January is the month (after the holidays) where everybody is running to the gym and starts eating healthy stuff. Who cares?! I got something today that will give you the sugar rush of your lifetime! ;) Homemade Honeycomb aka. Sponge Toffee. One of the weirdest sweets I know…
Even though I like honeycomb – I am not eating that stuff anymore. I am cutting back sugar in my diet for quite a while now and something like honeycomb just does not work for me anymore. Way too much sugar to have it at home as a snack ;) But I still like to make it sometimes to use it to decorate cakes and desserts. I think it looks so cool with those big holes and that golden color. Perfect to give cakes something „sparkly“ ;)) For me it’s now similar to fondant. It can look great but I will always leave it on the plate. Which is ok in this case ;)
Honeycomb aka. Sponge Toffee is pretty easy to make. I hesitated for quite some time trying it because I thought it would be difficult – everybody said you have to work quickly and you can burn yourself – but that’s the same when preparing caramel… and that I have done many times and never had any problems. So don’t worry. You have to be quick and it can get hot but there are more difficult things out there ;P Cooking the sugar, syrup, and honey with some water is really easy. Everybody can do that. The tricky part is adding the baking soda. As soon as you mix it in the caramel will foam up a lot and you cannot stop anymore. You have to pour it immediately into a prepared tin and then leave it alone without touching it anymore. If you try to stir again now everything will be ruined because the air will get knocked out of the caramel and you will not get the bubbly structure. But that’s actually it. I would say even baking beginners can do that. Really ;)
1 cup (200g) sugar
3 tbsp. light corn syrup
2 tbsp. honey
1 tbsp. water
2 tsp. baking soda
For the chocolate glaze (optional):
3.5 oz. (100g) semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
1 tsp. coconut oil
200g Zucker
3 EL heller Rübensirup
2 EL Honig
1 EL Wasser
2 TL Natron
Für die Schokoglasur (optional):
100g Zartbitterschokolade, gehackt
1 TL Kokosöl
2. Add the sugar, syrup, honey, and water to a large pot and stir until well combined. Heat up until the sugar has melted. Turn the heat up a bit more and let the sugar mixture bubble until it turns into caramel with an amber color (be careful not to burn it). Remove from the heat and sprinkle the baking soda on top, mix with a wooden spoon until the baking soda is well distributed – the mixture will foam up a lot. As soon as it is foamy stop stirring or you will knock out the air. Pour immediately into the prepared baking tin (or casserole) – be careful as the mixture is very hot! Set aside and let cool down for about 2 hours until hard and cooled completely.
3. The honeycomb can be eaten or used in other recipes as it is now but if you like you can also add some chocolate to the mix… Chop the chocolate and place it together with the coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl. Gently heat up and melt in the microwave – stir until smooth. Break the honeycomb into bitesize pieces and dunk one side of each piece into the chocolate or brush them with the chocolate. Place on a piece of baking parchment and let dry completely. Store in an airtight container.
2. Den Zucker mit dem Rübensirup, Honig und Wasser in einen großen Topf geben und verrühren. Langsam erhitzen, bis sich der Zucker komplett gelöst hat, dann die Temperatur etwas erhöhen, bis der Zucker karamellisiert und dunkler zu werden. Sobald das Karamell eine Bernsteinfarbe hat vom Herd ziehen, das Natron darauf verteilen und mit einem Holzlöffel schnell unterrühren, bis man nichts mehr davon sieht. Die Masse wird anfangen stark aufzuschäumen. Dann nicht mehr rühren, sonst fällt alles in sich zusammen und sofort in die vorbereitete Form umfüllen. Vorsicht – die Masse ist sehr heiß! Für etwa 2 Stunden abkühlen und hart werden lassen.
3. Das Honeycomb könnte man jetzt schon essen oder in anderen Rezepten verwenden – wer mag, kann aber noch etwas Schokolade ins Spiel bringen. Dazu die Schokolade grob hacken und zusammen mit dem Kokosöl in der Mikrowelle schmelzen und glattrühren. Das Honeycomb in mundgerechte Stücke zerbrechen und dann entweder in die Schokolade tauchen oder damit bestreichen. Auf einem Stück Backpapier trocknen lassen und dann in einer luftdichten Dose aufbewahren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
- Prep Time: 10m
- Total Time: 2h 30m
- Yield: 1
- Category: Snack
- Cuisine: England
Delicious sweet treat. Very sweet though ;) Perfect to decorate cakes.
Enjoy cookin’!