again with schnapps and then place in the fridge for at least one hour.
- Whip the cold heavy cream for the filling with stiffener and vanilla sugar until stiff peaks form. Take about 6-8 tablespoons of that and fill into a piping bag with star tip and set aside. Use the rest of the whipped cream and cover the cake with it. Sprinkle the sides with chocolate shavings, decorate the top with 12 cream swirls along the edges and place a cherry on each swirl. Sprinkle the center with some chocolate shavings. Place the cake in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
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Hi ❤️I just wanted to say that I LUV LUV LUV your blog ! I just have a question regarding this recipe do you really need cherry schnapps or can I substitute it with kirsch because I couldn’t find it in my local liquor store I will be sure to try out this recipe
Thanks :)
By kirsch you mean a sweet kirsch liquor? You can do that for sure. The taste will be different but not bad I assume ;))
Cheers Marc
Hi there, how many mls of cherry juice do you put in the pot for the cherry filling? Cheers!
Hi Karol,
the glasses of cherries you get here are about 680g – drained about 350g – so that would mean the liquid would be about 330ml ;)
Hi how many people does this serve?
Love the recipe and I am using it for my German based Cooking uni project :)
It says 12 at the end of the recipe ;)