I love raspberries. I could eat them with anything. Anytime. At home, where I grew up, we had some raspberry bushes in the back yard and of course in summer I sometimes came home with red fingers and a red face from eating the berries directly from the bushes – not to mention the spots on my clothes ;)

Unfortunately the season is not very long here in Germany. Of course you can get them throughout the whole year, but only in July and August you get big, juicy ones at the farmers market (for a good price). Well – it’s raspberry time now! Let’s make a cake – or cupcakes – or marmalade – or ice – or a tart…
2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
2/3 cup (150g) cold butter
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. sugar
pinch of salt
1 egg
For the filling:
9 oz. (250g) mascarpone
1 cup (240ml) sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup (100g) sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
2 eggs
For the topping:
18-28 oz. (500-800g) fresh raspberries (depends on the size)
confectioner’s sugar for dusting (optional)
250g Mehl (Type 405)
150g kalte Butter
1/2TL Vanille Extrakt
3 EL Zucker
Prise Salz
1 Ei
Für die Füllung:
250g Mascarpone
240ml Kondensmilch, gesüßt
100g Zucker
1/2 TL Vanille Extrakt
2 Eier
Für das Topping:
500-800g Frische Himbeeren (kommt auf die Größe der Himbeeren an)
Puderzucker zum Bestäuben (optional)

2. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Roll out the dough on a floured surface slightly bigger than the tart tin (I used about 2/3 of the dough to get a thin crust – use all if you want it a bit thicker). Place in the tin and press the dough to the sides. Be careful not to make any holes or the filling will spill out during baking. Cover with baking parchment or aluminum foil and place some dried pies or a smaller baking pan on top and pre-bake for 15 Minutes. Remove parchment/foil and weight and bake for another 10-12 Minutes (the sides should not get too dark). Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit on a cooling rack.
3. Adjust the heat of the oven to 350°F (180°C). In a large bowl mix mascarpone, condensed milk, sugar, vanilla extract and eggs until well combined. Carefully pour the mix on the tart base. Bake for 15 Minutes or until the center of the tart is almost set. Remove from the oven and let cool for about 10 Minutes. Decorate with the raspberries when the tart is still warm and press the raspberries gently into the cream. Let cool down completely. Dust with confectioner’s sugar (optional)
2. Den Ofen auf 190°C (375°F) vorheizen. Den Teig auf einer bemehlten Fläche ausrollen – er sollte ein klein wenig größer sein als die Tarteform (ich habe etwa 2/3 des Teiges verwendet um einen dünnen Boden zu bekommen – benutzen Sie alles, wenn sie es etwas dicker mögen). Teig in die Form legen und an die Ränder drücken – es sollten keine Löcher vorhanden sein, da sonst die Füllung ausläuft beim Backen. Mit Backpapier oder Aluminiumfolie abdecken und mit ein paar getrockneten Erbsen oder Linsen für 15 Minuten blind backen. Bapier/Folie und Blindbackmaterial entfernen und für weitere 10-12 Minuten backen (die Seiten sollten nicht zu dunkel werden). Aus dem Ofen nehmen und auf einem Kuchengitter auskühlen lassen.
3. Temperatur auf 180°C (350°F) senken. In einer großen Schüssel Mascarpone mit Kondensmilch, Zucker, Vanille Extrakt und Eiern glattrühren. Vorsichtig in die Form füllen und für 15 Minuten backen, oder bis die Tarte in der Mitte fast fest ist. Aus dem Ofen nehmen und für 10 Minuten abkühlen lassen. Mit den gewaschenen Himbeeren dekorieren, solange die Tarte noch etwas warm ist und die Himbeeren leicht in die Füllung pressen. Komplett auskühlen lassen und mit Puderzucker bestäuben (optional).

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Here is a version of the recipe you can print easily.
Easy Raspberry Tart
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 40
- Total Time: 130
For the base
- 2 cups (250g) all-purpose flour
- 2/3 cup (150g) cold butter
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 3 tbsp. sugar
- pinch of salt
- 1 egg
For the filling
- 9 oz. (250g) mascarpone
- 1 cup (240ml) sweetened condensed milk
- 1/2 cup (100g) sugar
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 2 eggs
For the topping
- 18–28 oz. (500-800g) fresh raspberries (depends on the size)
- confectioner’s sugar for dusting (optional)
- Grease a 10 inch (26cm) tart tin (preferably with a loose bottom) with butter. Sift the flour into a bowl and add sugar, salt, vanilla extract and the cold butter in small pieces. Rub everyhing with your fingers (or with a food processor) until you get fine crumbs. Add the egg and quickly knead to a smooth dough. Form a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Let cool in the fridge for at least 60 minutes.
- Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C). Roll out the dough on a floured surface slightly bigger than the tart tin (I used about 2/3 of the dough to get a thin crust – use all if you want it a bit thicker). Place in the tin and press the dough to the sides. Be careful not to make any holes or the filling will spill out during baking. Cover with baking parchment or aluminum foil and place some dried pies or a smaller baking pan on top and pre-bake for 15 Minutes. Remove parchment/foil and weight and bake for another 10-12 Minutes (the sides should not get too dark). Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit on a cooling rack.
- Adjust the heat of the oven to 350°F (180°C). In a large bowl mix mascarpone, condensed milk, sugar, vanilla extract and eggs until well combined. Carefully pour the mix on the tart base. Bake for 15 Minutes or until the center of the tart is almost set. Remove from the oven and let cool for about 10 Minutes. Decorate with the raspberries when the tart is still warm and press the raspberries gently into the cream. Let cool down completely. Dust with confectioner’s sugar (optional)
- Enjoy baking!
- Serving Size: 12
Looks great! Gonna try and report :)