I have to be honest and admit that I was not a big fan of quinces until now. That’s why you will not find any recipe with this fruit here on the blog… apart from Domino Squares (Dominosteine) – a classic Christmas treat where the quince is used in a jelly layer ;) This year I got several fruits through friends and had to use them, of course. So I made quick and easy Quince & Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake. Well… it turned out really delicious I have to admit!

I am not really sure why quinces and I don’t get along so well. They taste actually quite good. Love quince jam. They smell awful though before being processed. They have some kind of fluff all over and that is very bitter and smells… well disgusting to me. I probably react as desired by the fruit – scare off all vermin and animals ;P
Anyway. Once you get rid of the fluff it’s ok. Then you just have to make sure you don’t cut yourself when cutting the fruit – it is very hard. Probably another way to appear unattractive to anyone that wants to eat it ;P Well… besides that – you can basically use them like apples in your bakes. Depending on your recipe you might want to cook them first in some water or juice so they get softer and then use them (like apples). The saying “Tough on the outside, soft on the inside” unfortunately does not apply here. Quinces are hardcore ;P

Well. Once you get to the point where the fruits are softer you can do many delicious things with them. I combined them here with blueberries, because… well, why not? I did not have a specific reason. I had some blueberries stored in the fridge and thought they could pair well with the quince. And they did. The combination is really delicious. The cake would also work without the addition of blueberries though ;)
If you want to make this cake you better hurry up – the season is over soon (it’s beginning of November now) ;)

21 oz. (600g) quinces
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. raw cane sugar
7 oz. (200g) blueberries
For the streusel:
5.3 oz. (150g) spelt flour
2.7 oz. (75g) raw cane sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
3.5 oz. (100g) butter
4 tbsp. rolled oats
For the batter:
1/3 cup (80g) butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup (100g) raw cane sugar
1 medium egg
3.5 oz. (100g) sour cream
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup (130g) wholemeal spelt flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/2 tsp. salt
600g Quitten
2 EL Zitronensaft
1 EL Wasser
2 EL brauner Zucker
200g Blaubeeren
Für die Streusel:
150g Dinkelmehl (Type 630)
75g Vollrohrzucker
1 TL Zimt
100g Butter
4 EL Haferflocken (Großblatt)
Für den Teig:
80g sehr weiche Butter
100g Vollrohrzucker
1 Ei (M)
100g Schmand
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
130g Dinkelvollkornmehl
1 1/2 TL Backpulver
1/ TL Kardamom
1/2 TL Salz

2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a 9.5 inches (24cm) springform tin* with baking parchment and grease lightly. Set aside.
3. For the streusels, combine the flour, sugar, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Add the butter in small pieces and then rub everything between your fingers until you have different-sized streusel. Add the rolled oats and mix to combine. Place in the fridge until needed.
4. For the batter add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the egg and mix until well combined. Add sour cream and vanilla extract and mix in. Mix the wholemeal flour with baking powder, cardamom, and salt. Add to the bowl with the wet ingredients and fold in with a rubber spatula until just combined. Transfer the batter to the prepared springform tin and smooth out the top. Distribute the quince pieces and blueberries evenly on top of the batter and sprinkle the streusel all over. Bake the cake for about 55-60 minutes – the streusels should have gotten some color by then. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Serve with some whipped cream. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
2. Den Ofen auf 180°C (350°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. Eine 24cm (9.5 inches) Springform* mit Backpapier auslegen und leicht einfetten. Zur Seite stellen.
3. Für die Streusel das Dinkelmehl, braunen Zucker und Zimt in eine große Schüssel geben und vermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und dann alles zwischen den Fingern verreiben, bis unterschiedlich große Streusel entstehen. Die Haferflocken dazugeben und untermischen. Bis zur weiteren Verwendung in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Butter und Zucker für den Teig in eine große Schüssel geben. Hell und luftig aufschlagen. Das Ei dazugeben und gut unterrühren. Schmand und Vanille Extrakt dazugeben und unterrühren. Vollkornmehl, Backpulver, Kardamom und Salz vermischen, dann zur Schüssel dazugeben und mit einem Teigmischer unterheben. Den Teig in die vorbereitete Backform umfüllen und glatt streichen. Die Quitten und Blaubeeren darauf verteilen und die Streusel gleichmäßig darüber streuen. Den Kuchen für etwa 55-60 Minuten backen, bis die Streusel eine schöne Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und komplett abkühlen lassen. Mit etwas Schlagsahne servieren. In einem luftdichten Behälter bei Zimmertemperatur aufbewahren.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Quince & Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake
- Prep Time: 00:35
- Cook Time: 01:00
- Total Time: 01:35
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Cakes
- Cuisine: Germany
- Diet: Vegetarian
Quince meets blueberry and the result is just delicious: Quince & Blueberry Streusel Coffee Cake. So easy and so good! Get your plates ready ;)
For the quince & blueberry topping:
21 oz. (600g) quinces
2 tbsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. water
2 tbsp. raw cane sugar
7 oz. (200g) blueberries
For the streusel:
5.3 oz. (150g) spelt flour
2.7 oz. (75g) raw cane sugar
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
3.5 oz. (100g) butter
4 tbsp. rolled oats
For the batter:
1/3 cup (80g) butter, at room temperature
1/2 cup (100g) raw cane sugar
1 medium egg
3.5 oz. (100g) sour cream
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup (130g) wholemeal spelt flour
1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/2 tsp. salt
1. Start with the quinces for the filling. Remove the fluffy stuff from the quinces and clean them with a kitchen towel. Quarter, peel, core, and cut them into small pieces. Add them to a frying pan along with the lemon juice, water, and sugar, and heat up. Let the quince simmer for about 10 minutes – the quince should have softened slightly and the liquid in the pan should have evaporated almost completely. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a 9.5 inches (24cm) springform tin* with baking parchment and grease lightly. Set aside.
3. For the streusels, combine the flour, sugar, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Add the butter in small pieces and then rub everything between your fingers until you have different-sized streusel. Add the rolled oats and mix to combine. Place in the fridge until needed.
4. For the batter add the butter and sugar to a large bowl and mix until light and fluffy. Add the egg and mix until well combined. Add sour cream and vanilla extract and mix in. Mix the wholemeal flour with baking powder, cardamom, and salt. Add to the bowl with the wet ingredients and fold in with a rubber spatula until just combined. Transfer the batter to the prepared springform tin and smooth out the top. Distribute the quince pieces and blueberries evenly on top of the batter and sprinkle the streusel all over. Bake the cake for about 55-60 minutes – the streusels should have gotten some color by then. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Serve with some whipped cream. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
Enjoy baking!
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