I love pasta – so a big bowl of noodles is something I absolutely gravitate to… even though I should avoid carbs. But what can you do when something is so delicious? It’s no different with these Fettuccine al Limone with Green Asparagus. So good! This dish is particular popular here in spring and beginning of summer when asparagus is available from local farms. Local and seasonal is always the best, right?! ;)
We do pasta al limone quite often here at home – be it with spaghetti, fettuccine or orecchiette, for example. The lemony sauce works with any type of pasta. Purists serve the pasta as it is with the lemon sauce, while other people (those who a bit more experimental) throw some veggies or other ingredients into the pot as well… guilty as charged ;P
Today some green asparagus found its way into the pot here, but you could also add other ingredients, in case you are in the mood. Pasta al limone is great with some sautéed prawns, for example, but also with salmon or chicken. If you are not into meat or fish I can also recommend some sugar snap peas or zucchini. The result will be equally delicious (at least in my opinion).
Preparing this pasta here is very simple. You need some good olive oil (or good butter, if you prefer that), a bit of garlic, organic lemons (the juice AND the zest), Parmesan cheese, as well as some salt and pepper. That’s all you require for this basic sauce. Added veggies or a protein are a delicious bonus but not needed if you want to keep it simple ;)
Simple and easy. I think there is not much that could go wrong when preparing the pasta… it’s really that easy. Well, you should not let the garlic burn or sauté the asparagus too long so it stays nice and crunchy – but that’s pretty much all you have to keep in mind. Easy-peasy, right?
Anyway. If you love pasta as much as we do, you might want to try other pasta recipes from the blog as well. These two are particularly good: my simple & easy Gnocchi with Mushrooms, Spinach & Chorizo and my Pasta with Meatballs & Spinach. So good! Both delicious and easy to prepare.
(4 servings)
17.6 oz. (500g) fettuccine (or similar pasta)
some olive oil for frying
1 large bunch of green asparagus, diagonally sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
2 organic lemons, zest & juice
about 1.8 oz. (50g) Parmesan, grated (plus more for serving)
some chili flakes (optional)
salt, pepper
(4 Portionen)
500g Fettuccine (oder ähnliche Pasta)
etwas Olivenöl zum Anbraten
1 großer Bund grüner Spargel, diagonal in Scheiben
2 Knoblauchzehen, in feinen Scheiben
2 Bio-Zitronen, Schale & Saft
etwa 50g Parmesan, fein gerieben (plus mehr zum Servieren)
einige Chiliflocken (optional)
Salz, Pfeffer
1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the fettuccine and cook according to the package instructions until »al dente«. Mine needed about 9 minutes. Drain when done but keep 1 cup of the pasta water for the sauce.
2. While the pasta is cooking clean the asparagus and cut it into thin slices diagonally. Peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Wash the organic lemons with hot water and dry them. Use a potato peeler, cut off long strips of lemon zest (about 5 or 6), and juice the lemons. Grate the Parmesan and keep everything ready for cooking.
3. A few minutes before the pasta is done, add a good amount of olive oil to a Dutch oven (or large frying pan) and heat up. Add the sliced asparagus and sauté for some time while stirring often until the asparagus is slightly colored in a few spots. Add the sliced garlic and lemon zest strips and continue sautéing for another minute or so. If the pasta is not ready yet, remove from the heat.
4. If the pasta is ready, keep the Dutch oven/frying pan on the stove (medium-high heat). Add the drained pasta, lemon juice, and grated Parmesan and stir to combine. Gradually add some pasta water and stir in – the oil and water will emulsify and create a sauce. Don’t be shy stirring vigorously ;) When the pasta is nicely coated with the sauce, you’re done. Season with some chili flakes (optional), as well as salt and pepper to your liking. Serve immediately with some more grated Parmesan on top.
1. Einen großen Topf mit Salzwasser zum Kochen bringen und die Fettuccine nach Packungsanleitung »al dente« kochen – bei mir hat das etwa 9 Minuten gedauert. Die fertigen Nudeln abgießen und dabei 1 Tasse vom Nudelwasser für die Soße auffangen.
2. Während die Nudeln kochen, den Spargel säubern und diagonal in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Den Knoblauch schälen und ebenfalls in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Die Bio-Zitronen heiß abwaschen, trocknen und dann mit einem Sparschäler lange Streifen der Zitronenschale abschneiden (etwa 5-6 Streifen). Die Zitronen dann auspressen und den Saft auffangen. Den Parmesan fein reiben und alles zum Kochen bereithalten.
3. Einige Minuten, bevor die Nudeln gar sind, eine gute Portion Olivenöl in einem großen (gusseisernen) Topf oder einer großen Pfanne erhitzen. Den dünn geschnittenen Spargel dazugeben und einige Minuten unter häufigem Umrühren anbraten, bis der Spargel hier und da etwas Farbe bekommen hat. Den Knoblauch und die Streifen der Zitronenschale dazugeben und etwa eine Minute mit dem Spargel zusammen andünsten. Sollten die Nudeln noch nicht fertig sein, den Topf mit dem Spargel vom Herd ziehen.
4. Sollten die Nudeln gar sein, den Topf/die Pfanne bei mittlerer Hitzezufuhr auf dem Herd lassen bzw. wieder darauf stellen. Die abgetropften Nudeln zusammen mit dem Zitronensaft und Parmesan dazugeben und alles gut vermengen. Nach und nach etwas vom aufgefangenen Nudelwasser dazugeben und unterrühren – Olivenöl und Nudelwasser sollten sich durch das ständige Rühren zu einer cremigen Soße verbinden (emulgieren). Nicht schüchtern sein beim Rühren ;) Die Nudeln sind fertig, sobald sie rundum mit Soße bedeckt sind. Mit einigen Chiliflocken (optional), sowie Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Die Nudeln sofort servieren und nach Belieben noch mit etwas geriebenem Parmesan bestreuen.
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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
PrintFettuccine al Limone with Green Asparagus
- Prep Time: 00:10
- Cook Time: 00:15
- Total Time: 00:20
- Yield: 4 1x
- Category: Pasta
- Cuisine: Italy
- Diet: Vegetarian
A simple and easy-to-prepare pasta dish everybody loves here: Fettuccine al Limone with Green Asparagus. So good you want to make it every day!
17.6 oz. (500g) fettuccine (or similar pasta)
some olive oil for frying
1 large bunch of green asparagus, diagonally sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
2 organic lemons, zest & juice
about 1.8 oz. (50g) Parmesan, grated (plus more for serving)
some chili flakes (optional)
salt, pepper
1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the fettuccine and cook according to the package instructions until »al dente«. Mine needed about 9 minutes. Drain when done but keep 1 cup of the pasta water for the sauce.
2. While the pasta is cooking clean the asparagus and cut it into thin slices diagonally. Peel the garlic and cut it into thin slices. Wash the organic lemons with hot water and dry them. Use a potato peeler, cut off long strips of lemon zest (about 5 or 6), and juice the lemons. Grate the Parmesan and keep everything ready for cooking.
3. A few minutes before the pasta is done, add a good amount of olive oil to a Dutch oven (or large frying pan) and heat up. Add the sliced asparagus and sauté for some time while stirring often until the asparagus is slightly colored in a few spots. Add the sliced garlic and lemon zest strips and continue sautéing for another minute or so. If the pasta is not ready yet, remove from the heat.
4. If the pasta is ready, keep the Dutch oven/frying pan on the stove (medium-high heat). Add the drained pasta, lemon juice, and grated Parmesan and stir to combine. Gradually add some pasta water and stir in – the oil and water will emulsify and create a sauce. Don’t be shy stirring vigorously ;) When the pasta is nicely coated with the sauce, you’re done. Season with some chili flakes (optional), as well as salt and pepper to your liking. Serve immediately with some more grated Parmesan on top.
Adapted from bonappetit.com
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