When life gives you lemons… make delicious lemon bars. I don’t drink lemonade anymore, so this is the best option for me :P Well… I guess you know this old saying. If life is treating you badly (or maybe a person) – make the best out of it. No matter if it’s lemonade or lemon bars. A piece of cake definitely makes you feel better and then you can handle everything else much better, right? :P

I don’t want you to start binge eating because you are in a bad mood, but a piece of cake here and there is definitely lifting the mood… at least for me. It does not have to be a three-layer cake with whipped cream – a simple lemon bar or something similar is just enough. Sweet, sour, fresh and delicious. And on top really easy to prepare if you want to make it yourself. A little piece of happiness from your own kitchen. Couldn’t be better ;)
Lemon bars are quite popular in the U.S. I think. At least that’s what I get from all the recipes that are out there. Basically, each food blog has its own version and probably every baking book has a recipe for lemon bars on the list ;) The recipes vary from region to region but almost all have a crunchy base and a creamy lemon custard filling on top. The ingredients and preparation may vary, but that’s it basically – a crunchy base and a lemon custard layer. That easy.

There is not much more to tell to be honest. The recipe is really easy. You have to pre-bake the base to get that nice and crunchy bottom, but that is not complicated at all. The lemon filling has to cook first and then you add it on the pre-baked base and bake it until firm. That’s it. Some cooling and then some dusting with powdered sugar and you can enjoy delicious and refreshing lemon bars. If you don’t like the coconut you can use ground almonds instead – works also fine with the lemon flavor.
2 1/3 cups (300g) all-purpose flour
1 cup (200g) sugar
1/2 cup (50g) shredded coconut
7 oz. (200g) butter
For the filling:
1 1/2 cups (300g) sugar
1.7 oz. (50g) cornstarch
13.5 fl.oz. (400ml) water
4 egg yolks
4 organic lemons, juice and zest
1.7 oz. (50g) butter, cubed
1.7 oz. (50g) all-purpose flour
300g Mehl (Type 550)
200g Zucker
50g Kokosraspel
200g Butter
Für die Füllung:
300g Zucker
50g Speisestärke
400ml Wasser
4 Eigelb
4 Bio-Zitronen, Saft und Abrieb
50g Butter
50g Mehl (Type 550)

2. Add the flour, sugar, and coconut to a large bowl and mix. Add the butter in small pieces and rub everything between your fingers until the mix looks like wet sand. Pour into the prepared baking tin and press to one even layer – works best with an offset spatula or the back of a spoon. Bake for 15-18 minutes until lightly golden in color. Take out of the oven and let cool down while you are preparing the filling. Reduce the temperature of the oven to 325°F (160°C).
3. For the lemon filling add the sugar, cornstarch, and water to a large pot and mix until the cornstarch has dissolved. Add the egg yolks and mix until well combined. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat while stirring constantly. When the mixture starts to thicken and bubble, add the lemon juice and zest and mix in. Add the butter in small pieces. Mix until completely incorporated. Take off the heat and mix in the flour – there should not be any lumps, so mix well. Pour onto the pre-baked base, smooth out the top and bake for 20-22 minutes or until the filling has set. Take out of the oven and let cool down completely. Place in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight. Dust with some confectioners’ sugar, cut into 9-12 squares and serve.
2. Mehl, Zucker und Kokosraspel für den Teig in eine große Schüssel geben und vermischen. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und dann alles zwischen den Fingern verreiben, bis die Mischung aussieht wie nasser Sand. In die vorbereitete Backform füllen und zu einer ebenen Schicht zusammendrücken – funktioniert am Besten mit der Rückseite eins Löffels. Für 15-18 Minuten backen – die Oberfläche sollte eine leicht goldene Farbe bekommen haben. Aus dem Ofen holen und leicht abkühlen lassen, während die Füllung vorbereitet wird. Die Temperatur des Ofens auf 160°C (325°F) reduzieren.
3. Für die Füllung den Zucker zusammen mit der Stärke und dem Wasser in einen großen Topf geben und verrühren, bis sich die Stärke gelöst hat. Eigelb dazugeben und verrühren. Das Ganze jetzt vorsichtig zum Kochen bringen und dabei ständig rühren, damit nichts anbrennt. Sobald die Mischung andickt und blubbert den Zitronensaft und den Zitronenabrieb dazugeben und unterrühren. Die Butter in kleinen Stücken dazugeben und so lange rühren, bis sie komplett eingearbeitet und geschmolzen ist. Den Topf vom Herd ziehen, Das Mehl dazugeben und unterrühren – achtet darauf, dass sich keine Klümpchen bilden. Die Füllung auf den vorgebackenen Boden geben und glatt streichen. Für etwa 20-22 Minuten backen – die Füllung sollte überall fest geworden sein. Aus dem Ofen holen und komplett abkühlen lassen, dann für mindestens 2 Stunden oder über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellen. Vor dem Servieren mit Puderzucker bestäuben und dann in 9 oder 12 Stücke schneiden.

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy Lemon Bars
- Prep Time: 25m
- Cook Time: 22m
- Total Time: 4h
- Yield: 12
- Category: Cake
- Cuisine: American
Easy peasy lemon bars – the perfect mix between sweet and sour. Very refreshing in summer! You should give it a try!
Enjoy baking!