The German version of this post has many names for this quiche, but it would have been too complicated to explain them all, so I make it easy for you here – this is a delicious Quiche with Herbs & Onions! Something to serve when friends or family is coming over for a glass of wine… ;)
Onion quiches have a long tradition where I come from. In the beginning of autumn, when the season for certain types of onions starts, we celebrate that with a big street fair in the area where I am coming from and have loads of onion quiche and new wine (that is also a nice part of the celebrations) ;)
So there are many traditional recipes out there for those kinds of quiches. We call them »Bülle Dünne« or more commonly known as »Zwiebelkuchen«. This version here is slightly different. It combines the typical southern bake with the herbs that are used for a dish coming from Frankfurt called »Frankfurter Grüne Soße« – that’s a sauce with parsley, chives, sorrel, borage, cress, chervil, and salad burnet which is normally served with potatoes and meat. The sauce is the star in that dish, not the meat – something that does not happen that often ;)
Well… normally you would not really combine these two things, but there is a monthly blogger event called #ichbacksmir on the site of a blogger colleague. Well, and this month the topic is »herbs«… what a coincidence, I had this tart already in mind :P So I tried something new, and it turned out pretty damn good! :)
If you don’t get all the herbs listed (I know it’s probably not that easy to get them all) – use only some of them or replace them with ones you have – if the mixture has a good smell, it should work fine ;)
Note: If you never heard of Federweißer, you probably won’t get it in the area you are living ;) That is fine. It is new wine and the first batch of wine they sell in stores, which is actually not really wine – it is more like grape juice that is starting to turn into wine. The longer you keep it in your fridge, the more alcohol it will have. So if you can’t get hold of that, use regular white wine for the recipe – should work perfectly.
If you like savoury tarts like this one here, you’ll find a lot more from this category here on the blog. My delicious Veggie Spiral Tart has been a blog favourite for many years and has even made it onto YouTube (link to video). No less delicious, but perhaps not quite as elaborate, is my Simple & Easy Ratatouille Tart. It’s a French classic turned into a baked tart. If you like this combination of veggies, you should definitely give it a try!
For the crust:
7 oz. (200g) all-purpose flour
3.5 oz. (100g) cold butter
1 tsp. salt
1 medium egg
4-5 tbsp. ice water
For the filling:
1 bunch spring onions
2 red onions
1 white onion
2 shallots
olive oil for frying
1/2 cup (120ml) Federweißer (or white wine)
3 medium eggs
3/4 cup (200ml) heavy cream
1/2 cup (100ml) milk
4 tbsp. herbs for “Frankfurter Grüne Soße”*
salt, pepper
1 pinch of turmeric
1 pinch of pimentón
*typically parsley, chives, sorrel, borage, cress, chervil, and salad burnet
Für den Teig:
200g Mehl (Type 550)
100g kalte Butter
1 TL Salz
1 Ei (M)
4-5 EL Eiswasser
Für den Belag:
1 Bund Lauchzwiebeln
2 rote Zwiebeln
1 weiße Zwiebel
2 Schalotten
Olivenöl zum Anbraten
120ml Federweißer (oder Weißwein)
3 Eier (M)
200ml Sahne
100ml Milch
4 EL Kräuter für Frankfurter Grüne Soße*
Salz, Pfeffer
1 Prise Kurkuma
1 Prise Pimentón
*typischerweise sind das Petersilie, Schnittlauch, Sauerampfer, Borretsch, Kresse, Kerbel und Pimpinelle
1. Add the flour, salt, and cold butter in small pieces to a bowl. Use a pastry cutter to bring the flour and butter together until they form small crumbs. Add the egg and 4 tablespoons of the water and mix with a rubber spatula – you should get a soft dough (but not too soft). If it is not coming together, add another tablespoon of the water and more if needed. Form a flat disc and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for about 1 hour.
2. Grease a 26cm tart tin with loose bottom. Roll out the dough and place in the tin – press to the bottom and sides to form a nice crust. Place in the fridge until the rest is done.
3. Wash the spring onions. Peel the onions and cut all into rings. Heat up a pan and add some olive oil. Sauté the onions for several minutes – they should get soft and look glossy but should not get dark or burnt. Season with salt and pepper. Add the Federweißer (or white wine), reduce the heat a bit and let cook for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool down.
4. Preheat the oven to 200°C (390˚F). In a small bowl, mix the eggs with heavy cream, milk, and the herbs. Season with salt and pepper (a good amount), a pinch of turmeric, and pimentón. Take the tart tin out of the fridge and place the onions on the crust. Pour the egg mixture on top and bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve warm with some Federweißer or white wine.
1. Mehl, Salz und die kalte Butter in kleinen Stücken in eine Schüssel geben. Mit einem Teigmischer so lange bearbeiten, bis alles zu kleinen Krümeln geworden ist. Das Ei und 4 EL Eiswasser zugeben und mit einem Gummispatel verrühren. Es sollte ein weicher, aber nicht zu weiter Teig entstehen. Falls die Krümel nicht zusammenhalten wollen, noch etwas Wasser zugeben. Alles zu einer flachen Scheibe formen und in Klarsichtfolie hüllen. Für etwa 1 Stunde in den Kühlschrank legen.
2. Eine 26cm Tarteform mit losem Boden einfetten. Den Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche ausrollen und in die Form legen. Den Teig an den Boden und die Seiten pressen, damit ein schöner Rand entsteht. Zurück in den Kühlschrank stellen, bis der Rest fertig ist.
3. Die Frühlingszwiebeln waschen. Die restlichen Zwiebeln schälen und alles in Ringe schneiden. In einer Pfanne das Olivenöl erhitzen und die Zwiebeln darin einige Minuten glasig andünsten – sie sollten weich werden, aber keine Farbe bekommen oder gar anbrennen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Den Federweißen (oder Weißwein) zugeben und alles bei etwas reduzierter Hitzezufuhr weitere 2-3 Minuten andünsten. Vom Herd nehmen und abkühlen lassen.
4. Den Ofen auf 200°C (390°F) Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen. In einer kleinen Schüssel die Eier mit der Sahne, Milch und Kräutern verrühren. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen (sollte eine ordentliche Menge sein), Kurkuma und Pimentón zugeben und verrühren. Die Tarteform aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und die Zwiebeln auf dem Boden verteilen. Die Ei-Mixtur darübergießen und im Ofen für 40-45 Minuten backen. Warm mit Federweißem oder Weißwein servieren.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintGerman Herb & Onion Quiche
- Prep Time: 00:40
- Cook Time: 00:45
- Total Time: 02:00
- Yield: 1 1x
- Category: Tarts
- Cuisine: Germany
Classic quiche from Southern Germany in combination with some fresh herbs that are usually used for a green sauce.
For the crust:
7 oz. (200g) all-purpose flour
3.5 oz. (100g) cold butter
1 tsp. salt
1 medium egg
4–5 tbsp. ice water
For the filling:
1 bunch spring onions
2 red onions
1 white onion
2 shallots
olive oil for frying
1/2 cup (120ml) Federweißer (or white wine)
3 medium eggs
3/4 cup (200ml) heavy cream
1/2 cup (100ml) milk
4 tbsp. herbs for “Frankfurter Grüne Soße”*
salt, pepper
1 pinch of turmeric
1 pinch of pimentón
*typically parsley, chives, sorrel, borage, cress, chervil, and salad burnet
1. Add the flour, salt and cold butter in small pieces to a bowl. Use a pastry cutter to bring the flour and butter together until they form small crumbs. Add the egg and 4 tablespoons of the water and mix with a rummer spatula – you should get a soft dough (but not too soft). If it is not coming together, add another tablespoon of the water and more if needed. Form a flat disc and wrap in plastic wrap. Place in the fridge for about 1 hour.
2. Grease a 26cm tart tin with loose bottom. Roll out the dough and place in the tin – press to the bottom and sides to form a nice crust. Place in the fridge until the rest is done.
3. Wash the spring onions. Peel the onions and cut all into rings. Heat up a pan and add some olive oil. Sauté the onions for several minutes – they should get soft and look glossy but should not get dark or burnt. Season with salt and pepper. Add the Federweißer (or white wine), reduce the heat a bit and let cook for about 2-3 minutes. Remove from the heat and let cool down.
4. Preheat the oven to 200°C (390˚F). In a small bowl, mix the eggs with heavy cream, milk, and the herbs. Season with salt and pepper (a good amount), a pinch of turmeric, and pimentón. Take the tart tin out of the fridge and place the onions on the crust. Pour the egg mixture on top and bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve warm with some Federweißer or white wine.
Enjoy baking!
Links marked with an asterisk (*) are affiliate links (advertising/Werbung) to Amazon Germany. If you click on one of those links and buy something via this link, I will get a commission for that sale. The price of whatever you buy is not affected in any way by this.
I made this quiche today for my mom for Mother’s Day brunch and it was such a hit! The only change I made was to use potatoes as a crust rather than making a crust from scratch. I thinly sliced potatoes with the skin on (thin like you would to make a Spanish omelette) and cooked them in olive oil until they were just translucent and then lined the entire pie dish with the potatoes. I then just poured the filling on top and put it in the oven. The potatoes crisped up nicely and added a nice touch! Thanks for the recipe! Super delicious with a side of sangria.
I love the idea with the potatoes as a crust! I will definitely try! Thxs for sharing!