The month is almost over – this means it’s time for another round of “Bake Together – The Baking Surprise” with Andrea from Zimkeks & Apfeltarte. The topic for today’s collab is “caramel and tart” and what can I say… this (nasty) little caramel, peanuts, and chocolate tart aka. Snickers Tart (without Snickers) is the delicious result I came up with ;P
Once a month Andrea and I are baking together. Well… we pick a topic and then go our separate ways into our kitchens and start working. Unfortunately, we are living quite far from each other. In the end, we surprise each other with the results… hence the “baking surprise”. Something we are doing for over 6 years already ;) If you want to know how and why this collab started you can check out the first recipe I did: my delicious Strawberry Ombre Cheesecake.
So today it’s all about caramel. In or on top of a tart. I decided to add some peanuts to the caramel and then top it off with chocolate. This combination might feel familiar for some of you out there… some pretty popular candy bars have the same combo: Snickers ;)
Back in the day when I was still healthy (haha) and did not need to keep an eye on my sugar consumption (well, even then I should have, but I did not), I really loved these candy bars. Maybe they are the reason why I have to keep an eye on sugar nowadays ;P Anyway. The combination of caramel, salty peanuts, and chocolate is really great. Somehow this activates all taste buds at once. I guess that’s the reason why they are so addictive ;P
As you can imagine, I was not able to eat much of this tart myself. I tried a tiny bit to see if the flavors and the texture is ok… and then passed the plate with the remaining piece (in tears) to someone else. To make sure I do not eat the rest ;P Even though this tart is f*ing delicious, I will never make it again! Way too dangerous for me…
Well… if you look at the recipe you will notice I took the “easy route” to make the caramel. Instead of burning my fingers on hot melted sugar, I decided to use caramel toffees instead. Those soft caramels can be melted in the microwave with some heavy cream… to get a nice and smooth caramel sauce. A very similar result and way safer compared to handling a pot with hot melted sugar ;) If you are a caramel pro you can do the real stuff, of course. Not judging ;P
I wonder what Andrea made today? Probably something with caramel as well… just kidding! ;P
9 oz. (260g) Oreos
1 tbsp. sugar
1.8 oz. (50g) butter, melted
For the filling:
10.6 oz. (300g) soft caramels (toffees)*
2-3 tbsp. heavy cream
5.3 oz. (150g) salted peanuts
7 oz. (200g) semi-sweet chocolate
1.8 oz. (50g) peanut butter (creamy)
some chopped peanuts for decorations
some flaky sea salt
260g Oreos
1 EL Zucker
50g Butter, geschmolzen
Für die Füllung:
300g Sahnekaramell Bonbons (Toffees)*
2-3 EL Sahne
150g gesalzene Erdnüsse
200g Zartbitterschokolade
50g Erdnussbutter (cremig)
einige gehackte Erdnüsse zur Dekoration
etwas flockiges Meersalz
2. Add the Oreos to a freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin until you get very fine crumbs. Add the sugar and melted butter and mix until well combined. Transfer the crumbs to the prepared tart tin and press to the bottom and sides to create a nice crust – it does not have to go all the way up the sides normally. Around 0.8 inches (2cm) should be fine. Bake the crust in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes. If the sides slide down press them back in place with a spoon – this should be easy to fix. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely.
3. For the filling chop the soft caramels coarsely, then add them together with 2 tbsp. of the heavy cream to a microwave-safe bowl and melt in the microwave. You want a thick caramel sauce – if it seems too thick, add some more heavy cream and mix in. Add the salted peanuts and fold them in. Pour this mixture on top of the baked (and cooled) crust and gently spread it all over the bottom. Be very gentle and work slowly here or the crust can break on the bottom. You want one even layer. Let cool down completely.
4. Chop the chocolate coarsely. Add together with the peanut butter to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up until the chocolate has melted – mix to get a smooth peanut-chocolate sauce. Pour over the caramel nut filling and spread evenly. Let cool down for some time, then decorate with some chopped peanuts and flaky sea salt to your liking. Place in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours so the caramel and chocolate can set. Let come to room temperature again before slicing. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 3 days.
2. Die Oreos in einen Gefrierbeutel geben und mit einem Nudelholz o.ä. zu feinen Bröseln verarbeiten. Zucker und geschmolzene Butter in den Beutel dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Die feuchten Brösel in die vorbereitete Form schütten und dann am Boden und den Seiten festdrücken – geht mit einem Löffel oder Glas (mit glattem Boden) ganz prima. Der Rand sollte etwa 2cm (0.8 inches) hoch sein und muss nicht bis ganz zum Rand der Form reichen. Im vorgeheizten Ofen dann etwa 8-10 Minuten backen. Sollten die Seiten etwas runterrutschen, kann man die ohne Probleme wieder mit einem Löffel in Form bringen. Den gebackenen Boden aus dem Ofen holen und komplett abkühlen lassen.
3. Für die Füllung die weichen Karamellbonbons grob hacken, zusammen mit 2 EL Sahne in eine mikrowellengeeignete Schüssel geben und in der Mikrowelle vorsichtig (und langsam) schmelzen – es soll eine dickflüssige Karamellsauce entstehen. Sollte die Masse zu dickflüssig sein, noch etwas Sahne dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Erdnüsse dazugeben und unterheben. Die Mischung dann auf dem Boden der Tarte vorsichtig verteilen. Hier sollte man wirklich vorsichtig und langsam arbeiten, damit der Boden nicht bricht. Das Karamell und die Erdnüsse sollten eine durchgängige Schicht ergeben. Vollständig abkühlen lassen.
4. Die Schokolade grob hacken und dann zusammen mit der Erdnussbutter in der Mikrowelle schmelzen. Die geschmolzene Schokolade dann auf die Karamell-Erdnuss-Schicht gießen und glatt streichen. Für einige Minuten abkühlen lassen, dann nach Belieben mit gehackten Erdnüssen und Meersalzflocken dekorieren. Mindestens 2-3 Stunden in den Kühlschrank stellen, damit Karamell und Schokolade fest werden können. Vor dem Anschneiden wieder auf Raumtemperatur kommen lassen. Reste sollten im Kühlschrank bis zu 3 Tage im Kühlschrank durchhalten. Theoretisch. Praktisch unmöglich ;)
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintSnickers Tart (without Snickers)
- Prep Time: 00:25
- Cook Time: 00:10
- Total Time: 04:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Tarts
- Cuisine: America
- Diet: Vegetarian
This is one of the best tarts I know. Packed with caramel, peanuts, and chocolate: Snickers Tart (without actual Snickers) ;)
For the crust:
9 oz. (260g) Oreos
1 tbsp. sugar
1.8 oz. (50g) butter, melted
For the filling:
10.6 oz. (300g) soft caramels (toffees)*
2–3 tbsp. heavy cream
5.3 oz. (150g) salted peanuts
7 oz. (200g) semi-sweet chocolate
1.8 oz. (50g) peanut butter (creamy)
some chopped peanuts for decorations
some flaky sea salt
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Grease a 10 inches (25cm) tart tin lightly and set aside. Melt the butter for the crust and let cool down a bit.
2. Add the Oreos to a freezer bag and crush with a rolling pin until you get very fine crumbs. Add the sugar and melted butter and mix until well combined. Transfer the crumbs to the prepared tart tin and press to the bottom and sides to create a nice crust – it does not have to go all the way up the sides normally. Around 0.8 inches (2cm) should be fine. Bake the crust in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes. If the sides slide down press them back in place with a spoon – this should be easy to fix. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely.
3. For the filling chop the soft caramels coarsely, then add them together with 2 tbsp. of the heavy cream to a microwave-safe bowl and melt in the microwave. You want a thick caramel sauce – if it seems too thick, add some more heavy cream and mix in. Add the salted peanuts and fold them in. Pour this mixture on top of the baked (and cooled) crust and gently spread it all over the bottom. Be very gentle and work slowly here or the crust can break on the bottom. You want one even layer. Let cool down completely.
4. Chop the chocolate coarsely. Add together with the peanut butter to a microwave-safe bowl and heat up until the chocolate has melted – mix to get a smooth peanut-chocolate sauce. Pour over the caramel nut filling and spread evenly. Let cool down for some time, then decorate with some chopped peanuts and flaky sea salt to your liking. Place in the fridge for at least 2-3 hours so the caramel and chocolate can set. Let come to room temperature again before slicing. Store leftovers in the fridge for up to 3 days.
Enjoy baking!
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