What do you need for your Easter Egg Hunt? Easter Eggs! Why not trying these here instead of hard boiled eggs or chocolate eggs? I bet your your kids will like them (almost) as much as chocolate eggs ;)) I would have liked them as a kid (but we did not know lemon curd back then…).

These eggs are easy and quick to make – the lemon curd I used is homemade – you can find the recipe here. But don’t worry – if you don’t have the time to make it yourself, I will not be mad. Or almost not because the curd is easy to make and can be done in advance :P
Note: Make sure the curd cheese is drained well before you use it – the more liquid the curd cheese has, the softer the dough – which leads to cookies that blow up in the oven.
7 oz. (200g) curd cheese (Magerquark)
2 3/4 cups (350g) all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/3 cup (70g) sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 egg
zest of 1 organic lemon
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1/3 cup (75ml) vegetable oil
1/4 cup (60ml) milk
1 tsp. vanilla sugar
confectioner’s sugar
lemon curd*
200g Magerquark
350g Mehl (Type 405)
1 TL Backpulver
70g Zucker
1 TL Vanille Extrakt
1 Ei
1 Bio-Zitrone, Abrieb
1 EL Zitronensaft
75ml Pflanzenöl
60ml Milch
1 TL Vanillezucker
Lemon Curd*

2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add sugar, vanilla extract, egg, lemon zest, lemon juice, oil, milk, curd cheese and poppy seed. Mix and knead until you get a nice smooth dough.
3. Roll out the dough thinly on a floured surface and cut out egg shapes – half of the eggs should have an additional hole in the middle. Transfer to a baking sheet prepared with baking parchment and bake for 12-15 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
4. Mix confectioner’s sugar with vanilla sugar. Dust the eggs with a hole in the middle. Place a small amount of lemon curd on all other eggs and match them with the sugar dusted tops.
2. Mehl und Backpulver in eine Schüssel sieben. Zucker, Vanille Extrakt, Ei, Zitronenschale, Zitronensaft, Öl, Milch, Magerquark und Mohn zugeben und alles zu einem glatten Teig verarbeiten.
3. Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche dünn ausrollen und Eier ausstechen – bei der Hälfte der Eier noch ein kleines Loch austechen. Auf ein Backblech mit Backpapier legen und im Ofen für 12-15 Minuten backen. Herausnehmen und auf einem Kuchengitter komplett abkühlen lassen.
4. Puderzucker mit Vanillezucker in einer kleinen Schüssel vermischen. Kekse mit Loch damit bestäuben. Auf die Kekse ohne Loch etwas Lemon Curd auftragen und dann mit einem passenden Gegenstück mit Loch zusammenfügen.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Poppy Seed Easter Egg Cookies
- Prep Time: 15
- Cook Time: 15
- Total Time: 30
- 2 tbsp. poppy seeds
- 7 oz. (200g) curd cheese (Magerquark)
- 2 3/4 cups (350g) all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp. baking powder
- 1/3 cup (70g) sugar
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 egg
- zest of 1 organic lemon
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1/3 cup (75ml) vegetable oil
- 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
- 1 tsp. vanilla sugar
- confectioner’s sugar
- lemon curd
- Preheat the oven to 350˚F (175°C). Drain the curd cheese with a fine sieve (or towel). Pour boiling water over the poppy seed and let them soak for 10-15 minutes.
- Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add sugar, vanilla extract, egg, lemon zest, lemon juice, oil, milk, curd cheese and poppy seed. Mix and knead until you get a nice smooth dough.
- Roll out the dough thinly on a floured surface and cut out egg shapes – half of the eggs should have an additional hole in the middle. Transfer to a baking sheet prepared with baking parchment and bake for 12-15 minutes. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely on a wire rack.
- Mix confectioner’s sugar with vanilla sugar. Dust the eggs with a hole in the middle. Place a small amount of lemon curd on all other eggs and match them with the sugar dusted tops.
- Happy Easter!
Dein Blog ist ja der absolute Knaller und dann noch ein Berliner Junge ;) Ich fand die Ganze Oster-Strecke super!
Grüße aus Wilmersdorf!
Moin und Danke Rebecca :) Freut mich, dass dir der Blog gefällt – hab deinen ja auch abonniert und freu mich jedes mal, wenn ein neuer Beitrag reinflattert :)
Gruß ausm Osten in die alte Heimat Wilmersdorf ;)
I live in California. Which of these would make an acceptable substitution for the magerquark you used in your recipe –
cottage cheese blended in a blender, Greek yogurt, mascarpone cheese, sour cream, ricotta cheese, cream cheese ? Or a combination.
Hi Luisa,
I know it can be tricky to get curd cheese (Magerquark) in the US – haven’t replaced it in recipes like this one here yet – only in cheesecakes so far – so I actually don’t know what to recommend. This website here (http://www.gourmetsleuth.com/ingredients/detail/quark) recommends a mix of ricotta cheese and sour cream – ratio 2:1 – or maybe you have fromage frais in California?
Hope that helps…
I forgot about creme fraiche ! Is that what you mean by fromage frais? We can buy that here ( not that easy to find) but I’ve also “made” it from cream and buttermilk. Now I need to find that lemon curd in my deep freezer!
Thanks for your response.
Fromage frais is a soft and creamy cheese – not crème fraîche. I found an article on how to make your own quark – maybe that helps? http://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-weekend-project-homemade-quark-cheese-20150326-story.html ;)
Thanks. I’ve done something similar before but with less buttermilk and holding the temp instead of waiting all day. Then drain in the refrigerator for overnight. So I can do this easily.
Now all I need to do is to Find that lemon curd (or make more – I picked some lemons yesterday. Oh and find that egg shaped cutter!
Dein Blog ist MEGAAAA!!! Und du bist ein Deutscher! Ich kann mein Glück kaum fassen!!!
Danke für’s Kompliment! :) Aber so aussergewöhnlich ist es glaub nicht Deutscher zu sein – gibt über 80 Mio von uns ;P
Hello Marc, Your blog post inspired me to create something similar for my cookie website, The Finer Cookie. Your photography is beautiful. Please come see what I’ve done at https://www.thefinercookie.com/recipe/lemon-easter-cookies/. Many thanks. Your post is beautiful.
The Finer Cookie
Hi Kim,
your Easter eggs look great! Like the changes you made! Really nice!