Mexican and tex-mex dishes are very popular around here for some time already. Not surprised – the food from this corner of the world is really delicious! No matter if it’s burritos, tacos, enchiladas, etc. …it’s all extremely tasty, but often quite some work to do in the kitchen if you want to prepare one of these dishes. These Tex-Mex Chicken Club Sandwiches are quick and easy to prepare – you could easily assemble them during your next lunch break and then eat them whenever you feel hungry ;)
Sandwiches are not only a good idea for a lunch break. From my experience, many people do not really fancy spending a lot of time in the kitchen when they come back home from work (or change from the home office spot to the living room these days). This means a quick dinner is what many people are looking for. Instead of ordering food you could make some sandwiches – they are really easy to prepare and save some bucks ;)
These sandwiches here can be done in one go – which means you need a bit more time – or you do them “meal-prep-style”. That’s what we do most of the time – you do the refried beans, for example, on the weekend, as well as the chicken and keep everything in the fridge, and heat up whatever you need whenever you need it. Reheating and assembling a sandwich for your lunch break does not take more than 5 minutes in this case. Easy peasy ;)
I’m a big fan of sandwiches in general – that’s why I already have some of them here on the blog. Ok… a lot of sandwich recipes, to be honest ;) Maybe one of them is something you might like…
2 small chicken breasts
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tsp. taco seasoning
4 tbsp. sour cream
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 small avocado, mashed
salt, pepper
4 bacon strips
6 large slices of sourdough bread
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced
some lettuce leaves, shredded
3.5 oz. (100g) refried beans, warmed
some pickled jalapeños, sliced (optional)
2 kleine Hähnchenbrustfilets
3 EL Pflanzenöl
2 TL Taco Seasoning
4 EL Schmand
1 TL Zitronensaft
1 kleine Avocado, zerdrückt
Salz, Pfeffer
4 Baconstreifen
6 große Scheiben Sauerteigbrot
2 Tomaten, in dünne Scheiben geschnitten
einige Blätter Salat, in Streifen
100g Refried Beans, erwärmt
einige eingelegte Jalapeños, in Scheiben (optional)
2. Add the sour cream to a small bowl, mix with lemon juice, and season with salt, and pepper. Place in the fridge until needed. Mash the avocado and season with some salt and pepper. Set aside.
3. Heat up a griddle pan. Add the bacon and fry from both sides until nicely browned and crisp. Take out of the pan and let drain on a piece of kitchen paper. Set aside. Keep the pan at a high temperature, then add the chicken and fry until nicely browned from all sides and cooked through – about 4-6 Minutes. Take out of the pan and keep warm with the bacon. Clean the pan with a piece of kitchen paper, brush the bread with the remaining oil and fry the bread as well in the pan until crisp with some charred spots/lines on the surface.
4. To assemble one of the sandwiches place a slice of the bread on a plate. Spread about half of the mashed avocado on the slice of bread, place some sliced tomatoes on top, two slices of bacon (broken into pieces), as well as some shredded lettuce. Drizzle with a tablespoon of sour cream and top with a slice of bread. Spread half of the warm refried beans on the bread, arrange half of the chicken strips on top, add some lettuce, tomato slices, and pickled jalapeños (optional) and drizzle with some more sour cream. Finish the sandwich with a last slice of bread and repeat everything for the second sandwich. I recommend sticking a wooden skewer into the sandwiches so everything stays in place. Serve with some tortilla chips.
2. Den Schmand mit dem Zitronensaft in einer kleinen Schüssel verrühren und mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen. Die Avocado schälen, das Fruchtfleisch zerdrücken und mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Eine Grillpfanne* erhitzen und die Baconstreifen darin anbraten, bis sie schön braun und knusprig sind. Aus der Pfanne nehmen und auf einem Stück Küchenpapier abtropfen lassen. In der selben Pfanne dann das Hühnchen anbraten, bis es schön Farbe bekommen hat und gar ist – dauert etwa 4-6 Minuten. Herausholen und zusammen mit dem Bacon warmhalten. Die Pfanne einmal kurz auswischen und dann die Brotscheiben mit dem verbliebenen Öl bestreichen und in der Pfanne von beiden Seiten jeweils anrösten.
4. Für den Zusammenbau der Sandwiches jeweils eine Scheibe Brot auf einen Teller legen, die Hälfte der zerdrücken Avocado auf dem Brot verteilen, dann einige Tomatenscheiben auflegen, jeweils 2 Streifen des Bacons (in kleinen Stücken) darauf verteilen, etwas Salat und dann mit jeweils 1 EL des Schmands beträufeln. Eine Brotscheibe auflegen und diese dann mit der Hälfte der warmen Refried Beans bestreichen. Die Hähnchenstreifen darauf verteilen, Salat und Tomaten auflegen – wer mag auch ein paar eingelegte Jalapeños (optional) – mit etwas Schmand abschließen und die letzten Brotscheiben auflegen. Ich empfehle, einen Holzspieß in die Sandwiches zu stecken, damit alles an Ort und Stelle bleibt. Zu den Sandwiches passen prima ein paar Tortilla Chips dazu.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintTex-Mex Chicken Club Sandwiches
- Prep Time: 00:30
- Cook Time: 00:15
- Total Time: 01:00
- Yield: 2 1x
- Category: Sandwiches
- Cuisine: Mexico
Delicious Club Sandwich with chicken and refried beans
2 small chicken breasts
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
2 tsp. taco seasoning (Link)
4 tbsp. sour cream
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 small avocado, mashed
salt, pepper
4 bacon strips
6 large slices of sourdough bread
2 tomatoes, thinly sliced
some lettuce leaves, shredded
3.5 oz. (100g) refried beans, warmed (Link)
some pickled jalapeños, sliced (optional)
1. Wash and clean the chicken breast and cut into strips. Add together with two tablespoons of the vegetable oil and the taco seasoning to a small bowl and mix to combine. Cover and let marinate for about 20 minutes.
2. Add the sour cream to a small bowl, mix with lemon juice, and season with salt, and pepper. Place in the fridge until needed. Mash the avocado and season with some salt and pepper. Set aside.
3. Heat up a griddle pan. Add the bacon and fry from both sides until nicely browned and crisp. Take out of the pan and let drain on a piece of kitchen paper. Set aside. Keep the pan at a high temperature, then add the chicken and fry until nicely browned from all sides and cooked through – about 4-6 Minutes. Take out of the pan and keep warm with the bacon. Clean the pan with a piece of kitchen paper, brush the bread with the remaining oil and fry the bread as well in the pan until crisp with some charred spots/lines on the surface.
4. To assemble one of the sandwiches place a slice of the bread on a plate. Spread about half of the mashed avocado on the slice of bread, place some sliced tomatoes on top, two slices of bacon (broken into pieces), as well as some shredded lettuce. Drizzle with a tablespoon of sour cream and top with a slice of bread. Spread half of the warm refried beans on the bread, arrange half of the chicken strips on top, add some lettuce, tomato slices, and pickled jalapeños (optional) and drizzle with some more sour cream. Finish the sandwich with a last slice of bread and repeat everything for the second sandwich. I recommend sticking a wooden skewer into the sandwiches so everything stays in place. Serve with some tortilla chips.
Enjoy cooking!